

单词 盖印
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LS.〕Locus sigilli (the place of the seal).盖印处:拉丁文表示“盖印处”(盖印章的地方)美国传统〔assumpsit〕An agreement or promise made orally or in writing not under seal; a contract.协定:口头或书面未经盖印的协议或许诺;协定美国传统〔blank〕To punch or stamp from flat stock, especially with a die.打孔,盖印:从平模具打洞或印模,尤指用铸模盖印美国传统〔covenant〕A formal sealed agreement or contract.盖印合同:一种正式的盖印的协议或合同美国传统〔covenant〕If you make regular gifts through a covenant, we can reclaim the income tax you have already paid on this money.如果你通过盖印契约定期捐款, 我们可以要求返还这笔钱上你已经缴纳的所得税。外研社新世纪〔deed〕Law A document sealed as an instrument of bond, contract, or conveyance, especially relating to property.【法律】 契约,证书:加封盖印的文件,尤指与地产有关的契约、合同或转让证书美国传统〔imprint〕To produce (a mark or pattern) on a surface by pressure.印,盖印:用力在表面上加印(标志或图案)美国传统〔pressboard〕A heavy glazed paper or pasteboard used especially to cover the platen or cylinder of a printing press.压制板:重而光滑的纸板或硬纸板,主要用于覆盖印刷机的压纸卷筒或滚筒美国传统〔rubber-stamp〕To mark with the imprint of a rubber stamp.用橡皮图章盖印美国传统〔se-tenant〕A block of commemorative stamps printed together on the same sheet but differing in design, color, value, or overprint.纪念邮票:印在同一张上但图案、颜色、面值和盖印不同的一套纪念邮票美国传统〔seal〕He affixed his seal to the contract.他在合约上盖印。英汉大词典〔seal〕He signed and sealed the official statement.他在那项正式声明上签署盖印。文馨英汉〔signet〕A seal, especially one used officially to mark documents.小印章:一个小印章,尤指用于在文件上正式盖印的章美国传统〔specialty〕Law A special contract or agreement, especially a deed kept under seal.【法律】 盖印的特殊书面合同:一种特殊的合同或协议,尤指被确实封存起来的美国传统〔stamp〕To imprint or impress with a mark, design, or seal.盖印:印上标记,图案或邮戳或者留下印象美国传统Many large organizations have their own machine for franking the letters that they send.许多大机构都拥有自己的机器给信件盖印以示邮资已付。剑桥国际




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