

单词 的提议
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔PUBLIC〕proposals to ban smoking in public places 在公共场所禁烟的提议朗文写作活用〔STUPID/SILLY〕an absurd suggestion 一个荒唐的提议朗文写作活用〔air〕get all the proposals on the table to air the issues and provoke debate 把所有的提议放到桌面上来以引起公众对各种问题的注意并推动辩论英汉大词典〔attractive〕an attractive offer (= an offer with benefits for me) 令人心动的提议剑桥高阶〔attractive〕an attractive offer/proposition 诱人的提议牛津高阶〔boggle〕to boggle at his proposal对他的提议提出异议21世纪英汉〔brash〕a brash proposal 轻率的提议英汉大词典〔cock-eyed〕a cock-eyed proposal 荒唐的提议麦克米伦高阶〔constitutional〕a proposal for constitutional reform 有关宪法改革的提议朗文当代〔constructive〕a constructive suggestion.有建设性的提议。牛津同义词〔denuclearize〕a proposal to denuclearize Europe. 一个使欧洲非核武器化的提议美国传统〔dissection〕her calm, condescending dissection of my proposals. 她对我的提议居高临下的冷静剖析柯林斯高阶〔dissection〕her calm, condescending dissection of my proposals她对我的提议居高临下的冷静剖析外研社新世纪〔elaborate〕asked me to elaborate on my proposal. 让我详细说明我的提议美国传统〔go forward with〕if they go forward with these radical proposals如果他们决定实施这些激进的提议外研社新世纪〔harmonize〕the proposal to harmonize tax levels throughout the EU 统一欧盟税收水平的提议朗文当代〔highflying〕a highflying proposal 浮夸的提议英汉大词典〔improper〕an indelicate suggestion. 失礼的提议。美国传统〔irresistible〕an irresistible offer 无法拒绝的提议剑桥高阶〔license〕a proposal that would require the state to license guns要求国家颁发枪支许可的提议外研社新世纪〔member〕a proposal to begin admitting women as members一项开始接收女性成员的提议外研社新世纪〔merge〕proposals to merge the three existing health authorities into one 把现有的三个卫生机构合并成一个的提议朗文当代〔mink〕a proposal for a ban on the hunting of foxes, mink, and hares禁止猎捕狐狸、水貂和野兔的提议外研社新世纪〔moronic〕some really moronic suggestions 一些非常愚蠢的提议剑桥高阶〔offer〕the government's offer of financial aid 政府愿提供经济援助的提议麦克米伦高阶〔of〕think highly of her proposals; will speak of it later. 对她的提议评价很高;将在后面讲述它美国传统〔open〕open to interpretation; an issue that is open to question. 对翻译较敏感的;易引起争议的提议美国传统〔privatize〕a proposal to privatize the health-care system 使医疗保健体系私有化的提议韦氏高阶〔public〕proposals to ban smoking in public places 在公共场所禁止抽烟的提议朗文当代〔raft〕a whole raft of new proposals 大量新的提议牛津高阶〔rebut〕to rebut a person's offers拒绝某人的提议21世纪英汉〔regulate〕proposals to regulate and limit animal testing管理和限制动物试验的提议外研社新世纪〔repugnant〕a repugnant proposal 使人反感的提议 英汉大词典〔slap ... down〕to slap down one's proposal断然拒绝某人的提议21世纪英汉〔supervise〕a proposal for an internationally supervised ceasefire 在国际社会监督下停战的提议牛津搭配〔taxation〕the proposal to eliminate the double taxation of dividends 消除对红利进行双重征税的提议牛津搭配〔tempting〕a tempting offer 诱人的提议剑桥高阶〔unbacked〕an unbacked proposal 无人支持的提议英汉大词典〔waste〕waste proposals to end the dumping of industrial waste into rivers and seas 停止向河流和海洋中倾倒工业废料的提议朗文当代an offer to raise salaries 增加工资的提议牛津商务




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