

单词 温室
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-lined〕The garden has an informal feel to soften the architectural lines of the conservatory.花园有一种随意的风格,从而使温室的建筑轮廓显得柔和了。柯林斯高阶〔BREAK〕He once broke a window of his grandfather's greenhouse with a football. 他有一次踢足球打破了他爷爷的温室的一扇窗户。朗文写作活用〔ENVIRONMENT〕International controls are needed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. 需要国际上共同采取控制措施来减少温室气体的排放量。朗文写作活用〔ENVIRONMENT〕Western countries are overwhelmingly responsible for current levels of greenhouse gases. 西方国家要对目前温室气体的含量负绝大部分的责任。朗文写作活用〔GROW〕Tomato plants can be raised from seed in a heated greenhouse. 番茄可以用种子放在加热温室里培植。朗文写作活用〔HOT〕The greenhouse is kept at a constant temperature of 40C. 温室里的温度恒定在摄氏40度。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕Greenhouse gases combine with hydrocarbons to form smog. 温室气体与碳氢化合物相混合就形成了烟雾。朗文写作活用〔PROTECT〕I'm getting better, and I have no intention of spending my life wrapped in cotton wool. 我在渐渐进步,我不想在温室中度过一生。朗文写作活用〔RESULT〕The increase in greenhouse gases is the direct result of pollution, and the indirect result of a reduction in the atmosphere's ability to absorb them. 温室气体的增加是污染造成的直接后果,而间接后果是大气吸收温室气体的能力下降。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕Laws controlling the emission of greenhouse gases are not nearly tight enough. 控制温室气体排放的法规远远不够严厉。朗文写作活用〔X, x〕The conservatory measures approximately 13ft x 16ft.温室的大小大约是13英尺乘16英尺。柯林斯高阶〔after〕Methane is often regarded as the second most important greenhouse gas after carbon dioxide.甲烷常被认为是仅次于二氧化碳的重要温室气体。柯林斯高阶〔approximately〕The conservatory measures approximately 13ft x 16ft.温室的面积大致为13乘16英尺。外研社新世纪〔article〕The magazine includes a how-to article on building a greenhouse.杂志里有一篇文章,教人如何建造温室。牛津搭配〔attribute〕Climate change is widely attributed to the build-up of greenhouse gases.人们普遍认为气候变化是由温室气体的增加造成的。牛津搭配〔band〕A narrow band of grass separated the greenhouse from the vegetable garden.窄窄的一片草地把温室和菜地隔开了。剑桥高阶〔bring〕Keeping the young plants in a greenhouse will help bring them on.把幼苗放在温室里可以促进它们生长。朗文当代〔build-up〕The ‘greenhouse effect' is caused by the build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.“温室效应”是由于大气中二氧化碳增多造成的。麦克米伦高阶〔carbon neutral〕You can make your flights carbon neutral by planting trees to make up for the greenhouse gas emissions.可以通过植树对航空飞行进行碳中和,以抵消温室气体的排放。柯林斯高阶〔cause〕Greenhouse gases are widely believed to be causing the Earth's atmosphere to heat up.人们普遍认为温室气体导致地球大气层温度升高。麦克米伦高阶〔conservatory〕A conservatory is ideal for growing plants.对生长中的植物来说温室是一个理想的地方。外研社新世纪〔conservatory〕A greenhouse, especially one in which plants are arranged aesthetically for display, as at a botanical garden.温室:一种温室,尤指(植物园中)将植物摆放得很美观以供观赏的暖房美国传统〔contributor〕Carbon dioxide is the largest contributor to the greenhouse effect.二氧化碳是导致温室效应的最主要原因。牛津搭配〔control〕Conditions in the greenhouse are carefully controlled.温室里的环境处于精确的控制之下。牛津搭配〔delicate〕Delicate plants need to be kept in a greenhouse during the winter.娇贵的植物需要在温室里过冬。剑桥高阶〔divide〕Measure the floor area of the greenhouse and divide it by six.量一下温室的建筑面积再将它除以 6。柯林斯高阶〔divide〕Measure the floor area of the greenhouse and divide it by six.量一下温室的面积, 将它除以6。外研社新世纪〔emission〕Environmental groups want a substantial reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases.环保组织要求切实减少温室气体的排放量。剑桥高阶〔equipped〕The greenhouses come equipped with a ventilating system and aluminium screen door.温室都装上了通风系统和铝质纱门。外研社新世纪〔equipped〕The greenhouses come equipped with a ventilating system and aluminium screen door.那些温室送来时配有通风系统和铝制纱门。柯林斯高阶〔frame〕A cold frame.植物防寒温室美国传统〔fumigate〕I shall fumigate the greenhouse before planting the seedlings.在种植幼苗之前我应该把温室熏一熏。外研社新世纪〔glass sth in/over〕We glassed in the porch to make a small conservatory.我们用玻璃把门廊封上,做了一个小温室。剑桥高阶〔glasshouse〕Chiefly British A greenhouse.【多用于英国】 温室美国传统〔glass〕In cool climates you have to grow tropical plants under glass.在气候凉爽的地带,必须把热带植物种在玻璃温室中。剑桥高阶〔glass〕The vegetables are grown under glass(= in a greenhouse).这些蔬菜是在玻璃温室种植的。牛津高阶〔glass〕We grow fruit under glass (= in a glasshouse).我们在玻璃温室里种植水果。牛津搭配〔global warming〕An increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere, especially a sustained increase sufficient to cause climatic change.全球温室效应:地球表面大气层平均温度的升高,尤其是指温度的持续上升足以造成气候的变化美国传统〔greenery〕A place where plants are grown.温室,暖房:植物生长的地方美国传统〔greenhouse effect〕A similar retention of solar radiation, as by another planet or in a solar panel.温室效应:类似的保留太阳辐射的效应,如其它行星或太阳能电池极上美国传统〔greenhouse gas〕Any of the atmospheric gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect.温室气体:任何促成温室效应发生大气中的气体美国传统〔greenhouse〕A structure, primarily of glass, in which temperature and humidity can be controlled for the cultivation or protection of plants.温室,暖房:一种主要由玻璃构成的建筑,其内部的温度和湿度可控制以利于植物的保护和培养美国传统〔greenhouse〕Gladys grows a lot of tomatoes in her greenhouse.格拉迪丝在她的温室里种了好多西红柿。剑桥高阶〔grow〕This plant grows better in a greenhouse.这植物在温室里长得比较好。文馨英汉〔hammer〕All afternoon, Martin had been hammering away in the conservatory.整个下午马丁一直在温室里埋头苦干。朗文当代〔hothouse〕A heated greenhouse for plants that require an even, relatively warm temperature.温室:为需要恒定的,相对较高温度的植物所建的暖室美国传统〔hothouse〕Opera will never cease to be a hothouse plant until a wider public appreciates it.歌剧如果不能让更广大的公众欣赏,那么终将是一株温室里的弱苗。英汉大词典〔hot〕My small greenhouse gets very hot when the sun is shining.我的小温室在太阳照耀下会被烤得炙热。柯林斯高阶〔humidifier〕A device for increasing the humidity in a room, greenhouse, or other enclosure.加湿器:一种用于增加房间、温室或其它封闭空间内湿度的装置美国传统〔integrate〕Ann wanted the conservatory to integrate with the kitchen.安想把温室与厨房打通。柯林斯高阶〔integrate〕Ann wanted the conservatory to integrate with the kitchen.安曾想把温室与厨房打通。外研社新世纪〔know〕We know that greenhouse gases can affect the climate.我们知道温室气体会对气候产生影响。朗文当代〔life〕Many of these children have led very sheltered lives(= they have not had many different experien ces).这些儿童中很多人都是温室里的花朵。牛津高阶〔maintain〕It is important to maintain a constant temperature inside the greenhouse.使温室内的温度保持恒定很重要。朗文当代〔make up for〕A conservatory would make up for the fact that we were refused planning permission for a roof terrace.我们建屋顶平台的计划被驳回了,要是能盖一间温室也算一种补偿。柯林斯高阶〔methane〕Methane is one of the principal gases contributing to the greenhouse effect.甲烷是造成温室效应的主要气体之一。朗文当代〔moist〕Keep the atmosphere in your greenhouse slightly moist throughout the spring.春天里保持温室的空气略微湿润些。牛津搭配〔nurture〕The modern conservatory is not an environment for nurturing plants.这个现代化温室的环境不适合培育植物。柯林斯高阶〔parallel〕The rise in greenhouse gases parallels the reduction in the ozone layer.温室气体在增加的同时,臭氧层在变薄。朗文当代〔pinery〕A hothouse or plantation where pineapples are grown.菠萝种植园:菠萝生长的温室或园林美国传统〔plot〕Greenhouse temperature can be plotted against plant growth.可以用图表显示温室的温度相对于植物生长的情况。牛津搭配〔position〕This conservatory enjoys an enviable position overlooking a leafy expanse.这个温室位置绝佳,放眼望去,草木繁茂,郁郁葱葱。柯林斯高阶〔position〕This conservatory enjoys an enviable position.这个温室位置绝佳。外研社新世纪〔precarious〕The greenhouse had become quite precarious and they decided to knock it down.温室已经变得摇摇欲坠了, 于是他们决定把它推倒。外研社新世纪〔preview〕The team's findings provide a preview of the likely consequences of the so-called greenhouse effect.这个小组的发现预示了所谓的温室效应可能产生的后果。外研社新世纪〔round〕Leonard pottered round the greenhouse, tying up canes for the tomatoes.伦纳德在温室里悠然自得地给西红柿绑上撑杆。柯林斯高阶〔scope〕The scope for successful gardening increases dramatically with a greenhouse.有了温室,种好花木的机会就能够大大提高。朗文当代〔seedling〕Raise the seedlings in the greenhouse.在温室里培植幼苗。剑桥高阶〔set〕His job is to set targets for limiting greenhouse gases.他的工作是为限排温室气体设定目标。外研社新世纪〔simulation〕He described a simulation of the greenhouse effect.他描述了对温室效应的模拟。外研社新世纪〔start off〕Best results are obtained by starting the plants off in a warm greenhouse.要想取得最理想的结果,一开始就应该让植株在温暖的温室里生长。柯林斯高阶〔stove〕Chiefly British A hothouse.【多用于英国】 温室美国传统〔tack〕It's got a sort of conservatory tacked on at the back.这房子背后附建了一个类似温室的棚子。英汉大词典〔take〕We took the plants into the greenhouse.我们把这些植物移入了温室。麦克米伦高阶〔thrive〕Tomato plants thrive in my greenhouse.我温室里的番茄生长茂盛。牛津同义词〔trap〕A greenhouse stays warm because the glass traps the heat of the sun.温室保持着温暖,因为玻璃吸收了太阳的热量。剑桥高阶〔trap〕Greenhouse gases trap heat inside the Earth's atmosphere.温室气体将热量留在地球大气层内。韦氏高阶〔trill〕At one point a bird trilled in the Conservatory.有那么一刻,一只鸟儿在温室里啼叫。柯林斯高阶〔trill〕At one point a bird trilled in the conservatory.有一次, 一只鸟儿在温室里鸣叫。外研社新世纪〔unknowable〕The specific impact of the greenhouse effect is unknowable.温室效应的具体影响尚无法获知。外研社新世纪〔unknowable〕The specific impact of the greenhouse effect is unknowable.温室效应的具体影响无法知道。柯林斯高阶〔vinery〕An area or a greenhouse for growing vines.葡萄园,葡萄暖房:种葡萄树的地方或温室美国传统〔wean〕The plants have been weaned from the greenhouse environment.这些植物已脱离了温室环境。英汉大词典〔wreck〕Our greenhouse was wrecked in last night's storm.我们的温室在昨晚的暴风雨中遭到了破坏。剑桥高阶〔x〕The conservatory measures approximately 13ft x 16ft.温室的大小大约是13英尺乘16英尺。外研社新世纪Cucumbers and tomatoes ripened in her hothouses.她温室内的黄瓜和番茄成熟了。剑桥国际Delicate plants need to be kept in a greenhouse during the winter.冬季,娇嫩的植物要养在温室里。剑桥国际Raise the seedlings in the greenhouse, and transplant when the weather becomes warmer.在温室里培植幼苗,到天转暖的时候再移植。剑桥国际She claimed that increases in “greenhouse gases” such as carbon dioxide and methane are paralleling the growth in car ownership.她声称诸如二氧化碳和沼气之类的“温室气体”随汽车拥有的增长而增加。剑桥国际She has been preparing for the strength-sapping humidity of the rainforest by training in her parents’greenhouse.她在父母的温室中进行训练,为雨林中那消耗体力的潮湿作准备。剑桥国际The Green Party conference has called for a substantial reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases by the UK.绿党会议号召切实减少英国温室气体的发散。剑桥国际The biggest greenhouse gas by far is water vapour.最大的温室气体还是水蒸气。剑桥国际The greenhouse stays warm because the glass traps the heat of the sun.温室一直很温暖,因为玻璃保存了太阳的热量。剑桥国际The seeds were germinated in a greenhouse, then planted outside.种子先种于温室里使其发芽,再移植到室外。剑桥国际These plants are very delicate and can only grow in a hothouse. 这些植物非常娇嫩,只能在温室里培植。译典通They must campaign to repair the ozone shield, halt the greenhouse effect, preserve soils and save the tropical rainforest. 他们为了修护臭氧层,遏止温室效应,保护土壤和拯救热带雨林,必须奔走游说。译典通Unlike acid rain or deforestation, global warming has no visible manifestation (= it cannot be seen).与酸雨或森林滥伐不同,全球温室效应没有可见的迹象。剑桥国际We glassed in the porch (= put glass in the open spaces) to make a small conservatory.我们用玻璃把门廊围住,做一个小小的温室。剑桥国际




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