

单词 用语言
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXPRESS〕I cannot express my gratitude for your kindness. 我无法用语言表达对你这份好意的感激之情。朗文写作活用〔EXPRESS〕She tried to put these feelings into words, but it all came out wrong. 她想把这些感受用语言表达出来,可是都词不达意。朗文写作活用〔LANGUAGE〕Every child develops the natural ability to use language. 每个儿童都逐渐具有使用语言的这种天生的能力。朗文写作活用〔LANGUAGE〕There are ways of communicating without language. 还有不用语言进行交流的种种方式。朗文写作活用〔SAY〕Young children often find it difficult to express themselves in words. 幼儿往往觉得很难用语言表达自己。朗文写作活用〔animal〕Man is the only animal that uses language.人类是唯一使用语言的动物。麦克米伦高阶〔applied〕Catherine Lim lectured in applied linguistics.凯瑟琳•利姆教应用语言学。外研社新世纪〔appropriacy〕Teachers aim to assess the appropriacy of the language used by their students in particular contexts.老师们旨在评估学生在特定语境中使用语言的得体性。剑桥高阶〔articulate〕I found myself unable to articulate my feelings.我感到无法用语言来表达我的感情。剑桥高阶〔beggar〕His courage beggars description.他的胆量无法用语言来形容。柯林斯高阶〔communicate〕People use more than words when they communicate with each other.人们相互交流时不仅仅使用语言。朗文当代〔conceit〕He has fluent language to express his conceits.他能流畅地用语言表达思想。英汉大词典〔de facto〕English is de facto the common language of much of the world today.实际上,英语是当今世界大部分地区的常用语言。剑桥高阶〔defy〕The chaos at the airport defies description.机场一片混乱,难以用语言形容。剑桥高阶〔description〕The pains in my head, neck, and nerves defied description.我头部、脖子和神经的疼痛真是无法用语言来形容。外研社新世纪〔dialect〕The manner or style of expressing oneself in language or the arts.语调:用语言或艺术表达自己的方式或风格美国传统〔disgust〕I couldn't find the words to express my disgust at his actions.我无法用语言来表达我对他所作所为的厌恶。牛津搭配〔eulogize〕To praise highly in speech or writing.称颂:用语言或文字大力颂扬美国传统〔express by〕It cannot be expressed by words.无法用语言来表达它。21世纪英汉〔expression〕The manner in which one expresses oneself, especially in speaking, depicting, or performing.自我表现:自己表现自己的方式,尤其用语言、描绘或表演美国传统〔express〕To set forth in words; state.陈述:用语言表达;陈述美国传统〔feeling〕Children only slowly develop the ability to put their feelings into words (=describe what they are thinking and feeling) .儿童用语言表达情感的能力是慢慢发展的。朗文当代〔folk linguistics〕Popular belief or speculation about how language is used, especially by a group or an element of a population.民族语言学:有关如何使用语言的普通的意见或推测,尤其是一组或一部分人的美国传统〔global〕English is becoming a global language.英语正在成为一种世界通用语言。韦氏高阶〔grammar〕His grammar is appalling.他运用语言的能力糟透了。牛津高阶〔interplay〕I am interested in the interplay between practical and theoretical linguistics.我对应用语言学和理论语言学之间的相互影响有兴趣。外研社新世纪〔language〕Linguistics is the study of language and how people use it.语言学研究的是语言和人们如何使用语言。麦克米伦高阶〔lingua franca〕English is the lingua franca in many countries.英语在很多国家是通用语言。朗文当代〔lingua franca〕The international business community sees English as a lingua franca.国际商界将英语视为通用语言。剑桥高阶〔living〕I want Welsh to be seen and heard as a living language.我想让威尔士语作为现用语言被人们读到并听到。外研社新世纪〔pantomime〕The telling of a story without words, by means of bodily movements, gestures, and facial expressions.哑剧表演:不用语言,借助于身体、动作、手势和面部表情来讲述故事美国传统〔past〕Often by the time they do accept the truth they are past being able to put words to feelings.往往等他们真正接受事实时,他们已无法用语言形容自己的感情了。柯林斯高阶〔past〕Often by the time they do accept the truth they are past being able to put words to feelings.往往等到他们真正接受事实时, 他们已经无法用语言形容自己的感情了。外研社新世纪〔portray〕To depict or describe in words.用语言描绘或描述美国传统〔possess〕Do dolphins possess the ability to use language? 海豚具有使用语言的能力吗?韦氏高阶〔put〕He was trying to put his feelings into words.他试图用语言表达自己的感情。21世纪英汉〔put〕It is hard to put into words (=express) how I feel now.我现在的感觉难以用语言描述。朗文当代〔put〕It's difficult to put into words how I feel about what happened.很难用语言来表达我对所发生的一切的感觉。麦克米伦高阶〔put〕You can't put that sort of fear into words.你无法用语言表达那种恐惧。外研社新世纪〔put〕You can't put that sort of fear into words.那种恐惧无法用语言表达。柯林斯高阶〔rhetoric〕Skill in using language effectively and persuasively.修辞法:有效并有说服力地使用语言方面的技巧美国传统〔rhetoric〕The art or study of using language effectively and persuasively.修辞:有效地或有说服力地运用语言的艺术或研究美国传统〔synthetic speech〕Speech that is produced by an electronic synthesizer activated by a keyboard, enabling individuals who are incapable of speech to communicate.合成语言:由键盘激活的电子合成器产生的语言,可使无法使用语言者进行沟通美国传统〔telepathy〕Many of us find it very difficult to state our needs. We expect people to know by telepathy what we are feeling.我们许多人感觉很难用语言表达自己的需求,希望别人能通过心灵感应了解我们的感受。柯林斯高阶〔torment〕Nothing can describe the torments we went through while we were waiting for news.我们在等待消息时所受的精神折磨是无法用语言描述的。剑桥高阶〔vacuum〕You don't use language in a vacuum.谁也不能脱离实际地使用语言。英汉大词典〔verbalize〕He found it hard to verbalize his feelings towards his son.他觉得难以用语言来描述他对儿子的感情。剑桥高阶〔verbalize〕He's a real genius but he has difficulty verbalizing his ideas.他确实是个天才,可是难以用语言表达他的思想。牛津高阶〔verbalize〕She didn't know how to verbalize her feelings.她不知如何用语言来表达她的情感。韦氏高阶〔verbal〕It can sometimes be difficult to give a verbal description of things like colours and sounds.有时候可能很难用语言来描述颜色、声音之类的东西。剑桥高阶〔viz.〕The school offers two modules in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, viz. Principles and Methods of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics.该校“作为外语的英语教学”有两个模块:即语言教学的原则与方法和应用语言学。柯林斯高阶〔wordless〕Not expressed in words; unspoken.不用语言表达的;不能说出来的:美国传统〔wordmonger〕A writer or speaker who uses language pretentiously or carelessly.以文字作交易的人:虚饰的或不认真的使用语言的作家或演说家美国传统〔words〕Some feelings are really hard to put into words.有些感情真的很难用语言表达。外研社新世纪〔word〕He found it difficult to put ideas into words.他发现很难用语言表达自己的想法。朗文当代〔word〕Words fail me (= I cannot express how I feel).我无法用语言表达我的感受。牛津搭配〔word〕Words fail me(= I cannot express how I feel).我无法用语言来表达我的感情。牛津高阶He found it hard to verbalize his feelings towards his son.他发觉很难用语言来表述他对儿子的感情。剑桥国际It can sometimes be difficult to give a verbal description of things like colours and sounds.有时可能很难用语言描述颜色和声音之类的事物。剑桥国际Latin was the lingua franca of the Roman Empire.拉丁语是罗马帝国的通用语言。剑桥国际No report can convey the unspeakable suffering that this war has caused.没有报告能表达出这场战争导致的难以用语言表述的痛苦。剑桥国际Rather than using words (=language) many mathematical concepts are more effectively expressed in equations.用方程式比用语言更能有效地表达许多数学概念。剑桥国际She is always accurate in her use of language.她使用语言总是很准确。剑桥国际The individuals and groups in any multilingual democracy need to have their language rights defined.在任何使用多种语言的民主社会,团体或个人的使用语言权都应有明文规定。剑桥国际The news brought to her the ghastliness that could not be described in words. 这消息给她带来的不快无法用语言来形容。译典通We are trained to think verbally rather than pictorially.我们被训练用语言而不是用图像思维。剑桥国际We were speechless at the beauty of the view from the top of the mountain.从山顶俯视之景观美得让我们难以用语言描绘。剑桥国际




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