

单词 海洋中
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔aphotic〕the aphotic zone 无光带(指海洋中无阳光的深水区)英汉大词典〔carve-up〕an orderly carve-up of the mineral and fishing wealth in the seas 海洋中矿业和渔业资源的合理分配英汉大词典〔commanding〕took a commanding lead at the polls; a commanding view of the ocean. 在选举投票中取得绝对领先;海洋中地势险要的位置美国传统〔creature〕all the living creatures in the sea 海洋中所有的生物朗文当代〔harvest〕harvest the ocean on a vast scale 在海洋中大规模捕捞海产英汉大词典〔mesopelagic〕mesopelagic organisms. 生活在海洋中层的生物美国传统〔myriad〕the myriad fish in the ocean. 海洋中数不胜数的鱼美国传统〔stock〕declining fish stocks in the oceans 海洋中不断减少的鱼类资源牛津搭配〔thermohaline〕thermohaline convection 热盐(或温盐)对流(指海洋中因温度和盐度变化而出现的海水竖直对流运动)英汉大词典〔unfathomed〕the dark unfathomed caves of ocean 海洋中未曾测深的幽深洞穴英汉大词典〔voyage〕to voyage all the seas of the world在全世界的海洋中航行21世纪英汉〔waste〕waste proposals to end the dumping of industrial waste into rivers and seas 停止向河流和海洋中倾倒工业废料的提议朗文当代




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