

单词 煤气
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔bill〕the gas bill 煤气费账单牛津高阶〔bill〕the telephone/electricity/gas bill 电话费╱电费╱煤气费账单牛津高阶〔burner〕a gas burner 煤气燃烧器朗文当代〔burner〕a propane/gas/oil burner 丙烷燃烧器;煤气灯;燃油器韦氏高阶〔burn〕a furnace that burns gas/oil/coke 煤气╱煤油╱焦炭熔炉牛津高阶〔cooker〕a gas cooker. 煤气灶柯林斯高阶〔cooker〕a gas/electric cooker 煤气灶/电炉麦克米伦高阶〔detective〕a detective device for coal gas 煤气检测器英汉大词典〔detect〕detect the odour of gas 闻到煤气味英汉大词典〔element〕a gas element 煤气灶剑桥高阶〔escape〕an escape of gas.漏出煤气。牛津同义词〔explosion〕a gas/nuclear explosion 煤气/核爆炸麦克米伦高阶〔fire〕a gas-fired stove 煤气炉朗文当代〔fire〕a gas/electric fire 煤气╱电取暖器牛津高阶〔fire〕gas-fired central heating 煤气集中供暖牛津高阶〔fitter〕a gas fitter 煤气设备装修工剑桥高阶〔fitting〕gas (electric light) fittings 煤气(电灯)装置英汉大词典〔gas-fired〕gas-fired central heating 以煤气为燃料的中央供暖剑桥高阶〔gaslight〕a gaslit street 用煤气灯照明的街道韦氏高阶〔gaslit〕a gaslit street 由煤气灯照明的街道英汉大词典〔hob〕a gas hob with four burners 有4个火头的煤气灶搁架麦克米伦高阶〔hob〕an electric/a gas hob 电炉╱煤气炉炉盘牛津高阶〔jet〕to clean the gas jets on the cooker 把煤气灶的气嘴擦干净牛津高阶〔leak〕a gas leak 煤气泄漏牛津高阶〔leak〕a leak in the gas pipe 煤气管道的裂缝牛津高阶〔mantle〕lamps flaring behind their smoky gas mantles在煤气灯熏黑的白炽罩中闪耀的灯火外研社新世纪〔mark〕gas mark 5煤气炉5挡外研社新世纪〔oven〕a gas/an electric oven 煤气╱电烤箱牛津高阶〔pipe〕a leaking gas pipe 漏气的煤气管牛津高阶〔producer〕gas/oil producers 煤气公司/石油出产国剑桥高阶〔provision〕the provision of water and gas to domestic consumers 对家庭用户的水和煤气的供应英汉大词典〔range〕a gas (an electric, a coal, a wood) range 煤气(电,煤,柴)灶 英汉大词典〔regulator〕the gas/water/telecommunications regulator 煤气/用水/电信管理员麦克米伦高阶〔ring〕a gas ring 煤气炉头朗文当代〔sendout〕the daily sendout of gas 煤气的日输出量英汉大词典〔simulate〕a gas heater that simulates a coal fire 模仿煤炉的煤气暖炉牛津高阶〔suppliable〕to supply communities with gas向社区供应煤气21世纪英汉〔tag〕balk gas tag 避付煤气账单英汉大词典〔turn〕turn up the gas (the lights) 把煤气 (灯火) 开大 英汉大词典〔utility〕public utilities such as gas, electricity and phones煤气、电和电话等公用事业外研社新世纪




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