

单词 温床
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔abandoned〕abandoned buildings that become a breeding ground for crime. 沦为了犯罪温床的弃置楼群柯林斯高阶〔abandoned〕abandoned buildings that become a breeding ground for crime变成犯罪温床的废弃建筑外研社新世纪〔fertile〕a fertile breeding ground for this kind of violent racism. 易于滋生这种极端种族主义的温床柯林斯高阶〔hotbed〕a hotbed of disease and crime 滋生疾病和犯罪的温床英汉大词典〔hotbed〕a hotbed of intrigue. 阴谋的温床美国传统〔hotbed〕a hotbed of invention/genius/crime 发明创造的摇篮/天才的摇篮/罪恶的温床麦克米伦高阶〔hotbed〕a state now known worldwide as a hotbed of racial intolerance. 举世皆知现在是滋生种族褊狭的温床的国家柯林斯高阶〔hotbed〕a state now known worldwide as a hotbed of racial intolerance如今作为种族排他主义的温床而闻名于世的国家外研社新世纪〔incubator〕the college campus as an incubator of radical new sociological concepts. 大学校园是产生激进的社会学新概念的温床美国传统〔nest〕a nest of criminal activity. 犯罪的温床美国传统〔nest〕a nest of rebellion 叛乱的温床英汉大词典〔youthful〕a hotbed of youthful plants 植物幼苗的温床英汉大词典




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