

单词 照例
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ARGUE〕The kids are having their usual squabble over which TV show they're going to watch. 孩子们照例又在为看哪个电视节目吵架了。朗文写作活用〔ARRIVE〕Steve turned up half an hour late as usual. 史蒂夫照例又迟到了半小时。朗文写作活用〔LINE〕Chris, as usual, came in wearing old jeans and a wrinkled T-shirt. 克里斯照例穿了一条旧牛仔裤和一件皱巴巴的T恤衫来了。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Unemployment is up, and the poor old taxpayer has to foot the bill, as usual. 失业人数在增加,可怜的老纳税人照例又得结账了。朗文写作活用〔PAY〕It will be, as usual, the taxpayer who will be footing the bill. 这将照例由纳税人负担费用。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕In the subway I got cornered by the inevitable drunkard wanting to give me some advice. 在地铁里,我照例又被一个想要给我一些建议的酒鬼逼到了角落里。朗文写作活用〔TYPICAL〕It was a typical student's room with the inevitable Van Gogh print on the wall. 这是一间典型的学生房间,墙上照例挂了一张梵高的画作复制品。朗文写作活用〔USUALLY〕There will be discounts available for students as usual. 学生照例会有折扣。朗文写作活用〔USUALLY〕We were presented with the customary bottle of champagne. 我们照例获赠一瓶香槟。朗文写作活用〔banter〕Other people at the bar began some routine banter about wives.酒吧里的其他人开始照例说些有关老婆的打趣话。外研社新世纪〔bland〕He gave the usual bland assurances about their commitment to peace.他照例为他们的和平承诺作些无关痛痒的保证。麦克米伦高阶〔civility〕They greeted each other with the usual exchange of civilities.他们照例寒暄了一番。韦氏高阶〔contortion〕We had to go through all the usual contortions(= a difficult series of actions)to get a ticket.我们照例得费尽心机才能弄到一张票。牛津高阶〔course〕Shouldn't I be told all this as a matter of course?难道不应该照例把这些都告诉我吗?外研社新世纪〔craven〕I faced the coming extraction of a bad tooth with my usual craven attitude.我照例战战兢兢地等待着拔掉病牙。英汉大词典〔customary〕At Christmas it was customary for the children to perform bits of poetry.圣诞节时孩子们照例要唱一些圣诞颂歌。外研社新世纪〔faff〕There was the usual faff of finding somewhere to park the car.找地方停车照例又是一番忙乱。牛津高阶〔get left〕When the examination results came out,Jack had got left as usual.考试成绩出来了,杰克照例是不及格。21世纪英汉〔habitual〕They went for their habitual evening walk.他们照例晚上去散步了。韦氏高阶〔hammering〕Our cricketers are suffering their ritual hammering at the hands of the Aussies.我们的板球队员照例又狠狠栽在澳大利亚队手上。外研社新世纪〔hammering〕Our cricketers are suffering their ritual hammering at the hands of the Aussies.我们的板球队员们照例又狠栽在了澳大利亚队的手上。柯林斯高阶〔ignore〕Social services routinely ignore the problems facing at-risk young women.社会福利部门对于弱势年轻妇女所面临的问题照例视而不见。牛津搭配〔inevitable〕We went inside for the inevitable cup of tea.我们进去照例又是喝杯茶。英汉大词典〔inevitably〕Inevitably, the press exaggerated the story.新闻界照例又夸大了这件事。牛津高阶〔insuperable〕As usual, the hero was facing insuperable odds .照例,男主角遇到了无法克服的困难。朗文当代〔land〕As usual, I got landed with all the boring jobs.所有枯燥乏味的工作都照例落在了我的头上。牛津高阶〔land〕Maria's been landed with all the tidying up as usual.收拾打扫的工作照例又落到了玛丽亚的头上。朗文当代〔matter〕We always check people's addresses as a matter of course.我们总是照例检查一下人们的地址。牛津高阶〔obligatory〕She offered him the obligatory cup of tea.她照例给他端来一杯茶。朗文当代〔per〕Everyone blamed me as per usual.大家照例是责怪我。牛津高阶〔per〕Jenny was late, as per usual.珍妮照例迟到了。朗文当代〔photocall〕After the conference, there was the usual photocall for everybody involved.会议结束后,所有与会者照例接受了媒体拍照。剑桥高阶〔principle〕He drank hot milk every night on principle.他每晚照例喝热牛奶。英汉大词典〔regular〕He sat at his regular table near the window.他照例坐在那张靠窗的桌子。外研社新世纪〔ritual〕Politicians must make ritual denunciations of racism, sexism and homophobia.政客们必须照例谴责种族偏见、性别歧视和同性恋恐惧症。外研社新世纪〔rubber stamp〕The boss makes the decisions and the committee just rubber-stamps them.老板作决定,委员会只会照例批准。剑桥高阶〔shoot〕I tried to help, but all my suggestions were shot down in flames , as usual.我想帮忙,但我所有的提议照例都被否定了。朗文当代〔story〕It's the (same) old story.那是老话[照例会有的事情]。文馨英汉〔true〕True to form, Henry turned up late.亨利照例又迟到了。朗文当代〔turn〕As usual, everything turned on how much money was available.照例,一切都取决于有多少钱可以用。朗文当代〔turn〕Steve turned up late, as usual.史蒂夫照例又来晚了。朗文当代〔unvarying〕She follows the same, unvarying routine every morning.她每天上午都照例做同样的事。韦氏高阶〔usual〕As usual there will be the local and regional elections on June the twelfth.照例,6月12日将会进行地方及区域选举。柯林斯高阶〔usual〕He took his usual route to work.他照例按平时的路线去上班。韦氏高阶〔usual〕Steve, as usual, was the last to arrive.史蒂夫照例到得最晚。牛津搭配〔usual〕Steve, as usual, was the last to arrive.史蒂夫照例来得最晚。牛津高阶〔usual〕They didn't invite any women, as usual.他们照例没有邀请任何女性。朗文当代Bank officers ask questions as a matter of course when someone wants to borrow money. 有人要贷款时,银行职员照例会问些问题。译典通He greeted us with his inevitable smile. 他照例笑著招呼我们。译典通He tried to do a comedy routine for the end of term concert, but all his jokes fell flat (= no one laughed at them).他想照例在学期音乐会结束时表演喜剧,可是反应平平。剑桥国际It is obligatory to (= You must) go through a password routine before you can get into the computer database.在进入计算机数据库之前,你必须照例键入口令。剑桥国际The regime routinely arrests thousands without warrants and summarily executes hundreds.当局照例没有逮捕令就抓了数千人,就地枪决数百人。剑桥国际We shook hands as a matter of form. 我们照例握握手。译典通




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