

单词 没收
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔LEAVE〕The new government banned books, seized passports, expelled foreigners, and legalized detention without trial. 新政府上台后开始禁书、没收护照、驱逐外国人,并将未经审讯实行监禁的做法合法化。朗文写作活用〔LOSE〕You haven't gotten my letter yet? It must have gotten lost in the mail. 你还没收到我的信?肯定是邮寄过程中遗失了。朗文写作活用〔REASON〕She had her residence permit taken away, without any justification 她的居留证在没有正当理由的情况下被没收了。朗文写作活用〔SENSIBLE〕People should have their driving licences taken away if they can't drive responsibly. 人们如果开车不能认真负责,就应该没收他们的驾驶执照。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Police seized 53 weapons and made 42 arrests. 警察没收了53件武器,逮捕了42个人。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕The report concludes that no one knows what actually happened to the confiscated property. 报告得出结论说没有人知道被没收财产的确实情况。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Your vehicle can be confiscated if you are transporting marijuana. 如果你在运送大麻,你的车可能会被没收。朗文写作活用〔alienate〕The property of the enemy was alienated during the war.在战时敌产被没收。21世纪英汉〔answer〕I wrote to him but I never had an answer back.我写了信给他,但一直没收到回信。柯林斯高阶〔answer〕We've written to the bank but we can't even get an answer to our letters.我们已经给银行去了信, 但是连回复都没收到一个。外研社新世纪〔asset〕The authorities have the power to seize the assets of convicted drug dealers.当局有权没收被判有罪的毒贩的资产。牛津搭配〔autumn〕We haven't heard from him since last autumn.从去年秋天起我们就没收到过他的信。麦克米伦高阶〔awful〕We haven't heard from him in an awful long time.我们好久没收到他的来信了。韦氏高阶〔bad guy〕We aim to put the bad guys in prison and take away their money.我们的目标是把坏人关进监狱, 把他们的钱没收。外研社新世纪〔bailiff〕They were planning to send in the bailiffs unless Gosling paid the rent he owed.他们打算派郡副司法长官去没收财产, 除非戈斯林交付所欠的租金。外研社新世纪〔bar〕They seized his passport and barred him from leaving the country.他们没收了他的护照,禁止他出境。朗文当代〔be in〕The total figures are not in.还没收到所有数据。21世纪英汉〔bill〕The doctor did not bill him for the visit.大夫没收他的出诊费。21世纪英汉〔black bag job〕An act of entry, search, and sometimes removal or photographing of property, conducted by federal investigators without a warrant.非法秘密搜查:由联邦调查人员在没有许可证情况下执行的对财产登记、搜查及有时没收或拍照的行为美国传统〔can〕The police can confiscate the bikes.警察有权没收自行车。英汉大词典〔chase up〕When I didn't hear from the suppliers or receive a refund, I chased the matter up.我既没收到供货商的消息,也没拿到退款,于是开始追查此事。柯林斯高阶〔condemn〕The smuggled goods were condemned.这批走私货物被没收了。英汉大词典〔confiscatable〕The policeman confiscated the robber's pistol.警察没收了土匪的手枪。21世纪英汉〔confiscate〕Guards confiscated knives and other weapons from the prisoners.看守没收了囚犯的刀和其他武器。韦氏高阶〔confiscate〕Police confiscated their weapons.警察没收了他们的武器。麦克米伦高阶〔confiscate〕The headmaster was forced to confiscate yet another pack of cards from the lad.校长被迫没收这个男孩的另一副扑克牌。外研社新世纪〔confiscate〕The new laws allow the confiscation of assets purchased with proceeds of the drugs trade.新的法律允许没收用毒品交易所获收益购置的资产。柯林斯高阶〔confiscate〕The teacher threatened to confiscate their phones if they kept using them in class.老师警告说,如果他们上课时继续使用手机就予以没收。牛津高阶〔confiscate〕There is concern that police use the law to confiscate assets from people who have committed minor offences.人们担心警方会利用该法律没收犯下轻微罪行的人的资产。外研社新世纪〔confiscate〕They confiscated weapons, ammunition and propaganda material.他们没收了武器、弹药和宣传材料。外研社新世纪〔confiscation〕The new laws allow the confiscation of assets purchased with proceeds of the drugs trade.新法律允许没收用毒品交易的收益购买的资产。外研社新世纪〔contraband〕Goods that may be seized and confiscated by a belligerent if shipped to another belligerent by a neutral.战时禁运品:若由中立国运输至交战国一方则交战国另一方可将其扣押并且没收的货物美国传统〔contrary〕If you don't hear to the contrary, I'll visit you on Tuesday.如果你没收到另外的通知,我就定在星期二去探望你。英汉大词典〔default〕The bank can seize the asset in the event of a default in payment.如果拖欠付款的话,银行可以没收该项资产。朗文当代〔definitely〕The room is definitely not ready.这个房间还没收拾好,这是肯定的。韦氏高阶〔discretion〕Where there are no service charges added to the bill, tip at your discretion.凡账单上没收服务费的,是否付小费由你自己决定。柯林斯高阶〔expropriate〕The Bolsheviks expropriated the property of the landowners.布尔什维克没收了地主的财产。外研社新世纪〔finish with〕Don't try and sneak off, Perkins, I haven't finished with you yet.珀金斯, 你别想溜走, 我还没收拾完你呢。外研社新世纪〔forfeiture〕He was deep in debt and facing forfeiture of his property.他负债累累,面临财产被没收的窘境。剑桥高阶〔forfeiture〕Reed was sentenced to forfeiture of all benefits.里德被判处没收所有收益。麦克米伦高阶〔forfeiture〕Refusal to sign meant forfeiture of property and exile.拒绝签字意味着财产要被没收,还要流亡国外。朗文当代〔forfeiture〕Something that is forfeited; a penalty.没收物;罚金美国传统〔forfeit〕Lost or subject to loss through forfeiture.丧失的,没收的:丢失的或因没收而损失的美国传统〔forfeit〕Something surrendered or subject to surrender as punishment for a crime, an offense, an error, or a breach of contract.丧失的东西,没收的物品:因犯罪、犯法、犯错或违约而丧失或被没收的物品美国传统〔forfeit〕To subject to seizure as a forfeit.没收:作为惩罚而没收美国传统〔hear〕It's ages since I heard from Jill.我很久没收到吉尔的信了。麦克米伦高阶〔impound〕The police impounded cars and other personal property belonging to the drug dealers.警察没收了毒贩的汽车及其他个人财物。剑桥高阶〔impound〕The police moved in, arrested him and impounded the cocaine.警察冲进去将他拘捕并没收了可卡因。柯林斯高阶〔invite〕They haven't got an invite to the wedding.他们还没收到参加婚礼的请柬。柯林斯高阶〔itemize〕The contents of his pockets were itemized and confiscated.他口袋里的东西经一一登录后全部被没收了。英汉大词典〔jump〕To forfeit (bail) by failing to appear in court.丧失,被没收:由于没出庭而失去(保释)美国传统〔knuckle-duster〕As well as firearms, police confiscated knuckle-dusters and other weaponry.除了枪械, 警察还没收了些指节金属套和其他器械。外研社新世纪〔letter〕I haven't had a letter from her for months.我已经几个月没收到她的信了。牛津搭配〔licence〕He's had his licence taken away.他被没收了执照。牛津搭配〔mulct〕To penalize by fining or demanding forfeiture.处以罚金:罚款或强制没收以示惩罚美国传统〔notification〕I've received no notification of any changes to my pension.我没收到有关我的抚恤金的任何变更通知。外研社新世纪〔oversight〕The fact that you didn't get an invitation is surely just an oversight.你没收到邀请这事儿肯定只是个疏忽。韦氏高阶〔process〕This is confiscation of property without due process of law.这是在全无应有法律手续的情况下没收财产。英汉大词典〔property〕Security forces searched thousands of homes, confiscating weapons and stolen property.安全部队搜查了数千所住宅, 没收了武器和赃物。外研社新世纪〔property〕Security forces searched thousands of homes, confiscating weapons and stolen property.安全部队搜查了数千所住宅,没收了武器和赃物。柯林斯高阶〔pull〕The police pulled his driver's license for drunk driving. = He had his license pulled for drunk driving.警察以醉驾为由没收了他的驾照。韦氏高阶〔punishment〕I took away my daughter's car keys as a punishment for her bad behavior.我没收了女儿的车钥匙作为对她不良行为的惩罚。韦氏高阶〔punish〕His parents punished him by taking away his allowance.父母通过没收零花钱来惩罚他。韦氏高阶〔remark〕He remarked to Jane that he had not heard from Sally for a long time.他对简说已经好久没收到萨莉的信了。牛津搭配〔remember〕The orphan remembered with hatred the confiscation in his childhood institution of a teddy bear.那孤儿对于儿时孤儿院没收了一只玩具熊的事始终耿耿于怀。英汉大词典〔reply〕The invitations have been sent, but we haven't received any replies yet.邀请函已发出,但我们还没收到任何答复。韦氏高阶〔search〕The Constitution forbids unreasonable searches and seizures.宪法禁止不合理搜查和没收财物。牛津搭配〔seize〕Bailiffs need a certificate from the county court to seize goods for rent arrears.查封官需要有郡法院的证明才能没收货物以抵欠租。柯林斯高阶〔seize〕Bailiffs need a certificate from the county court to seize goods for rent arrears.法庭事物官需要有郡法院的证明才能没收货物以抵欠租。外研社新世纪〔seize〕Customs officials have seized 100 kilos of cocaine.海关官员没收了100公斤可卡因。麦克米伦高阶〔seize〕Police were reported to have seized all copies of this morning's edition of the newspaper.据说警方已经将该报纸今天的早间版全部没收。柯林斯高阶〔seize〕The health authorities seized the whole shipment of tainted food.卫生当局没收了全船的受污染食品。英汉大词典〔seize〕We have the legal right to seize his property.我们有没收他财产的合法权力。牛津搭配〔seizure〕A court ordered the seizure of two ships for non-payment of the debt.因未付债款,法庭下令没收两艘船。柯林斯高阶〔seizure〕Not all searches and seizures by the police require a warrant.警方的搜查和没收不一定都需要授权证明。韦氏高阶〔seizure〕The court ordered the seizure of his assets.法庭下令没收他的财产。牛津高阶〔seizure〕The courts ordered the seizure of all her property.法院下令没收她的全部财产。英汉大词典〔seizure〕The government has made a record number of drug seizures this year.政府今年在毒品没收量上创了纪录。麦克米伦高阶〔sequester〕The police continued to uncover and sequester arms and ammunition.警方继续发现并没收武器和弹药。英汉大词典〔sequester〕To requisition and confiscate (enemy property).没收:征用和没收(敌人的财产)美国传统〔single〕We didn't get a single reply.我们什么回复也没收到。韦氏高阶〔so〕Nothing more was heard from him so that we began to wonder if he was dead.此后再没收到他的消息,于是我们开始怀疑他是不是死了。牛津高阶〔take〕To seize with authority; confiscate.逮捕,没收:运用权力剥夺;没收美国传统〔touch〕I haven't touched the garden for weeks.我有好几个星期没收拾花园了。麦克米伦高阶A large quantity of false credit cards was seized by the police.警方没收了大量伪造的信用卡。牛津商务Customs officers have seized nearly a ton of heroin destined for New York.海关关员已经没收了将近一吨欲送往纽约的海洛因。剑桥国际Customs seizures are down by one half this year.今年被海关查获没收的货物减少了一半。牛津商务He was deep in debt and faced with forfeiture of his property.他负债累累,面临财产被没收的境地。剑桥国际His passport was confiscated by the police in an attempt to prevent him from leaving the country.警察没收了他的护照以阻止他出境。剑桥国际If the loan is not repaid, the bank may take possession of the company's assets.如果不偿还贷款,银行可以没收公司的资产。牛津商务In a recession banks tend to foreclose on businesses that are in financial difficulty.在经济衰退时期,银行往往采用没收抵押财产充当借款的方式对待财政困难的企业。剑桥国际My mother's worried to death (= extremely worried) about my brother because she hasn't heard from him for over a month.我母亲为我兄弟担心得要死,因为她已经一个多月没收到他的信了。剑桥国际Police have seized several consignments of pornography. 警方已没收了好几批色情书刊。译典通The bank has the right to seize your assets if you fail to repay the loan.如果无法偿还贷款,银行有权没收财产。牛津商务The confiscation of his farm by the state left him without any means of supporting his family.政府没收了他的农场,使他无力养活一家人。剑桥国际The police are impounding homes, cars and personal property belonging to the drug dealers.警方正在没收毒贩的房子、汽车和私人财产。剑桥国际The police seized a quantity of obscene publications. 警察没收了一大批淫秽出版物。译典通There was a record number of confiscations by customs officers last year.海关官员去年没收的东西的数量之多是空前的。剑桥国际They had their passports confiscated on entering the country.他们的护照在进入这国家时被没收。牛津商务You have already signed the recognizance. Should you fail to carry out what you promised, your bond will be forfeited. 你已经在切结书上签字了,如果做不到的话,你的担保金就会被没收。译典通




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