

单词 的教义
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Presbyterian〕a Presbyterian doctrine/church 长老会的教义/教堂韦氏高阶〔Sufi〕the teachings of the Sufi mystics. 苏非派潜修者的教义柯林斯高阶〔Sufi〕the teachings of the Sufi mystics苏非派神秘主义者的教义外研社新世纪〔derivation〕a continued derivation of doctrines from the Apostles 从众使徒处源源不断获得的教义英汉大词典〔dissent〕to dissent from the doctrines of an established church不遵从国教的教义21世纪英汉〔doctrinal〕a doctrinal sermon on death 有关死亡的教义布道英汉大词典〔inerrancy〕the doctrine of the inerrancy of scripture writings 《圣经》著作绝对正确的教义英汉大词典〔infallibility〕the doctrine of papal infallibility教皇永无谬误的教义外研社新世纪〔primacy〕the dogmas of papal primacy and infallibility“教皇至上、绝无谬误”的教义外研社新世纪〔sin〕the Christian doctrine of original sin 基督教有关原罪的教义牛津搭配〔stray〕stray from the teachings of the church 背离教会的教义英汉大词典〔teachings〕the teachings of Jesus耶稣的教义外研社新世纪〔teaching〕the Church's teaching on forgiveness 教会关于宽恕的教义牛津搭配〔teaching〕the teachings of Buddha 佛陀的教义麦克米伦高阶〔teaching〕the teachings of Buddha. 佛的教义美国传统〔teaching〕the teachings of Jesus. 耶稣的教义柯林斯高阶〔teaching〕the teachings of holy scripture.圣经的教义。牛津同义词〔teaching〕the teachings of the Catholic Church 天主教的教义英汉大词典〔teaching〕their teachings on sexuality and marriage. 他们关于性和婚姻的教义柯林斯高阶〔thetic〕a thetic doctrine 武断的教义英汉大词典




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