

单词 没有任何
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔accomplish〕accomplish much (nothing) 有很多(没有任何)建树英汉大词典〔adornment〕a building without any adornment or decoration没有任何装饰装潢的建筑外研社新世纪〔check〕checked the brakes and lights for defects; checked out the system to make sure there were no errors in the software. 检查刹车和车灯有没有毛病;对系统进行检查以确保软件没有任何错误美国传统〔common〕four women with almost nothing in common 几乎没有任何共同点的四个女人朗文当代〔empty〕gibberish void of all meaning. 莫名其妙的话没有任何意思。美国传统〔forlorn〕forlorn of all hope. 没有任何希望美国传统〔hope〕without any real hope of success 没有任何真正成功的希望牛津搭配〔incapable〕professors who seem incapable of any original thought 似乎没有任何原创思想的教授麦克米伦高阶〔knockout〕unlicensed fighters who do not record any knockouts or injuries they received没有任何击昏或受伤记录的无执照拳击手外研社新世纪〔lifeless〕a time when the earth was completely lifeless 地球上没有任何生命的时期牛津搭配〔mortal〕no mortal reason for us to go. 我们没有任何前去的理由美国传统〔ornamentation〕a plain gold ring with no ornamentation 没有任何装饰的普通金戒指剑桥高阶〔protest〕without a squeak of protest没有任何异议外研社新世纪〔quality〕someone with few redeeming qualities. 几乎没有任何可取之处的人美国传统〔quarrel〕have no quarrel against sb. 对某人没有任何意见英汉大词典〔restriction〕free movement of goods between member countries without any artificial restrictions 成员国之间没有任何人为限制的商品自由流动牛津搭配〔string〕a gift with no strings attached. 一份没有任何附加含义的礼物美国传统〔trial〕no consolation in their hour of trial; 在他们处于艰难困苦中时没有任何安慰;美国传统〔unreserved〕unreserved praise. 没有任何保留的赞扬美国传统〔without〕an attack that came without any warning 没有任何警告的进攻麦克米伦高阶




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