

单词 漩涡
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔be engulfed in〕to engulf someone in feeling把某人卷入感情的漩涡21世纪英汉〔black arts〕a master of the black art of political spin 政治漩涡中耍阴谋诡计的老手麦克米伦高阶〔hole〕a plane that plunged into a pocket of turbulence; 飞机摔入了漩涡中心;美国传统〔maelstrom〕a maelstrom of conflicting emotions 矛盾情感的漩涡朗文当代〔purl〕a brook purling over massy stones一条小溪打着漩涡地流过长着青苔的石头21世纪英汉〔slurp〕the last whirling slurp of water down a drain 最后打着漩涡从污水管泄出的水的咕咚声英汉大词典〔spiral〕a spiral galaxy 漩涡星系剑桥高阶〔swirl〕a swirl of white water. 白色水漩涡美国传统〔vortex〕a self-destructive vortex of alcoholic binges and blackouts. 纵酒狂欢和醒来时什么都不记得的自毁漩涡柯林斯高阶〔vortex〕caught up in a swirling vortex of emotions 卷入混乱的感情漩涡麦克米伦高阶〔whirlpool bath〕a luxurious whirlpool bath with gold taps一个带有金制水龙头的豪华漩涡浴缸外研社新世纪




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