

单词 社区的
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Coloured〕the attitude of the Coloured community有色人种社区的态度外研社新世纪〔allocate〕the importance of allocating resources to local communities 将资源分配给地方社区的重要性朗文当代〔black〕the traditions of the black community. 黑人社区的传统柯林斯高阶〔black〕the traditions of the black community黑人社区的传统外研社新世纪〔community〕an initiative that should benefit the community at large 将会造福整个社区的倡议牛津搭配〔community〕the concerns of the local and wider community 本地与周边社区的关切所在牛津搭配〔conservation〕practices that are good for the community, such as water efficiency and resource conservation 有效用水、资源保护等有益于社区的做法牛津搭配〔cosmopolitan〕the community's cosmopolitan atmosphere 社区的国际化氛围韦氏高阶〔decline〕the decline of small farming communities 小农业社区的衰退牛津搭配〔deliberate〕a deliberate attempt to provoke an enraged black community 对被激怒的黑人社区的蓄意挑衅英汉大词典〔due〕funds due a community 应拨给一社区的款项英汉大词典〔educative〕the educative role of the community 社区的教育作用牛津高阶〔eminent〕eminent members of the community. 这个社区的引人注目的成员们美国传统〔governance〕a new set of rules for the governance of the community 管理社区的一套新规则英汉大词典〔inflame〕crimes that inflamed the entire community. 激怒了整个社区的犯罪行为美国传统〔integrate〕a means of integrating new members into the local community 使新成员融入当地社区的方法麦克米伦高阶〔integration〕a strategy to ease their integration into the community 使他们轻松融入该社区的策略麦克米伦高阶〔leader〕the leader of the local black community 当地黑人社区的领袖朗文当代〔reinvestment〕neighborhood/community reinvestment 住宅区/社区的投资改善韦氏高阶〔rural〕social change in rural communities 乡村社区的社会变化麦克米伦高阶〔segment〕segments of the community; a segment of a television program. 社区的组成部分;电视节目的一个片断美国传统〔underprivileged〕underprivileged sections of the community 社区的弱势阶层牛津高阶〔wholesale〕the wholesale destruction of entire communities 整个社区的大毁灭麦克米伦高阶




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