

单词 cash
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CBD.〕Cash before delivery.现款交货美国传统〔FORCE SB TO DO STH〕The company paid the workers the minimum rate of $4.86 an hour, but coerced some to give back half their pay in cash. 该公司支付给工人最低的时薪4.86美元,却胁迫一些工人以现金归还一半工资。朗文写作活用〔JOB〕I sometimes take wedding photographs on Saturdays -- it's a nice little sideline and it gives me a bit of extra cash. 星期六我有时给人拍拍结婚照—这是个不错的小副业,还可以得到点额外的收入。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕Are you paying cash for these items? 这些东西你是付现金吗?朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕I'll write you a cheque, and you can pay me back in cash later. 我给你开一张支票,你以后可以用现金归还。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕I'm warning you, we're really strapped for cash right now. 我提醒你一下,眼下我们手头确实很紧。朗文写作活用〔MONEY〕The Health Authority says that it simply has no extra cash from its £136 million budget. 卫生部门说按1.36亿英镑的预算来看,他们根本就没有多余的现钱了。朗文写作活用〔PERSUADE〕As a way of reducing the workforce, workers are being offered cash inducements to retire. 作为一种减少劳动力的方法,给工人们现金诱使他们退休。朗文写作活用〔PROFIT〕Have you noticed how the record companies cash in on the death of famous pop stars by re-releasing all their old records? 你注意到唱片公司怎样在著名歌星去世之际靠重新发行他们全部的旧唱片来捞钱吗?朗文写作活用〔PROFIT〕He's just cashing in on the fact that his wife is famous. 他就是利用妻子的名气来赚钱。朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕I need to get to a cash machine and take out some money. 我要找个自动提款机去取点钱。朗文写作活用〔SHARE〕Schools will be given cash allocations per student. 学校将按学生人数得到现金拨款。朗文写作活用〔achiever〕High achievers will receive cash bonuses.业绩好的人会得到现金奖励。外研社新世纪〔acv〕Actual cash value.实际现金价值美国传统〔amount〕They want to limit the amount of cash available.他们想限制可用现金的数额。牛津搭配〔appreciate〕I would appreciate it if you paid in cash.假如你支付现金的话,我会不胜感激。牛津高阶〔arrangement〕You can cash cheques here by prior arrangement with the bank.你事先和银行商妥,就可以在这里兑现支票。牛津高阶〔attorney〕Your attorney may advise you to accept a cash settlement.你的律师也许会建议你接受现金赔偿解决此事。牛津搭配〔awash〕The company is awash with cash.该公司有大量的现金。文馨英汉〔awash〕This, after all, is a company which is awash with cash.这毕竟是一家现金充裕的公司。柯林斯高阶〔balance〕Cash on hand balances expenses.手头的现金足够支付一应费用。英汉大词典〔ball〕I just want enough cash to start the ball rolling.我只是希望有足够的启动现金。外研社新世纪〔bargainer〕They prefer to bargain with individual clients, for cash.在现款方面,他们更愿意同散户打交道。柯林斯高阶〔bargain〕They prefer to bargain with individual clients, for cash.他们宁愿跟单个客户为现金讨价还价。外研社新世纪〔bid〕He made a cash bid for the company.他提出以现金收购这家公司。牛津搭配〔bill〕The firm says it cannot find the cash to meet its wage bill.公司声称拿不出现金来支付工资。麦克米伦高阶〔black economy〕A sizable hidden segment of a country's economy that operates on numerous unreported private cash transactions.黑色经济,非法经营:国家经济中相当数量被隐藏的部分,以未被告发的私人现金交易而进行美国传统〔buffer〕Keep savings as a buffer against unexpected cash needs.存些积蓄以备不时之需。柯林斯高阶〔build〕There are three cash machines built into the wall .有三台自动提款机嵌在墙里面。朗文当代〔business〕You can't stay in business without cash.没有现金,你无法运营。柯林斯高阶〔business〕You can't stay in business without cash.没有资金企业就不能运转。外研社新世纪〔card〕Holidaymakers should beware of using plastic cards in foreign cash dispensers.外出度假时,在外币取款机上使用银行卡一定要小心。柯林斯高阶〔cash flow〕The builder is unable to pay due to cash flow problems .这家建筑公司因现金流转问题而无力支付。朗文当代〔cash flow〕We were able to maintain a steady cash flow.我们能够保持稳定的资金流动。韦氏高阶〔cash flow〕Work out a projected cash flow for your first 12 months trading.针对你头12个月的交易测算一下现金流。外研社新世纪〔cash in〕He did not cash in his shares.他没有把股票兑换成现款。柯林斯高阶〔cash in〕He said that public servants should use government to serve and not to cash in.他说, 公务员应当运用政府权力服务大众, 不应该牟取私利。外研社新世纪〔cash in〕One of the City's most popular public relations bosses has also been cashing in handsomely.伦敦商业区最火的公关公司老板中的一位也从中捞得盘满钵满。外研社新世纪〔cash in〕The main problem is to prevent others cashing in before we have had time to market the product.主要问题是在我们没有来得及在市场上销售产品之前,防止别人捞一把。21世纪英汉〔cash up〕He can't go home right now, he is still cashing up.他现在还不能马上回家,他正在结算今天的现金收入账。21世纪英汉〔cashregister〕He gave her $10 from the cash register.他从收银机里取出 10 美元给了她。牛津搭配〔cash〕A phone line to help children in trouble has been closed due to lack of cash.由于缺少资金,一条帮助儿童的电话热线被关闭了。朗文当代〔cash〕Can I cash a cheque at Reception? 我可以在接待处把支票兑成现金吗?麦克米伦高阶〔cash〕Can you cash this cheque for me (或cash me this cheque)? 这张支票你可以给我兑成现金吗? 英汉大词典〔cash〕Customers are offered a 10% discount if they pay cash.顾客若付现金,可获九折优惠。牛津高阶〔cash〕Do you want to pay in cash or by credit card? 你想用现金还是信用卡付账?麦克米伦高阶〔cash〕Donations can be made in cash.捐款可以用现金。外研社新世纪〔cash〕He had failed in business and was not in the cash.他因营业失败,经济上并不富裕。英汉大词典〔cash〕How much cash do you have on you? 你身上带着多少现金?牛津高阶〔cash〕Let's cash in on the fine weather and go out for the day.让我们利用大好的天气出去玩一天吧。英汉大词典〔cash〕Olga's short of cash so she decided to put off her trip.奥尔加现在缺钱,所以她决定推迟旅行。麦克米伦高阶〔cash〕Profiteers cashed in during the gasoline shortage.投机商人利用石油短缺大捞一笔美国传统〔cash〕Richard cashed in all his bonds.理查德把他的全部证券兑成了现金。英汉大词典〔cash〕Some of the supermarket checkouts only take cash.一些超市的收银台只收现金。麦克米伦高阶〔cash〕Ted had saved enough to buy the car cash down.特德已积蓄了足够的钱,得以用现款买那辆汽车。英汉大词典〔cash〕The bank will cash your 50-dollar check.银行将兑现你的五十元美金支票。文馨英汉〔cash〕The film studio is being accused of cashing in on the singer's death.那家电影制片厂被指责利用这位歌手的死来赚钱。牛津高阶〔cash〕They had a quiz to raise cash for the hospital.他们举办了一个知识问答为医院筹款。牛津搭配〔cash〕Would you cash a cheque for me? 你能帮我兑张支票吗?剑桥高阶〔cheque〕I don't have any cash on me, so could I pay with a/by cheque? 我没带现金,能用支票付款吗?剑桥高阶〔come〕We wanted to buy the house but we couldn't come up with the cash.我们想买这幢房子,但拿不出这笔现款。朗文当代〔commercial paper〕Short-term, unsecured, discounted, and negotiable notes sold by one company to another in order to satisfy immediate cash needs.商业票据:短期无担保的、可贴现的和可转让的票据,为了满足现金的立即需要,从一个公司卖到另一个公司美国传统〔convert〕The stocks can be easily converted to cash.这些股票变现很方便。朗文当代〔corner〕He is in a tight corner financially and badly needs US cash.他手头非常拮据, 急需美元现钞。外研社新世纪〔currency〕You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card.你将需要一些当地的货币现金,但也可使用信用卡。牛津高阶〔cwo.〕Cash with order.定货付款美国传统〔dawdle〕The bank staff dawdled over cashing him a cheque.银行职员慢吞吞地为他兑现支票。外研社新世纪〔debt〕He used the cash to pay off personal debts.他用这笔现金清偿了私人债务。牛津搭配〔deposit〕He made a £2,000 cash deposit on 5 April.4月5日他存入2000英镑的现金。麦克米伦高阶〔discover〕The boss discovered him stealing money from the cash register.老板发现他从钱箱里偷钱。剑桥高阶〔disposal〕Tanner had a lot of cash at his disposal .坦纳手头有很多现金可以支配。朗文当代〔draft〕The deposit has to be paid in cash or by draft.保证金必须用现金或汇票支付。麦克米伦高阶〔draw〕She was drawing out cash from a cash machine.她正从自动提款机中取钱。柯林斯高阶〔easy〕I just took the easy way out and gave him some cash.我只用了个简单的办法,给了他一些现金。朗文当代〔eliminate〕The credit card eliminates the need for cash or cheques.有了信用卡就不需要使用现金或支票了。朗文当代〔entice〕He was not enticed into parting with his cash.他没有因为诱惑而掏钱。牛津高阶〔exchange〕The clubs let members exchange goods and services without cash.俱乐部允许会员们用现金以外的东西换得商品和服务。外研社新世纪〔following〕Payment may be made in any of the following ways: cheque, cash, or credit card.可用以下任何一种方式付款: 支票、现金或信用卡。朗文当代〔free〕He's never been particularly free with his cash.他花钱从不会大手大脚。麦克米伦高阶〔generator〕The company has been a very good cash generator.这家公司盈利状况一直很好。外研社新世纪〔glee〕Manufacturers are rubbing their hands with glee as they prepare to cash in.厂家准备收钱的时候高兴得直搓手。朗文当代〔go〕Neither of the two consortia has sufficient cash to go it alone.两个国际财团都没有独自经营的足够资金。英汉大词典〔hack〕They hack into banks and transfer huge amounts of cash.他们侵入银行的电脑系统并转走了大量的现金。麦克米伦高阶〔haemorrhage〕The newspaper sold its websites in a bid to stem the haemorrhage of cash from the business.报社卖掉了网站以防止资金外流。牛津搭配〔halve〕Cash cuts have halved the number of places available on training courses.经费削减使培训名额减少了一半。朗文当代〔handy〕Credit cards can be handy — they mean you do not have to carry large sums of cash.信用卡很方便,有了它你就不用携带大量现金了。柯林斯高阶〔hard cash〕I'd prefer to be paid in hard cash.我更希望付现金给我。外研社新世纪〔head〕We are keeping our head above water, but our cash flow position is not too good.我们正努力避免陷入困境,但我们的现金流动情况不太好。柯林斯高阶〔here〕Here's your cash.这是您的现金。柯林斯高阶〔hit〕Does he always hit you up for cash when he wants new clothes? 他要买新衣服时是不是总找你要钱?牛津高阶〔household〕My husband gave me cash to manage the household, but none of it was ever my own.丈夫给我钱来持家,但这些钱一毫一厘都不属于我。柯林斯高阶〔incidental〕Carry extra cash for taxis, tips and other incidentals.另外再带些现金用来坐出租车、付小费和其他一些临时开支。朗文当代〔injection〕A cash injection of £20 million will be used to improve the health service.2000万英镑将被投入用于改善医疗服务。剑桥高阶〔injection〕An undisclosed buyer will provide a much-needed cash injection for the fragile balance sheet.一位未公开身份的买主将会注入急需的现金,以帮助公司应对脆弱的财务状况。牛津搭配〔injection〕The theatre faces closure unless it gets an urgent cash injection.剧院面临着倒闭,除非有大笔救急现金投入。牛津高阶〔intention〕I went to the bank with the intention of getting some cash.我去了趟银行,打算取些现金。牛津搭配〔invoice〕His £200 invoice was settled immediately in cash.他立即以现金付清了 200 英镑的货款。柯林斯高阶〔large〕The gang finally fled with a large amount of cash and jewellery.这个团伙最后带着大量的现金和珠宝逃走了。外研社新世纪〔liberal〕If only they were as liberal with their cash.要是他们花钱也一样大方就好了。朗文当代〔lieu〕They took cash in lieu of the prize they had won.他们没有领奖品而是领了现金。牛津高阶〔man〕He stocked shelves while I manned the cash register.他往货架上摆商品,我负责收银。韦氏高阶〔match〕Groups have to match any grant they receive with their own cash.各团体必须提供与所得拨款数目相等的现金。麦克米伦高阶〔milk〕He'd been milking the petty cash.他一直在一小笔一小笔拿走零用现金。外研社新世纪〔mixed farming〕The use of a single farm for multiple purposes, as the growing of cash crops or the raising of livestock.混合耕作:多种目标的单个农场的应用,使其种植多种用途的商品作物或饲养牲畜美国传统〔more〕You've got no more cash left in the reserve.你的储备金已经用光了。麦克米伦高阶〔nail〕He paid cash on the nail.他立刻支付了现金。外研社新世纪〔no〕I have no cash on [with] me.我身上没有现金。文馨英汉〔opulent〕Most of the cash went on supporting his opulent lifestyle.大部分现金都花在了维系他挥金如土的生活方式上。外研社新世纪〔paid good money〕I couldn't afford to pay cash, so I put it on my credit card.我现金不够,所以用信用卡支付。韦氏高阶〔part〕He's not easily parted from his cash.叫他拿出现钱不大容易。英汉大词典〔pay off〕He needs cash to pay off his creditors.他需要现金来还钱给债主。外研社新世纪〔payoff〕He got a big cash payoff.他获得了一大笔遣散费。麦克米伦高阶〔pay〕Are you paying in cash or by credit card? 您付现金还是用信用卡?牛津高阶〔pay〕Would you prefer to pay with/by cash, cheque, or credit card? 你喜欢用现金、支票还是信用卡支付?剑桥高阶〔pay〕You can pay cash into any one of our three hundred branches.你可以把现金存到我们300处分行的任何一处。麦克米伦高阶〔peter〕The cash petered out in three months.现金3个月就用完了。英汉大词典〔pocket〕He pocketed a wallet containing £40 cash from the bedside of a dead man.他把从一名死者床边拿到的装有40英镑现金的钱包藏进了口袋。柯林斯高阶〔pressed〕I'm really pressed for cash at the moment.眼下我十分缺钱。牛津高阶〔press〕I'm very pressed for cash at the moment.我目前手头很紧。21世纪英汉〔problem〕Our main problem is lack of cash.我们的主要问题是缺乏现金。剑桥高阶〔ready〕I'm afraid I don't have enough ready cash.恐怕我身上没有足够的现金。柯林斯高阶〔redeemable〕Stamps are redeemable for merchandise or cash.代币券可换购商品或兑换现金。朗文当代〔relish〕He relished the idea of getting some cash.他盼望得到一些现金。柯林斯高阶〔remind〕That(= what you have just said, done, etc.)reminds me, I must get some cash.这倒提醒了我,我得带上一些现金。牛津高阶〔render〕A payment in kind, services, or cash from a tenant to a feudal lord.进贡:佃农以实物、劳役或现金向封建领主作出的支付美国传统〔retirement〕Your pension plan provides a cash lump sum at retirement.你的养老金计划让你在退休时一次性获得一笔现金。牛津搭配〔rhino〕Money; cash.金钱;现金美国传统〔right〕He'd sworn he was going to get the cash and bring it right back.他发誓会去拿现金并立刻把钱带回来。外研社新世纪〔ring up〕She was ringing up her sale on an ancient cash register.她正用一台老掉牙的收银机记账。柯林斯高阶〔risk〕Before providing the cash, they will have to decide whether you are a good or bad risk.在提供资金之前,他们得确认你是不是信誉良好的贷款对象。柯林斯高阶〔rudely〕It will come as a rude shock when their salary or income-tax refund cannot be cashed.如果他们的工资或所得税返还不能兑现,这对他们来说将是晴天霹雳。柯林斯高阶〔run ... out〕The cashier had run out with eighty thousand pounds in cash.这个出纳员带着八万镑现钞消失得无影无踪。21世纪英汉〔safe〕We as consumers need to feel confident that our jobs are safe before we will spend spare cash.我们作为消费者在把闲钱花掉之前,需要确信自己不会失业。柯林斯高阶〔see〕We saw in Chapter 16 how annual cash budgets are produced.在第 16 章我们了解了年度现金预算是怎样制订的。柯林斯高阶〔short〕We're short of cash.我们现在现金不足美国传统〔shovel〕Investors are continuing to shovel cash into their stock funds.投资者继续把大量的现金投入股票基金。麦克米伦高阶〔slip〕If you slip him some cash he'll get you good seats.如果你偷偷塞给他一些现金,他会给你好座位。麦克米伦高阶〔spare〕They don't have a lot of spare cash.他们没有多少闲钱。外研社新世纪〔spot〕They won't take credit; they want spot cash .他们不赊账,要现钱。朗文当代〔steal〕Boys broke into a shop and stole £45 in cash.男孩们闯进一家商店,盗走了 45 英镑现金。朗文当代〔strapped〕My husband and I are really strapped for cash.我和丈夫真的手头很紧。柯林斯高阶〔strapped〕We are strapped for cash.我们缺短现金。文馨英汉〔strip〕They stripped the prisoners of weapons and cash.他们收缴了俘虏的武器和现金。麦克米伦高阶〔stuffed〕He still stood behind his cash register stuffing his mouth with popcorn.他仍站在收银机后,嘴里塞满了爆米花。柯林斯高阶〔stuff〕Slang Money; cash.【俚语】 钱,现金美国传统〔stump up〕Customers do not have to stump up any cash for at least four weeks.顾客们至少四周内都不必付钱。柯林斯高阶〔stump〕I am not sure if we eventually stumped up enough cash to get out of the trouble.我不能肯定为摆脱这件麻烦事我们出的钱是不是总算够了。英汉大词典〔swallow〕The extra cash was soon swallowed up.这笔额外的钱很快就花光了。朗文当代〔sweeten〕She had been careful to sweeten the deal with a rather generous cash payment.她一直甚为审慎,想要通过支付大量现金促成这笔交易。柯林斯高阶〔tax-free〕He was paid a tax-free cash sum as compensation.给了他一笔免税的现金作为补偿。朗文当代〔test〕I felt that she was testing me, leaving all that cash lying around.我感觉她把现金到处乱放是在考验我。朗文当代〔thing〕Never leave cash or other valuables lying around.现金或其他贵重物品请勿乱放。牛津高阶〔tie ... up〕She has tied up her cash in the stock market.她的现金已搁死在股市上了。21世纪英汉〔unaccounted for〕An audit of the police department found that $100,000 in cash and one handgun were unaccounted for.对警察局进行的审计发现有10万美元现金和一支手枪去向不明。剑桥高阶〔unnamed〕The cash comes from an unnamed source.这笔现金来源不详。外研社新世纪〔unsafe〕It's unsafe to send cash through the mail.通过邮件寄现金不安全。韦氏高阶〔voucher〕A written authorization or certificate, especially one exchangeable for cash or representing a credit against future expenditures.证书:书面的委托或证书,尤指能换为现钞的或表示为能作为将来花费信用的凭证美国传统〔wage packet〕She got £25 in cash in her first wage packet.她的第一份工资拿到了25英镑。剑桥高阶〔watermark〕The card has a digital watermark detectable only to electronic cash dispensers.这种卡上带有只能被电子取款机识别的数码水印。朗文当代〔workable〕Investors can simply pay cash, but this isn't a workable solution in most cases.投资者可以直接付现金,但这个办法在大多数情况下都不可行。柯林斯高阶Cash machines permit you to withdraw money at any time.有了取款机人们可以随时取款。牛津商务A cash price of €15 per share has been agreed.已同意以每股 15 欧元的现金价格交易。牛津商务A Scandinavian cooperative will launch a $150 million cash bid for the company.一家斯堪的纳维亚合作社将出价 1.5 亿元现金收购这家公司。牛津商务After grabbing the cash, the crash-helmeted gunman jumped into a getaway car.在夺走现金之后,头戴防撞头盔的持枪者跳入了逃逸用的汽车之中。剑桥国际Although many private companies are flush with cash they do not intend to invest it.虽然有许多私人公司有的是现钱,可他们就是无意用于投资。剑桥国际Debit cards dispense with the need for cash altogether.有了借记卡就完全不需要用现金了。牛津商务He paid the debt in cash to avoid garnishment.他用现金支付债务以避免扣款。牛津商务He says he wants cash in advance before he'll do the job.他说他要先拿到了预付现金才肯工作。剑桥国际I tend to buy things impulsively when I've got a lot of cash on me.当我身边带许多钱时,我总是要冲动购物。剑桥国际Newspapers are paid for out of petty cash.报纸是用零用钱买的。牛津商务Our Canadian operations have become a cash drain.我们的加拿大业务已经成了赔钱的窟窿。牛津商务Our immediate task is to stop the company haemorrhaging cash.我们当前的任务是阻止公司大量流失资金。牛津商务Payment must be made with cash or by cashier's cheque.必须用现金或银行本票付款。牛津商务Reconciling bank statements and cash accounts took a long time.核对银行对账单和现金账户花了很长时间。牛津商务Shareholders have accepted a $10 a share cash offer.股东已接受每股 10 元的现款开价。牛津商务She was suitably vague (= intentionally not exact in a way that is approved of) about just what this cash would be spent on.她有意地对如何花费这笔现金含糊其辞。剑桥国际Some companies have tapped their shareholders for new cash. 有些公司向股东募集新资金。牛津商务Some foreign suppliers won't release goods until they receive cash payment or a letter of credit from the bank.一些国外的供货商不收到货款或银行信用证是不会发货的。剑桥国际Suddenly two masked gunmen burst into the shop and demanded all the cash in the till.两个带面具的持枪男子突然闯入店中,强行索要钱柜里的所有现金。剑桥国际The acquisition was funded by a mixture of shares, loan notes and cash.这项收购的资金来自股票、借款凭证和现金。牛津商务The aim of our central strategy is to increase earnings and improve cash generation.我们的核心策略的目标是增加收入,并提高现金增值。牛津商务The company has little debt and is cash rich.公司现金充裕,几乎没有债务。牛津商务The company was burning ( through) cash at a rate of $2 million a day.公司每天挥霍 200 万元的现金。牛津商务The electronics company is estimated to have a cash hoard worth $134 billion.估计这家电子公司集聚了价值134亿美元的现金。剑桥国际The exporter can overcome problems of cash flow by discounting the bill with a discount house.出口商可以通过向贴现行贴现票据解决现金流问题。牛津商务The firm used a leaseback on its factories to raise the cash it needed.这公司为筹集所需现金,将工厂售后回租。牛津商务The firm was starved for cash when it started up.这家公司开办时资金奇缺。牛津商务The group has traditionally hoarded any spare cash rather than returning it to shareholders.这集团传统上一直把多余的现金存起来而不是返还给股东。牛津商务The prepaid cash card allows customers to order over the Web without a credit card.预付提款卡允许没有信用卡的顾客通过网络订货。牛津商务The repair bill mopped up all my spare cash.修理费用光了我所有的零花钱。剑桥国际The theatre owes its survival to cash handouts from the local council.剧院应将它的继续存在归功于市政会的施舍。剑桥国际Their cash is being depleted by spending on investments and unprofitable trading.他们的现金由于花在投资和不赚钱的买卖上,正变得越来越少。牛津商务There is no charge for cash withdrawals.现金提款免收手续费。牛津商务These vouchers are not exchangeable for cash.这些代币券不能兑现。牛津商务They need a cash cushion to survive the difficulties ahead.他们需要现金缓冲以度过前面的困难。牛津商务We advise our customers against sending cash.我们建议客户不要寄现金。牛津商务We buy huge packs of coffee from the local cash and carry.我们从当地现款取货商店购买大包装咖啡。牛津商务We don't accept IOUs--no cash no goods! 我们不收借据,不付现金就不给货!剑桥国际We have to figure out how to improve cash flow.我们必须想出改善现金流的办法。牛津商务Your pay package will consist of cash and performance bonuses.你的工资待遇包括现金和业绩奖金。牛津商务




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