

单词 盔甲
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔agraffe〕A hook-and-loop arrangement used for a clasp on armor and clothing.纽扣;搭扣:用于盔甲或衣服上搭扣的一种扣环装置美国传统〔armorer〕One that makes or repairs armor.制造盔甲者,修理盔甲者美国传统〔armor〕A defensive covering, such as chain mail, worn to protect the body against weapons.盔甲:防护性外套,如锁子甲,穿上后保护身体免受武器攻击美国传统〔armour〕An arrow had pierced his armour.一支箭射穿了他的盔甲。牛津搭配〔armour〕He wore a suit of heavy armour and carried a sword.他身穿一套厚重的盔甲,手持一柄剑。牛津搭配〔armour〕Monkeys do not have any kind of protective armour and use their brains to solve problems.猴子没有任何防身的盔甲,就动脑筋解决问题。牛津高阶〔armour〕The emperor was armoured from head to foot.皇帝从头到脚都穿戴着盔甲。外研社新世纪〔bard〕A piece of armor used to protect or ornament a horse.铠甲:保护或装饰马匹的盔甲美国传统〔beaver〕A piece of armor attached to a helmet or breastplate to protect the mouth and chin.护面甲:一块附在头盔或胸铠上的盔甲,用于保护嘴和下巴美国传统〔breastplate〕A piece of armor that covers the breast.胸铠,护卫:一件护卫胸部的盔甲美国传统〔chain mail〕Flexible armor made of joined metal links or scales.锁子甲:由相连结的金属节或片制成的活动盔甲美国传统〔chamfron〕Armor used to protect the front of a war horse's head in medieval times.马盔:中世纪用来保护战马头前部的盔甲美国传统〔clap on〕They clapped on their armour.他们匆忙地穿上盔甲。外研社新世纪〔damsel in distress〕The novel comes complete with a knight in shining armor and a damsel in distress.这部小说里既有身披闪亮盔甲的骑士,也有身陷困境的女子。韦氏高阶〔get into〕It took three helpers to get the knight into his armour.在三个帮手的帮助下, 骑士穿上了盔甲。外研社新世纪〔gorget〕A piece of armor protecting the throat.护喉甲:用来保护咽喉的盔甲美国传统〔gusset〕A piece of mail or plate armor protecting the joints in a suit of armor.护腋甲片:盔甲中用来保护连结处的铠甲或薄盔美国传统〔helmet〕A piece of armor, usually made of metal, designed to protect the head.盔甲:一件盔甲,通常由金属制成,设计用于保护头部美国传统〔knight〕She's still waiting for a knight in shining armour / armor to come and rescue her.她还在等待一位身着闪亮盔甲的骑士来英雄救美。牛津搭配〔lame〕A thin metal plate, especially one of the overlapping steel plates in medieval armor.重叠金属片:一种薄的金属片,尤指那种用于中世纪盔甲上的重叠金属片美国传统〔lorica〕A cuirass or corselet worn by Roman soldiers.铠甲:罗马士兵穿的胸甲或盔甲美国传统〔mace〕A heavy medieval war club with a spiked or flanged metal head, used to crush armor.重头棍棒:中世纪一种沉重的用作武器的棍棒,带有粗短刺状的或凸缘的金属头,用来击破盔甲美国传统〔mail〕Flexible armor composed of small overlapping metal rings, loops of chain, or scales.铠甲:由相互叠加的小金属环、环状链子或金属鳞片构成的可弯曲的盔甲美国传统〔nosepiece〕A piece of armor that forms part of a helmet and protects the nose.护鼻:盔甲上保护鼻子的部分美国传统〔penetrate〕These bullets can penetrate armor.这些子弹能穿透盔甲。韦氏高阶〔rest〕A support for a lance on the side of the breastplate of medieval armor.矛杆支撑处:中世纪盔甲上胸铠旁边的支撑长矛美国传统〔solleret〕A steel shoe made of overlapping plates, forming a part of a medieval suit of armor.钢甲靴:由互搭的金属片制成的钢靴,是中世纪盔甲的一个组成部分美国传统〔spoil〕The spoils of victory/war included mounds of treasure and armour.胜利/战争的战利品包括大量的财物和盔甲。剑桥高阶〔tabard〕A tunic or capelike garment worn by a knight over his armor and emblazoned with his coat of arms.骑士短披风:骑士穿在盔甲外面并饰以纹章的制服式或披风式的衣服美国传统〔tournament〕A medieval martial sport in which two groups of mounted and armored combatants fought against each other with blunted lances or swords.马上比武:一种中世纪的军事运动,两组骑在马上戴有盔甲的武士用钝长矛和剑互相战斗美国传统〔trophy〕Architecture An ornamental marble carving or bronze casting depicting a group of weapons or armor placed upon a square or circular base.【建筑学】 战利品雕饰:置于一正方形或圆形底座之上的,图形为一堆武器或盔甲的装饰性大理石石雕或铜雕美国传统〔tuille〕A steel plate used in medieval armor for protecting the thigh.铠甲的腿裙:中世纪盔甲上用于保护大腿的铁板美国传统〔unarmed〕Lacking weapons or armor; defenseless.徒手的:没有武器或盔甲的;无防备的美国传统〔unarm〕To divest of armor or arms; disarm.缴…的械:未披挂盔甲或武器;解除武器美国传统〔unharness〕To remove the armor from (a wearer).从(穿戴者)拆去盔甲美国传统〔unwieldy〕The armour worn by knights seems unwieldy to us today.用我们今人的眼光看,骑士披挂盔甲使人活动不方便。英汉大词典〔visor〕The front piece of the helmet of a suit of armor, capable of being raised and lowered and designed to protect the eyes, nose, and forehead.面盔:头盔(在一套盔甲中)的前部,能抬起或放低用以保护眼睛、鼻子或前额美国传统〔winkle〕After much searching, I winkled out an old suit of armour for the play.我东寻西找,才找出一副适合演戏用的古盔甲。英汉大词典His body was protected by armour fore and aft. 他的身体前前后后都有盔甲保护。译典通I've been reading a book about the adventures of King Arthur and his knights (in armour).我一直在读一本关于亚瑟王和他(披挂盔甲的)骑士们的冒险故事的书。剑桥国际The knight was completely clad in armor. 那位骑士全身披挂盔甲。译典通




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