

单词 灼热
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔acid reflux〕Mild cases of heartburn and acid reflux can be treated by simple lifestyle changes.心口灼热和酸水倒流这些症状在不严重的时候都可以通过改变生活方式缓解。剑桥高阶〔broil〕To be exposed to great heat.受到灼热美国传统〔broil〕To expose to great heat.使受到灼热美国传统〔burning〕Symptoms include itchy, burning eyes.产生的症状包括眼部灼热发痒。韦氏高阶〔burn〕Continue doing the exercise until you feel the burn in your muscles.继续锻炼,直到肌肉有灼热感。韦氏高阶〔burn〕The antiseptic really burned when I rubbed it on.我把抗菌剂涂在皮肤上时确实有灼热感。麦克米伦高阶〔burn〕The iodine burned a little when I put it on the cut.我涂碘酒时伤口有轻微灼热感。韦氏高阶〔burn〕This medicine burns.这药使人觉得灼热。文馨英汉〔clambake〕A seashore picnic where clams, fish, corn, and other foods are traditionally baked on heated stones covered with seaweed.海滨野餐会:在覆有海草的灼热的石头上,传统地烧烤蛤、鱼、谷物和其它食物的海滨野餐美国传统〔coal gas〕The gaseous mixture released by burning coal.煤气:由灼热的煤释放出的气体混合物美国传统〔coal〕A glowing or charred piece of solid fuel.焦碳:一块灼热或炭化的固体燃料美国传统〔fiery〕Torridly hot.灼热的,酷热的美国传统〔flatly〕As heartburn is usually worse when you're lying down in bed, you should avoid lying flat.通常躺着的时候胃灼热会更加厉害,所以应当避免平卧。柯林斯高阶〔flinch〕She flinched as she touched the hot iron.她碰到灼热的熨斗时缩了一下。英汉大词典〔frizzle up〕The heat of the sun frizzled everything up.灼热的太阳把所有的东西都烤干了。21世纪英汉〔glow〕She felt the glow from the fireplace.她感觉到壁炉散发出的灼热。韦氏高阶〔grate〕Many of the small hot coals fell through the grate.许多灼热的小煤块从炉栅上掉下来。英汉大词典〔heartburn〕He had an unpleasant case of heartburn.他曾有心口灼热的不适症状。英汉大词典〔heartburn〕I like spicy food, but it gives me heartburn.我喜欢辛辣的食物,但那会使我胃灼热。韦氏高阶〔heat〕Its leaves drooped a little in the fierce heat of the sun.它的叶子在灼热的阳光下微微耷拉着。柯林斯高阶〔heat〕We could feel the tremendous heat coming from the fire.我们能感觉到火焰发出的灼热。牛津搭配〔hell〕Lava poured out of the volcano, glowing like the fires of hell.熔岩从火山中喷出,发出灼热的光,像地狱之火一般。牛津搭配〔ignite〕When the electric current is turned on, it ignites the tungsten filaments in the bulb.电流一接通就使灯泡内的钨丝灼热发光。英汉大词典〔itch〕His eyes began to burn and itch because of his allergies.他的眼睛因过敏开始灼热瘙痒。韦氏高阶〔jerky〕His skin was dry and hot, his breathing rapid and jerky.他皮肤干燥灼热,呼吸急促。朗文当代〔lid〕She felt the tears burning against her closed lids.她感到灼热的泪水在紧闭的眼中涌动。牛津搭配〔overproduction〕Heartburn can be caused by the overproduction of stomach acid.胃酸分泌过多可能引起胃灼热。韦氏高阶〔pate〕The sun beat down on his bald pate.灼热的阳光直射到他那光光的秃顶上。牛津高阶〔scalding〕Causing a burning sensation, as from contact with hot liquid.烫人的:象与灼热液体接触而引起烫伤感觉的美国传统〔sear〕The shirt was seared by the hot iron.衬衣被灼热的熨斗烫焦了。英汉大词典〔sear〕The steak was seared over a hot grill.这牛排是在灼热的烤架上烤熟的。韦氏高阶〔sensation〕A sensation of burning or tingling may be experienced in the hands.双手可能会有种刺痛感或灼热感。柯林斯高阶〔sensation〕Lisa felt a burning sensation in her eyes.莉萨觉得眼睛有灼热感。牛津搭配〔slave〕She's been slaving away over a hot stove for three hours.她已经在灼热的炉子前挥汗忙碌了3个小时。英汉大词典〔sole〕The hot sand burned the soles of their feet.灼热的沙地使他们的脚掌感到火辣辣的。牛津高阶〔spew〕The volcano spewed out more scorching volcanic ashes, gases and rocks.火山喷出更多灼热的火山灰、气体和岩块。柯林斯高阶〔sun〕The sun was blazing hot.阳光灼热逼人。牛津高阶〔wither〕The grass withered under a scorching sun.草在灼热的阳光照射下枯萎了。牛津搭配He felt (=experienced) her hot breath on his neck and nearly fainted.他感觉到他脖颈上她那灼热的呼吸,几乎要昏过去了。剑桥国际In her rage she threw a burning hot coal (=single piece of coal) at him.她怒火中烧,把一块烧得灼热的煤块向他扔去。剑桥国际It's been part of the lore of medicine over the years that lying on your right side will make heartburn worse .多年以来,医学界认为右卧会加剧心口灼热。剑桥国际The earth's core is a hot, molten mix of iron and nickel.地球内核是灼热、液态的铁镍混合物。剑桥国际The searing heat of the midday sun was almost unbearable.正午太阳的灼热几乎让人无法忍受。剑桥国际They walked on tiptoes across the hot sand.他们踮着脚走过灼热的沙滩。剑桥国际We quickly grew tired in the blazing (= very hot) sunshine.在灼热的日光下我们很快就累了。剑桥国际




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