

单词 的标题
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔arresting〕an arresting headline on the front page 头版上醒目的标题英汉大词典〔bold-faced〕a boldfaced headline 用粗体字印刷的标题韦氏高阶〔caption〕a caption to a picture.一幅画的标题。牛津同义词〔catchy〕a catchy title 引人注目的标题英汉大词典〔encapsulate〕headlines that encapsulate the news. 概述新闻的标题美国传统〔forthcoming〕the title track from their forthcoming album 选自他们即将发行的专辑的标题曲麦克米伦高阶〔heading〕the heading of a leaflet.传单的标题。牛津同义词〔headline〕headline a news story “Man Bites Dog” 给一篇新闻报道加上“人咬狗”的标题英汉大词典〔headline〕lurid headlines about the sex lives of the stars 关于明星性生活的骇人听闻的标题牛津搭配〔luridly〕luridly sensational headlines 过分渲染而耸人听闻的标题韦氏高阶〔lurid〕lurid headlines 骇人的标题牛津高阶〔lurid〕lurid headlines 骇人听闻的标题朗文当代〔melodramatic〕melodramatic headlines耸人听闻的标题外研社新世纪〔naughtiness〕a title that has a frisson of naughtiness about it带有些许淫秽意味的标题外研社新世纪〔on〕the headings she put on the chart她在图表上写的标题外研社新世纪〔ponderously〕the rather ponderously titled 'Recommendation for National Reconciliation and Salvation'. “对民族和解和拯救的建议”这一措词相当严肃呆板的标题柯林斯高阶〔pun〕a punning headline 语带双关的标题韦氏高阶〔sensationalism〕sensationalist headlines 耸人听闻的标题牛津高阶〔sensational〕sensational headlines 耸人听闻的标题朗文当代〔slug〕to slug a report on the state of the domestic front给有关国内情况的报道的标题写上醒目的语句21世纪英汉〔title〕the title of a picture or story.图画的标题或小说的名称。牛津同义词〔titular〕the titular role in a play. 剧中的标题人物美国传统〔uppercase〕an uppercaseA ; uppercase titles. 大写字母A ;大写的标题 美国传统




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