

单词 生殖腺
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔dysgenesis〕Defective or abnormal development of an organ, especially of the gonads.畸形:器官不良或发育不正常,尤指生殖腺的美国传统〔fat body〕A mass of fatty tissue located near the genital glands in some amphibians, including the frogs and toads.脂肪体:一团脂肪组织,位于某些两栖动物(包括青蛙和蟾蜍)的生殖腺附近美国传统〔follicle-stimulating hormone〕A gonadotropic hormone of the anterior pituitary gland that stimulates the growth of follicles in the ovary and induces the formation of sperm in the testis.促卵泡激素:前部粘液腺的刺激生殖腺的激素,它刺激卵巢内泡的生长并促进睾丸内精液的生成美国传统〔hypergonadism〕Excessive secretion of gonadal hormones.生殖腺机能亢进:生殖腺荷尔蒙的过度分泌美国传统〔hypogonadism〕Inadequate functioning of the testes or ovaries as manifested by deficiencies in gametogenesis or the secretion of gonadal hormones.性腺机能不足:睪丸或卵巢的不正常功能表现在配偶遗传基因缺陷或者生殖腺荷尔蒙的分泌上美国传统〔milt〕The reproductive glands of male fishes when filled with this fluid.(雄鱼的)生殖腺:充满精液的雄鱼生殖腺美国传统〔reproductive system〕The bodily system of gonads, associated ducts, and external genitals concerned with sexual reproduction.生殖系统:有关性繁殖的生殖腺、联合的输送管以及外部生殖器的身体系统美国传统〔sex gland〕A testis or an ovary; a gonad.性腺:睾丸或卵巢;生殖腺美国传统




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