

单词 现在时
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔HURRY〕I don't want to seem rude but I'm very pressed for time. Could I call you back later? 我并不想显得这么无礼,但是现在时间很紧,我过会儿给你回电话好吗?朗文写作活用〔NEWSPAPERS〕We've seen her golden smile and her figure in the glossies again and again. 我们看到她的灿烂笑容和曼妙体态一次又一次地出现在时尚杂志上。朗文写作活用〔TIME〕Time is flying by quickly now and it seems impossible that there are only three months left. 现在时间飞逝,只剩下三个月了,真不可思议。朗文写作活用〔colour〕Here, the organization has had time to show its true colours, to show its inefficiency and its bungling.现在时间一长,这个机构就露出了真面目,效率低下,差错百出。柯林斯高阶〔grate〕His repeated use of the present tense swiftly grates.他反复使用现在时态, 很快就让人受不了了。外研社新世纪〔historical present〕The present tense used in the narration of events set in the past.历史现在时态:在叙述事件中运用的现在时态美国传统〔holdout〕It's time to shame holdouts into signing the treaty.现在时机到了,应该让顽固分子感到羞愧而签署条约。剑桥高阶〔otherworldly〕Concerned with an afterlife, especially when inattentive to the present.来世的:专注来世的,尤指当不关心现在时美国传统〔pelt〕He was caught pelting along a 70mph motorway at 104mph.他被发现在时速限制为70英里的高速公路上以104英里的时速驱车飞奔。外研社新世纪〔present〕A verb form in the present tense.现在时态的动词形式美国传统〔present〕Abbr. pres.,pr.Grammar Designating a verb tense or form that expresses current time.缩写 pres.,pr.【语法】 现在时(态)的:指定可表目前的动词时态或形式的美国传统〔present〕The present tense.现在时态美国传统〔present〕The verb in this sentence is in the present.这个句子中的动词是现在时。剑桥高阶〔present〕The verb is in the present.这个动词是现在时态。韦氏高阶〔pressed〕I'm a little pressed for time - could we meet later? 我现在时间有点紧——我们能稍后再碰面吗?剑桥高阶〔primary〕Referring to present or future time. Used as a collective designation for various present and future verb tenses in Latin, Greek, and Sanskrit.现在时的:指现在或将来的用于指拉丁语,希腊语和梵语中各种现在或将来动词时态的总称美国传统〔pushed〕We're pushed for time right now.我们现在时间上有点不够。麦克米伦高阶〔say〕The clock says half past two.现在时间是两点半美国传统〔the present simple〕The sentences "I live in Madrid", "She doesn't like cheese", and "I think you're wrong" are all in the present simple.句子 I live in Madrid,She doesn't like cheese 和 I think you're wrong 用的都是一般现在时。剑桥高阶The historic present is used in this sentence, Anyway, I'm in the pub with my friends and a bloke comes up to me and asks if I want to buy a stereo.这句句子中用到了历史现在时,“无论如何,我是和我的朋友一起在酒吧里,一个家伙走过来问我是否要买一台立体声唱机。”剑桥国际We are now pressed for time. 我们现在时间紧迫。译典通




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