

单词 水池
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔DECORATE〕an ornamental pond 一座观赏水池朗文写作活用〔basin〕the basin of a fountain 喷泉的水池英汉大词典〔brackish〕a brackish pond 咸水池塘韦氏高阶〔brackish〕shallow pools of brackish water. 浅的咸水池柯林斯高阶〔capacity〕a reservoir with a capacity of over 30000 cubic metres 可容水3万多立方米的蓄水池 英汉大词典〔cistern〕the enormous cistern used to collect rainwater for drinking用来收集雨水饮用的巨大蓄水池外研社新世纪〔deeply〕a vast unfrequented pool, traversed by whales and creatures of the deep. 一个面积巨大、人迹罕至的水池,鲸和其他海洋动物穿游其间柯林斯高阶〔deep〕a deep well/pool/hole 深井/水池/洞韦氏高阶〔dip〕a dip in the sea/pool 在海水/水池里游一会儿剑桥高阶〔dish〕a sink full of dirty dishes 堆满脏碗的水池韦氏高阶〔draw ... off〕to draw off the water from the pool将水池里的水排掉21世纪英汉〔eel〕to eel into the sink滑入水池中21世纪英汉〔holding〕a holding tank; a holding cell. 临时储水池;临时小屋美国传统〔intermittent〕an intermittent lake. 交替蓄水池美国传统〔kiddie〕a kiddie pool 儿童嬉水池剑桥高阶〔lie〕dishes lying dirty in the sink 水池里放着的脏盘子韦氏高阶〔ornamental〕an ornamental pond 装饰性水池英汉大词典〔ornamental〕an ornamental pond装饰性水池外研社新世纪〔pond〕a garden pond. 花园里的水池柯林斯高阶〔pond〕an ornamental pond in the garden 花园里的装饰水池英汉大词典〔pool〕a shallow pool suitable for children 适合儿童使用的浅水池朗文当代〔pool〕beautiful gardens filled with pools, fountains and rare birds. 处处可见水池、喷泉和珍稀鸟类的美丽花园柯林斯高阶〔pool〕beautiful gardens filled with pools, fountains and rare birds处处可见水池、喷泉和珍禽的美丽花园外研社新世纪〔pool〕freshwater pools 淡水池塘牛津高阶〔pool〕pools of water with tiny fish in them 有小鱼的一个个水池朗文当代〔reflective〕a garden of flowing streams, water basins, waterfalls, and a reflective pool. 园里有流动的小溪、水池、瀑布和波光粼粼的游泳池柯林斯高阶〔saltwater〕a saltwater pond 咸水池韦氏高阶〔slosh〕to slosh about in the shallow pool在浅水池中乱跑四处溅水花21世纪英汉〔sluice〕sluices connecting a reservoir with irrigated fields. 将一个蓄水池与灌溉田连接起来的水渠美国传统〔splash〕to splash the water out of the pool把水溅出了水池21世纪英汉〔stainless steel〕a stainless steel sink. 不锈钢水池柯林斯高阶〔swimmer〕a shallow pool for non-swimmers 供不会游泳的人用的浅水池牛津高阶〔thither〕the thither side of the pond. 水池的远侧美国传统




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