

单词 用药
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALL/EVERYTHING〕Conference members agreed on an overall approach to drug abuse that focuses on prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation. 与会人士一致赞成在滥用药物问题上采取以预防、治疗和康复为重的全面措施。朗文写作活用〔ANGRY〕They had to use drugs to calm him down. 他们只得使用药物使他平静下来。朗文写作活用〔CONVENTIONAL/UNCONVENTIONAL〕Treating the disease with a diet rather than with medicine is an unorthodox approach that few doctors recommend. 针对这种疾病不用药疗而采用食疗,是一种非传统疗法,很少有医生会推荐这么做。朗文写作活用〔COOK〕Whenever I had a cold, my grandmother would concoct a remedy out of herbs, ginger, lemons and garlic. 我一感冒,祖母就会用药草、生姜、柠檬和蒜调制汤药。朗文写作活用〔DEAL WITH〕Many schools are now trying to tackle the problem of drug abuse. 许多学校现正设法解决滥用药物的问题。朗文写作活用〔FIGHT〕Our campaign against drug abuse is supported by the medical profession. 我们反对滥用药物的运动得到了医学界的支持。朗文写作活用〔FIND OUT〕If she died of a drug overdose, it will show up in the autopsy. 假如她是死于用药过量,那么尸体解剖时应该看得出来。朗文写作活用〔POSITION/RANK〕The head counsellor commented that substance abuse was pervasive at the school. 首席辅导老师评论说,滥用药物的情况在校内普遍存在。朗文写作活用〔REDUCE〕They gave him drugs to reduce the pain. 他们给他用药以减轻痛楚。朗文写作活用〔VIOLENT〕In a prison, drugs sometimes have to be used to control aggression. 在监狱里,有时必须用药物来控制好斗情绪。朗文写作活用〔acne〕Doctors can treat acne with creams.医生可用药膏治疗粉刺。牛津搭配〔application〕Regular application of the cream should reduce swelling within 24 hours.定时敷用药膏可在24小时内减轻红肿。剑桥高阶〔bearable〕He's in a great deal of pain, but the medication makes it bearable.他疼得厉害,用药之后,疼痛算是可以忍受了。韦氏高阶〔body〕He refused medication, and, when it was forced on him, his body rejected it.他拒绝药疗,而当他被迫用药时,他的身体又产生了抗药反应。英汉大词典〔butoconazole nitrate〕An antifungal agent used primarily as a topical cream in the treatment of vulvovaginal candidiasis.卜康唑硝酸盐,丁咪唑:抗真菌药剂,用作治疗外阴阴道念珠菌感染的局部用药膏美国传统〔cannulate〕To insert a cannula into (a bodily cavity, duct, or vessel), as for the drainage of fluid or the administration of medication.插管:将一根套管插入(一个体腔、导管或血管)以排出液体或服用药物美国传统〔clear〕The rash cleared up by itself.皮疹不用药而自愈。英汉大词典〔condition〕To replace moisture or oils in (hair, for example) by use of a therapeutic product.保养:用药物来促进原先湿度或油份(例如头发中)的代谢美国传统〔consciousness〕In some cultures shamans use drugs to alter consciousness.在有些文化中,萨满用药物来改变知觉。牛津搭配〔defibrillate〕To stop the fibrillation of (a heart) and restore normal contractions through the use of drugs or an electric shock.除去纤维颤动:用药物或电击来停止(心脏)纤微颤动并使心脏恢复正常收缩美国传统〔dope〕They tried to dope him.他们企图用药迷倒他。韦氏高阶〔drug〕The hospital staff drugged her.医务人员用药把她麻醉了。21世纪英汉〔effect〕His doctors have repeatedly adjusted his medication to little effect.他的医生反复调整用药,但收效甚微。韦氏高阶〔empiricism〕The practice of medicine that disregards scientific theory and relies solely on practical experience.经验疗法:只凭实践经验而无视科学理论的用药美国传统〔flare-up〕If a flare-up occurs, increase the dose to the previous level.如果病情复发, 就把用药剂量增加到先前的水平。外研社新世纪〔gel〕If you have sensitive skin, use a medicated shaving gel.敏感肤质请使用药物剃须凝露。外研社新世纪〔go〕He needs to go on stronger medication.他需要服用药效更强一点的药。麦克米伦高阶〔harm〕Misusing drugs in pregnancy can seriously harm your baby.妊娠期间误用药物会严重伤害胎儿。牛津搭配〔herb〕Ali recommends taking herbs to facilitate recovery.阿里建议服用药草来促进康复。牛津搭配〔improve〕He had improved so much the doctor had cut his dosage.他康复很快,医生已减少了用药剂量。柯林斯高阶〔impulsive〕Alice's overdose was an impulsive act.艾丽斯的过量用药系一时冲动所致。英汉大词典〔inadvisable〕Self-medication for depression is inadvisable.对抑郁症自我用药是不可取的。外研社新世纪〔increment〕They increased the dosage of the drug in small increments over a period of several weeks.他们在几周的时间内一点点地增加用药剂量。韦氏高阶〔indiscriminate〕Indiscriminate use of medicinal drugs may cause extremely harmful reactions.任意用药会引起极端有害的反应。英汉大词典〔individualization〕The use of drugs is individualized for every patient.对每个病人分别用药。21世纪英汉〔informed〕We are able to make more informed choices about how we use drugs.我们能够更加明智地选择如何使用药物。柯林斯高阶〔inside〕Investigators swabbed the inside of his mouth to take a DNA sample.调查人员用药签在他口内提取了DNA样本。外研社新世纪〔instance〕In most instances the disease can be controlled by medication.在多数情况下,这种疾病可以用药物治疗控制。韦氏高阶〔intracranial〕Intracranial pressure can be treated with medication.颅内压可以用药物治疗。剑桥高阶〔lean towards sth〕She's not sure what she wants to do, but she's leaning towards medicine.她不知道该怎么办,但是倾向于使用药物。剑桥高阶〔measure〕As a precautionary measure repeat the medication.作为预防性措施,请重复用药。柯林斯高阶〔medication〕I am on medication for a serious allergy.我正用药物治疗严重的过敏。英汉大词典〔medication〕The act or process of treating with medicine.药物治疗:用药治疗的行动或过程美国传统〔mellow〕Pleasantly high from a drug, especially from smoking marijuana.飘飘然的:因食用药物,尤指因吸食大麻而感觉愉快而轻飘飘的美国传统〔mild〕It's safe to take a mild sedative.服用药性不强的镇定剂没有危险。牛津高阶〔misuse〕Infants of mothers who misuse drugs have an increased morbidity.乱用药物的母亲生下的婴儿发病率更高。外研社新世纪〔mix〕Alcohol and pills do not mix.喝酒时不宜服用药丸。麦克米伦高阶〔necessary〕The necessary risks of medicines must be weighed against their benefits.必须权衡一下服用药物必然存在的风险与它们的好处。麦克米伦高阶〔overdose〕An excessive dose, especially of a narcotic.过量用药:尤指麻醉剂的,过多剂量美国传统〔overdose〕Medical opinion varies on how many tablets it takes to overdose.关于服用多少药片属于用药过量在医学上众说纷纭。外研社新世纪〔overdose〕To take an overdose.用药过量美国传统〔overmedicate〕To medicate (a patient) excessively.过度用药物治疗(病人)美国传统〔overuse〕Try not to overuse the medication.尽量别过多用药。韦氏高阶〔parenteral〕Medicine Taken into the body or administered in a manner other than through the digestive tract, as by intravenous or intramuscular injection.【医学】 不经肠的,注射用药物的:不经过消化道而用静脉注射或肌内注射的方式进入体内或服用的美国传统〔pharmacopoeia〕A collection or stock of drugs.一批储存药品,一批备用药物美国传统〔pharmacotherapy〕Treatment of disease through the use of drugs.药物疗法:通过用药来治疗疾病美国传统〔physic〕To treat with or as if with medicine.给…用药;医治美国传统〔pill〕To dose with pills.服用药丸美国传统〔pop〕A decade of heavy drinking and popping pills ruined her health.10年来的酗酒和滥用药物毁了她的健康。剑桥高阶〔poultice〕She treated the swelling with poultices of herbs.她用药草敷剂治疗肿胀。英汉大词典〔put〕We had to have our cat put down.我们只得用药结束了猫的生命。牛津高阶〔quickly〕Quick! John! It's Carmela. I think she's taken an overdose.快来!约翰!卡梅拉出事了,我想她用药过量了。柯林斯高阶〔readjust〕We are simply going to readjust her medication and see how things are.我们要做的只是调整她的用药,然后再看看情况怎样。柯林斯高阶〔rear〕The problem of drug-taking in sport has reared its ugly head again.体育界服用药物的现象再次出现。朗文当代〔related〕Much of the crime in this area is related to drug abuse.这一地区的许多犯罪都与滥用药物有关。牛津高阶〔reveal〕No test will reveal how much of the drug was taken.没有哪项测试可以测出用药量。柯林斯高阶〔salve〕To soothe or heal with or as if with salve.缓解,治疗,或象用药膏一样缓解美国传统〔sample〕After six weeks on the drug, over 60% of the sample showed some improvement.用药6星期后超过60%的抽样者有所好转。麦克米伦高阶〔sedation〕The patient was still under heavy sedation .这个病人用药后仍处于深度镇静状态。朗文当代〔sedation〕The victim's wife was last night being kept under sedation in the local hospital.昨晚,受害人的妻子在当地医院用药后处于镇静状态。牛津高阶〔sign〕The telltale signs of drug abuse are mainly to do with behaviour.滥用药物的明显迹象主要表现在行为上。朗文当代〔sober〕Not intoxicated or affected by the use of drugs.清醒的:未醉的或没有受到使用药物的影响的美国传统〔spaced-out〕Stupefied or disoriented from or as if from a drug.昏昏沉沉的:由于或好象服用药物导致的昏昏沉沉的美国传统〔spaced-out〕The spaced-out grandma syndrome is apt to develop when patients are overtreated for the multiple conditions common in old age.如果病人由于常见的多种老年疾病而过度服用药物,老妇痴呆综合征很可能会发展。英汉大词典〔sparingly〕Medication is used sparingly.用药很节省。柯林斯高阶〔sparingly〕Medication is used sparingly.用药量很少。外研社新世纪〔steady〕The doctor gave her medication to help steady her heart rate.医生给她用药以稳定心率。韦氏高阶〔stock〕He keeps a stock of medicines in the cupboard.他在柜子里有一些备用药品。朗文当代〔succuss〕Succuss the medicinal liquid evenly before drinking.饮用药水前摇匀。21世纪英汉〔suicidal〕When he stopped taking his medication, he became suicidal.他停止用药时产生了自杀倾向。麦克米伦高阶〔survey〕This chapter includes a brief survey of some commonly used drugs.本章对一些常用药品进行了简要综述。外研社新世纪〔swab〕A specimen of mucus or other material removed with a swab.拭样:用药签取下的粘液或其它物质的标本美国传统〔take〕The government is taking action to combat drug abuse.政府正在采取措施,打击滥用药物。牛津高阶〔thought〕This school of thought argues that depression is best treated by drugs.这一学派主张抑郁症最好用药物治疗。柯林斯高阶〔treatment〕Administration or application of remedies to a patient or for a disease or an injury; medicinal or surgical management; therapy.处理,治疗:给病人或为了治疗一种疾病或损伤施加或使用药物;药物处理或外科治疗美国传统〔treat〕Nowadays, malaria can be treated with drugs.如今,疟疾可以用药物医治。朗文当代〔treat〕The condition is usually treated with drugs and a strict diet.这种病通常用药物和严格控制饮食进行治疗。牛津高阶〔venipuncture〕Puncture of a vein, as for drawing blood, intravenous feeding, or administration of medicine.静脉穿刺:对静脉的穿刺,如为抽血、静脉给食或施用药物美国传统〔veterinarian〕Contact your veterinarian to discuss medications.关于用药问题请联系你的兽医。牛津搭配〔vomit〕The doctor is vomiting and purging his patients with herbs.医生正用药草催病人呕吐清胃。英汉大词典〔warn off〕The rider was found guilty of giving the horse drugs and was warned off for a year.那个骑手被发现违章给马服用药物,被罚一年不准参加比赛。21世纪英汉〔wax〕They will syringe the ears out after the wax has been softened by drops.耳垢用药水软化后, 他们便会把耳朵冲洗干净。外研社新世纪〔worm〕Drug abuse is a can of worms nobody wants to open at sporting events.滥用药物是体育赛事中无人想要触及的棘手问题。柯林斯高阶He is currently on/taking medication for his heart.现在他用的是治疗心脏的专用药品。剑桥国际He takes drugs for his high blood pressure.他用药物治疗高血压。剑桥国际She was in her late thirties when she finally dried out and stopped taking the drugs.她在近40岁的时候终于戒酒,不再服用药物了。剑桥国际Sterile needles are being given to drug users to help stop the spread of infection.给用药者使用消毒针头能防止传染病的传播。剑桥国际The leopard died when zoo officials tried to tranquillize it.当动物园职员用药剂试图使这头豹子镇静下来时,豹子死了。剑桥国际The tablets work more effectively if you take a hot drink after them.如果你服用药片后喝杯热饮料,效果会更好。剑桥国际When the athlete was found to have taken drugs before the race, she was stripped of her gold medal.获得金牌的运动员被发现在赛前服用药物之后她立刻被剥夺了冠军头衔。剑桥国际




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