

单词 现代科学
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BEGINNING〕The birth of modern science was to fundamentally change people's attitudes towards religion. 现代科学的诞生从根本上改变了人们对宗教的态度。朗文写作活用〔EFFECT/AFFECT〕Descartes’ ideas have had a profound influence on modern science. 笛卡尔的思想对于现代科学有着深远的影响。朗文写作活用〔celebrate〕He is celebrated for his contributions to modern science.他对现代科学的发展做出了贡献,因此广受赞誉。韦氏高阶〔dependent〕Modern science is critically dependent on high-performance computing.现代科学严重依赖高性能计算。牛津搭配〔fondly〕Some people still fondly believe that modern science can solve all the world's problems.有些人仍然天真地认为现代科学能解决世界上所有的问题。朗文当代〔obverse〕Alchemy is the medieval obverse of modern science.炼丹术是现代科学在中世纪的对应物。英汉大词典〔parade〕The myths parade as modern science.这些荒诞的说法假冒成现代科学。21世纪英汉〔parade〕The myths parade as modern science.这些荒诞的说法假冒成现代科学。英汉大词典〔prescientific〕Of, relating to, or occurring at a time before the advent of modern science and the application of its methods.科学发展以前的:在现代科学产生和现代科学方法应用之前的,与这个阶段相联系的,发生在这个阶段里的美国传统〔science〕Space travel is one of the marvels/wonders of modern science.太空遨游是现代科学的一大奇迹。剑桥高阶〔skid〕Is modern science on the skids? 现代科学在衰落吗? 英汉大词典〔wonder〕Thanks to the wonders of modern science, many common diseases will soon be things of the past.多亏了现代科学的奇迹,许多常见病很快就会得到根治。牛津搭配He believes that it is simply not possible to harmonize theology with modern science.他相信要将神学与现代科学协调起来是绝对不可能的。剑桥国际Modern scientific techniques have made it possible for a woman past menopause to have a baby.现代科学技术使绝经后的妇女生孩子成为可能。剑桥国际Space travel is one of the marvels/wonders of modern science.太空飞行是现代科学的一大奇迹。剑桥国际The computer is a marvel of modern science. 电脑是现代科学的一个奇迹。译典通The conquest of outer space is one of the greatest triumphs of modern science. 征服外层空间是现代科学最杰出的成就之一。译典通The myths paraded as modern science. 这些鬼话假冒成现代科学。译典通This latest development has been heralded as a major breakthrough in modern science.最新的进展宣告了现代科学领域里的重大突破。剑桥国际




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