

单词 火焚
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DESTROY〕The palace was rebuilt in 1832 after a devastating fire. 该宫殿被一场毁灭性大火焚毁后,于1832年重建。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕Rioters created a diversion by setting fire to vehicles close to the police station. 暴乱者在警察局附近放火焚烧车辆以转移警察的注意力。朗文写作活用〔ablaze〕Cars and buses were set ablaze during the riot.暴乱中许多轿车和公共汽车被纵火焚烧。牛津高阶〔building〕The building was gutted by fire.大火焚毁了建筑物的内部。牛津搭配〔burn with sth〕They were both burning with desire.他们俩欲火焚身。剑桥高阶〔burn〕The rocket burnt up when it re-entered the earth's atmosphere.火箭重入地球大气层时着火焚毁。英汉大词典〔douse〕They had doused a car with gasoline and then set it on fire.他们把汽油浇在一辆汽车上,然后点火焚烧。英汉大词典〔fire〕Groups of rioters attacked and set the police headquarters on fire.成群结队的暴徒袭击并放火焚烧了警察总局。牛津搭配〔fire〕Rioters set fire to a whole row of stores.暴徒纵火焚烧了一整排商店。朗文当代〔fire〕Several youths had set fire to the police car(= had made it start burning).几个年轻人纵火焚烧警车。牛津高阶〔ground〕Houses and a luxury tourist hotel were burned to the ground(= completely destroyed, so that there is nothing left).多间房屋和一家豪华旅馆被大火焚烧殆尽。牛津高阶〔gut〕Fires gutted the buildings.大火焚毁了多幢建筑物的内部。英汉大词典〔marauding〕Witnesses reported gangs of marauding soldiers breaking into people's houses and setting fire to them.目击者称成群结队的匪兵闯入民宅并纵火焚毁房屋。剑桥高阶〔retreat〕Retreating soldiers were dousing homes and shops with petrol and setting them on fire.撤退的士兵把汽油浇到住宅和商店上,并放火焚烧。柯林斯高阶〔riot〕Rioters set fire to parked cars.暴徒放火焚烧停着的汽车。牛津高阶〔set fire to sth/sb〕The protesters set fire to several vehicles.抗议者纵火焚烧了几辆车。剑桥高阶〔set〕Protestors set fire to two buses.抗议者放火焚烧了两辆公共汽车。朗文当代〔smoulder〕Melanie Griffith seems to smoulder with sexuality.梅拉妮•格里菲斯似乎正欲火焚身。外研社新世纪〔stone〕Cars were being stoned and fired on.汽车正被砸,并被点火焚烧。英汉大词典〔torch〕Cars and trucks have been torched, bottles and bricks thrown.轿车、卡车被放火焚烧,瓶子与砖块乱砸乱飞。柯林斯高阶〔turn on〕Demonstrators turned on police, overturning vehicles and setting fire to them.示威者攻击警察,推翻车辆并将其纵火焚烧。柯林斯高阶〔urge〕The two of them seem unable to control their sexual urges.他们两个似乎欲火焚身。剑桥高阶They set fire to the flag and pulled the dictator's statue down.他们放火焚烧旗帜,并推倒了独裁者的塑像。剑桥国际




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