

单词 的根源
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔blow〕strike blows at the root cause of poverty 抨击贫穷的根源英汉大词典〔breeder〕social injustice—a breeder of revolutions. 社会不公正──革命的根源美国传统〔cause〕the root cause of war 战争的根源英汉大词典〔daylight〕finally began to see daylight concerning the root of the problem. 终于开始理解关于这个问题的根源美国传统〔destroy〕destroy the root causes of rebellion 消除叛乱的根源英汉大词典〔explore〕explore the root causes of the social upheaval 调查研究社会动乱的根源英汉大词典〔issue〕suspicions that were the issue of a deranged mind. 被扰乱的情绪是疑心的根源美国传统〔misery〕a source of human misery 人类苦难的根源韦氏高阶〔probe〕probe the roots of war 探索战争的根源英汉大词典〔root〕the root of a problem.问题的根源。牛津同义词〔source〕a source of violence 暴力的根源牛津高阶〔whence〕the source whence [from which] evils spring 万恶的根源文馨英汉




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