

单词 没有他们
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPLETELY〕Without their help it would have been utterly impossible to arrange the conference. 没有他们的帮助,完全是不可能安排这次会议的。朗文写作活用〔LIVE〕Squatters insist that without their work, the buildings would have deteriorated to the point of being unusable. 擅自占房者坚称,如果没有他们,这些楼房说不定已经破烂得不能使用了。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕We couldn't have done it without their collaboration. 没有他们的合作我们是做不成的。朗文写作活用〔assent〕Without their assent a political settlement cannot be reached.没有他们的同意, 政治和解无法达成。外研社新世纪〔assent〕Without their assent a political settlement cannot be reached.没有他们的同意,不可能达成政治上的和解。柯林斯高阶〔backing〕We can't do it without their backing.没有他们的支持我们是做不成这件事的。外研社新世纪〔conceivable〕Without their support the project would not have been conceivable.如果没有他们的支持,这个项目根本就不可想象。柯林斯高阶〔explicit〕Changes to the property can't be done without their explicit consent.没有他们的明确同意,产权变更无法完成。韦氏高阶〔far〕So far there's been no word from them.至今没有他们的消息美国传统〔fortnight〕A fortnight passed and we still hadn't heard from them.两个星期过去了,我们仍然没有他们的音信。牛津搭配〔fulfilled〕Without them you will not be able to fulfil the tasks you have before you.没有他们你将无法完成面临的任务。柯林斯高阶〔fulfil〕Without them you will not be able to fulfil the tasks you have before you.没有他们, 你将无法完成摆在你面前的任务。外研社新世纪〔get ... on〕We can't get on without their help.没有他们的帮助,我们没法过下去。21世纪英汉〔go on〕I don't know how I'd have gone on without their support.要是没有他们的资助,我真不知道日子该怎么过。21世纪英汉〔help〕None of this would have been possible without their help.如果没有他们的协助,这事没有一样能办成。牛津高阶〔manage〕We couldn't have managed without their help.没有他们的帮助我们没法对付。麦克米伦高阶〔news〕We've had no news of them since they left for Australia.自从他们去了澳大利亚之后,我们一直没有他们的消息。剑桥高阶〔nicely〕He thought he could manage quite nicely without them.他认为没有他们他也能做得很好。外研社新世纪〔nothing〕My children are important to me—I'm nothing without them.孩子们对我而言至关重要——没有他们我就什么也不是了。韦氏高阶〔old〕Their parents would grow old without them.如果没有他们, 父母会变老。外研社新世纪〔pass〕Six months passed and we still had no news of them.半年过去了,我们仍然没有他们的音讯。牛津高阶〔privilege〕We want to privilege them because without the top graduate students, we can't remain a top university.我们希望给予这些最顶尖的研究生特别照顾,因为没有他们,我们就无法继续处于一流大学之列。柯林斯高阶〔scan〕She scanned the paper for any news of them.她浏览报纸看看有没有他们的消息。麦克米伦高阶〔short〕The hotel fell far short of their expectations.旅馆远没有他们预期的那么好。牛津高阶〔shot〕The directors call the shots and nothing happens without their say-so.董事们掌握大权,没有他们的允许什么都不能做。柯林斯高阶〔word〕There's been no word from them since before Christmas.自圣诞节前就一直没有他们的消息。牛津高阶After three years in the business, they found out that running a convenience store was not as lucrative as they thought. 做了三年之后,他们才发现开便利商店并没有他们想像的那么好赚。译典通Ten days passed away and still there was no news about them. 十天过去了,但仍然没有他们的消息。译典通We've had no news of them since they left for Australia.自从他们赴澳大利亚后我们一直没有他们的消息。剑桥国际Without their assistance the arrangement would have foundered pretty quickly. 没有他们的帮助这项安排早就落空了。译典通




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