

单词 现实
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔actuality〕the grim actualities of prison life 严酷的监狱生活现实牛津高阶〔adherent〕an adherent of realism 坚持现实主义的人英汉大词典〔alternation〕an alternation from tedious reality to liberating romance单调乏味的现实和自由浪漫的爱情的交替外研社新世纪〔approximate〕some more closely approximate reality一些更接近现实的情况外研社新世纪〔between〕a book that blurs the line/boundary between fact and fiction 模糊了现实与虚构两者界限的书韦氏高阶〔borderline〕the borderline between fact and fiction 现实和虚构之间的界限韦氏高阶〔consideration〕practical/ethical/political considerations 现实的/伦理上的/政治上的考虑麦克米伦高阶〔construct〕a contrast between lived reality and the construct held in the mind 现实生活与头脑所持概念之间的明显差别牛津高阶〔cultural〕the very real historical and cultural differences between our two societies 我们两种社会之间非常现实的历史和文化差异朗文当代〔demythicize〕find the demythicized reality behind the mask 在假面具后面发现被剥去了神话外衣的现实英汉大词典〔economic〕wrote the book primarily for economic reasons. 写这本书主要是为了现实的理由美国传统〔escapism〕an escapist fantasy 逃避现实的幻想麦克米伦高阶〔escapism〕pure escapist entertainment 逃避现实的纯娱乐性活动朗文当代〔evasion〕an evasion from the world of reality 逃避现实世界的手段英汉大词典〔example〕a book filled with real-life examples that anyone can relate to 书里满是与每个人都相关的现实生活中的例子牛津搭配〔fact〕a rather harsh fact of life 相当严酷的生活现实牛津搭配〔harsh〕a young girl suddenly exposed to the harsh realities of life 骤然暴露于残酷生活现实中的女孩朗文当代〔historicization〕to analyse the present matters by historicizing运用历史事实分析现实21世纪英汉〔idealism〕idealism vs realism 理想主义对阵现实主义英汉大词典〔impractical〕an impractical pipe dream 不现实的白日梦英汉大词典〔indisposition〕a certain indisposition to face reality 或多或少不想面对现实的倾向英汉大词典〔jerk〕jerk sb. (oneself) back to reality 把某人(自己)骤然拖回到现实世界英汉大词典〔life〕a real-life drama 取材于现实生活的戏剧牛津搭配〔loosely〕a film loosely based on real-life events一部大致根据现实生活中的事件改编的电影外研社新世纪〔ostrich〕pull a few ostrich heads out of the sand 使一些人面对现实英汉大词典〔phenomenological〕a phenomenological approach to the definition of 'reality'. 现象学对“现实”的定义柯林斯高阶〔realism〕a complex novel of psychological realism 一部复杂的心理现实主义小说牛津搭配〔realism〕the band's realism about their chances of success 乐队对于他们的成功机会的现实态度牛津搭配〔reality〕political realities 政治现实朗文当代〔reality〕the difference between fiction/fantasy and reality 小说/幻想与现实的区别韦氏高阶〔reality〕the harsh reality of top international competition. 高层次的国际竞争的严酷现实柯林斯高阶〔recall〕the realities of operating a traditional canal boat can be readily imagined, even if the life itself is beyond recall. 经营一艘传统的运河船的现实情形很容易想象,尽管那种生活本身已经无法忆起了。柯林斯高阶〔slice-of-life〕a slice-of-life drama 反映现实生活的戏剧韦氏高阶〔subjective〕subjective reality 主观现实韦氏高阶〔surrealism〕a surrealist painting 超现实主义绘画韦氏高阶〔surrealistic〕a surrealistic painting 超现实主义绘画牛津高阶〔touch〕lose touch with reality 脱离现实英汉大词典〔transform〕transform hope into reality 变希望为现实英汉大词典〔unalterable〕an unalterable fact of life. 无法改变的生活现实柯林斯高阶〔wide〕far wide of reality 远远脱离现实的英汉大词典




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