

单词 矢志
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔adjure〕He adjured his followers to remain faithful to the cause.他要求他的追随者们矢志不渝地忠诚于这项事业。韦氏高阶〔allegiance〕He owed his allegiance to the organization that had given him all his opportunities.他矢志忠于给了他这么多机会的组织。牛津搭配〔apostle〕Her mother was a dedicated apostle of healthy eating.她母亲是健康饮食矢志不渝的倡导者。柯林斯高阶〔avow〕He avowed his commitment to Marxist ideals.他宣称对马克思主义理想矢志不渝。朗文当代〔carry〕His determination to succeed carried him to the top of his profession.他矢志成功的决心推动他达到了事业的顶峰。麦克米伦高阶〔oratory〕He displayed determination as well as powerful oratory.他既展示出震撼人心的雄辩术,又显露了矢志不移的决心。柯林斯高阶〔realize〕The ideals to which you do adhere are not realized in the realm of matter.你矢志信奉的理想在这物质世界是不会变为事实的。英汉大词典〔stick〕They stuck by their decision.他们决心已下,矢志不渝。牛津高阶




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