

单词 社会行为
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ASBO〕An ASBO bans him from the estate.一项反社会行为令禁止他进入该住宅区。外研社新世纪〔ASBO〕Breach of an ASBO is a criminal offence.违反反社会行为令是刑事犯罪。柯林斯高阶〔Elastoplast〕We stick Elastoplast over the crisis with gimmicks such as on-the-spot fines, curfews and anti-social behaviour orders.在紧要关头, 我们用各种小把戏充当权宜之计, 如当场罚款、宵禁和反社会行为禁令。外研社新世纪〔SMOKING〕These days smoking is seen as an anti-social habit. 如今吸烟被看成是反社会行为。朗文写作活用〔anomie〕Personal disorganization resulting in unsocial behavior.杂乱:导致非社会行为的个人失范状态美国传统〔anti-social〕Playing these games can lead to anti-social behaviour.玩这类游戏会引发反社会行为。柯林斯高阶〔antisocial personality disorder〕A personality disorder characterized by chronic antisocial behavior and violation of the law and the rights of others.反社会人格障碍:人格障碍,症状为长期的反社会行为、触犯法律以及侵害他人权利美国传统〔antisocial〕She was finding it hard to cope with her son's increasingly antisocial behaviour .她觉得难以应付儿子日益加剧的反社会行为。朗文当代〔aversion therapy〕A type of behavior therapy designed to modify antisocial habits or addictions by creating a strong association with a disagreeable or painful stimulus.厌恶疗法:一种行为治疗方法,旨在通过使反社会行为或不良嗜好与某种讨厌的、有痛感的刺激联系起来从而改变它们美国传统〔behavior〕An acceptable social behavior in one country may be unacceptable in another country.在一个国家被认可的社会行为在另一个国家可能不被认可。韦氏高阶〔define〕Her book aims to define acceptable social behavior.她的著作旨在阐明可接受的社会行为。韦氏高阶〔encourage〕Violent TV programmes encourage anti-social behaviour.暴力电视节目会助长反社会行为。朗文当代〔jaundice〕Antisocial behaviour is jaundicing their views of community membership.反社会行为扭曲了他们的群体归属感。外研社新世纪〔juvenile delinquent〕A juvenile guilty of antisocial or criminal behavior.少年罪犯:有反社会行为或有犯罪行为的青少年美国传统〔love-in〕A gathering to engender and promote love, as for the satisfaction of the participants or as a form of social activism.友爱聚会:一种产生或促进友爱的聚会,如为了满足参与者或作为社会行为主义的一种形式美国传统〔magistrate〕Magistrates imposed an Anti-Social Behaviour Order.地方治安法官强制执行了一项《反社会行为令》。牛津搭配〔norm〕Each culture develops its own social norms.每种文化都会形成自己的社会行为规范。麦克米伦高阶〔psychopathy〕Mental disorder, especially when manifested by antisocial behavior.精神变态:精神病,尤指那些有反社会行为的美国传统〔role〕The characteristic and expected social behavior of an individual.职分,责任:个人特征或期望的社会行为美国传统〔sociology〕The study of human social behavior, especially the study of the origins, organization, institutions, and development of human society.社会学:研究人类社会行为,尤其是研究人类社会的起源、组织、风俗习惯和发展的学科美国传统〔sociopath〕One who is affected with a personality disorder marked by aggressive, antisocial behavior.反社会者:受个人错乱影响,带有攻击性、反社会行为的人美国传统His anti-social behaviour is a sign of maladjustment and inadequate parenting.他的反社会行为反映出其未适应社会及缺乏良好的教养。剑桥国际Most forms of anti-social behaviour appear to be almost exclusively male.大多数反社会行为好像几乎都毫无例外地是男性所为。剑桥国际




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