

单词 漱口
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔actively〕The active ingredient in some of the mouthwashes was simply detergent.某些漱口剂中的有效成分只不过是洗涤剂而已。柯林斯高阶〔freshen〕Using a mouthwash freshens the breath.使用漱口液可以使口气清新。牛津高阶〔fresh〕I use a mouthwash to keep my breath fresh.我用漱口水保持口气清新。剑桥高阶〔gargle〕A gargling sound.漱口时发出的声音美国传统〔gargle〕A medicated solution for gargling.用于漱口的一种药水美国传统〔gargle〕At the sink, Neil noisily gargled something medicinal.尼尔在洗脸池边用某种药液咕噜咕噜地漱口。柯林斯高阶〔gargle〕At the sink, Nellis gargled something medicinal.内利斯在洗脸池边用某种药液漱口。外研社新世纪〔gargle〕Gargling with salt water may help your sore throat.用盐水漱口可能对你的喉咙痛有好处。朗文当代〔gargle〕She gargles every morning.她每天早上都漱口。韦氏高阶〔gargle〕To circulate or apply (a medicine or solution) by gargling.漱口的方式服(药片或药水)美国传统〔gargle〕To produce the sound of gargling when speaking or singing.说话或唱歌时发出漱口的声音美国传统〔gargle〕To rinse or medicate (the mouth or throat) by gargling.以漱口的方式清洗或治疗(口腔或咽喉)美国传统〔gargle〕Try gargling with salt water as soon as a cough begins.一开始咳嗽就马上试着用盐水漱口。外研社新世纪〔gargle〕Try gargling with salt water as soon as a cough begins.一开始咳嗽就马上试着用盐水漱口。柯林斯高阶〔gargle〕You should gargle regularly.你应该经常漱口。21世纪英汉〔gargle〕You should gargle the throat regularly.你应该经常用含漱液漱口。21世纪英汉〔mouthwash〕A flavored, usually antiseptic solution used for cleaning the mouth and freshening the breath.漱口水:一种用于清洁口腔和爽洁呼吸的有味的、通常有抗菌性的液体制剂美国传统〔mouth〕The dentist told him to rinse his mouth out.牙医叫他漱漱口。牛津搭配〔rhatany〕The dried root of either of these plants, formerly used as an astringent and now used in various dental preparations, such as toothpaste and mouthwash.孔裂药豆干根:任一种这样的植物的干根,从前被用作一种收敛剂而现在用于各种牙科药剂中,如牙膏及漱口剂美国传统〔rinsability〕She rinses her mouth with water and soda every morning.她每天早晨用苏打水漱口。21世纪英汉〔rinse out〕You should rinse your mouth out after eating.吃了东西后你应该漱漱口。外研社新世纪〔rinse sth out〕She rinses out her mouth every morning to prevent bad breath.她为除口臭每天早上都漱口。剑桥高阶〔rinse〕After her meal she invariably rinsed out her mouth.饭后她总是要漱口。柯林斯高阶〔rinse〕I wanted to rinse the taste out of my mouth.我想漱漱口,去掉嘴里的味道。牛津高阶〔rinse〕Use a toothbrush on your tongue as well, and rinse your mouth frequently.舌头也要用牙刷清洁,并且经常漱口。柯林斯高阶〔rinse〕You should rinse your mouth out after eating.吃东西后应该漱口。柯林斯高阶〔swill〕The dentist handed me a glass of water to swill my mouth out with.牙医递给我一杯水漱口。剑桥高阶〔wash〕A cosmetic or medicinal liquid, such as a mouthwash.洗药,液体化妆品:化妆用的或药用的液体,如漱口剂美国传统〔wash〕Wash your mouth out with clean water.用清水漱漱口。 英汉大词典After I've brushed my teeth, I always rinse my mouth with mouthwash.我刷完牙后,总用洗口药漱口。剑桥国际Gargling with an aspirin solution soothes a sore throat.用阿斯匹林溶液漱口可缓解喉部的肿痛。剑桥国际Have a gargle with this mouthwash before you brush your teeth.在你刷牙前,用这漱口剂漱口。剑桥国际If you have a sore throat, you can gargle with a saline solution.你若咽喉痛,可以用盐溶液漱口。剑桥国际Our dentist recommends these two mouthwashes.我们的牙医推荐这两种漱口剂。剑桥国际She rinsed her mouth with a solution of salt in water. 她用盐的水溶液漱口。译典通She rinses (out) her mouth every morning to prevent bad breath.她每天早晨漱口,以防止难闻的口气。剑桥国际The dentist handed me a glass of water to swill my mouth out with.牙医递给我一杯水让我漱口。剑桥国际Using this mouthwash will help keep your breath fresh.用这种漱口水可帮你保持口气清新。剑桥国际




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