

单词 滑过
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔SOUND〕The ring fell from her hands and went tinkling across the floor. 铃铛从她手中落下来,滑过地板丁零零地响。朗文写作活用〔TOWARDS〕He slid the plate of cookies toward her. 他把一盘小甜饼朝她滑过去。朗文写作活用〔TRY〕She's never tried skiing before, but she's willing to have a go. 以前她从未滑过雪,但她愿意尝试一下。朗文写作活用〔appeal〕I haven't been skiing - it's never really appealed.我从来没有滑过雪——我对它从不感兴趣。剑桥高阶〔bash〕I've never been skiing before, but I'm prepared to have a bash (at it).我以前从来没有滑过雪,但是我准备试试。剑桥高阶〔brush〕She knelt and brushed her lips softly across Michael's cheek.她跪下身来, 双唇轻柔地滑过迈克尔的脸颊。外研社新世纪〔coulisse〕A grooved timber in which something slides.滑缝,滑槽:带有沟槽的木块,可以使东西滑过美国传统〔dance〕He danced her across the floor.他带着她滑过舞池。韦氏高阶〔ever〕Neither of us had ever skied.我们两个都从未滑过雪。柯林斯高阶〔ghostlike〕Ghostlike in the moonlight, the boat glided across the bay.月光下幽灵似的小船滑过海湾。文馨英汉〔give it a go/shot/stab〕I've never gone skiing before, but I'm willing to give it a try.我以前从未滑过雪,但是我愿意试一试。韦氏高阶〔glide〕The snake glides swiftly towards its prey.蛇飞快地朝着猎物滑过去。外研社新世纪〔go〕I've never gone skiing.我从来没去滑过雪。剑桥高阶〔here goes〕I've never skied before, so here goes nothing.我从未滑过雪,这是第一次。韦氏高阶〔herringbone〕Sports A method of climbing a ski slope with the tips of the skis pointed outward.【体育运动】 倒八字形上坡:一种滑过斜坡的滑雪方法,即使滑橇的末端向外指美国传统〔hydroplane〕Nautical A motorboat designed so that the prow and much of the hull lift out of the water and skim the surface at high speeds.【航海】 水上滑行艇:一种机动船,设计使船头及船身很大一部分露出水面,船可以高速滑过水平面美国传统〔hydroplane〕To skim along on the surface of the water.滑过水面美国传统〔ice-skate〕I had never ice-skated before.我以前从未滑过冰。韦氏高阶〔keenness〕He ran the tip of one finger along the blade, testing its keenness.他用指尖滑过刀刃, 试试其锋利程度。外研社新世纪〔oilstone〕A fine-grained whetstone lubricated with oil, used for fine sharpening.油石:用油润滑过的细砂磨刀石,用于细磨美国传统〔rest〕The aircraft skidded across the runway and finally came to rest in a cornfield.飞机滑过跑道,最后在玉米地里停下了来。朗文当代〔rest〕The vehicle skidded across the road before coming to rest against a wall.汽车滑过马路后撞到墙停了下来。麦克米伦高阶〔run〕Tears were running down her cheeks.泪水滑过她的脸庞。柯林斯高阶〔skid〕The act of sliding or slipping over a surface, often sideways.打滑,滑行:从表面,经常是小路上滑过或滑落的动作美国传统〔skijoring〕A sport in which a skier is drawn over ice or snow by a horse or vehicle.马(或车辆)拉滑雪:一种滑雪者被马或车拉着滑过冰面或雪面的运动美国传统〔skim〕To move or pass swiftly and lightly over or near a surface; glide.掠过:快捷地并轻轻地擦过或掠过表面或贴着表面而过;滑过美国传统〔ski〕I have skied that mountain before.我以前在那座山上滑过雪。韦氏高阶〔slickenside〕A polished, striated rock surface caused by one rock mass sliding over another in a fault plane.擦痕面:在断层面上由于一块岩石从另一块岩石上面滑过造成的磨光的、有细槽的岩石面美国传统〔slide〕Francesca slid across the ice.弗朗西丝卡从冰面上滑过。朗文当代〔slide〕He slid the bottle across the table.他把那个瓶子滑过桌面。韦氏高阶〔slur〕To glide over (a series of notes) smoothly without a break.圆滑奏,圆滑唱:圆润地滑过(一系列音符)而不加停顿美国传统〔streak〕A skateboarder streaked past us.一个玩滑板的人从我们身边飞速滑过。韦氏高阶〔swam〕Some clouds swam slowly across the top of the mountain.几朵浮云慢慢从山顶滑过。21世纪英汉〔swim〕To move as though gliding through water.滑过水面美国传统〔trail〕He let his fingers trail in the water.他把手伸进水里,任水流滑过指间。柯林斯高阶〔verge〕The car skidded across the road and came to a stop on the grass verge.汽车滑过路面,在路缘草带上停了下来。朗文当代〔waltz〕I watched them waltzing across the floor.我望着他们跳着华尔兹滑过地板。牛津高阶I'd never tried water skiing before but I had a stab at it while I was in Greece.我从未滑过水,但我在希腊时试过一次。剑桥国际I've never been skiing, but my parents go every year. 我从未滑过雪,但我父母每年都去。剑桥国际I've never been skiing--it doesn't really appeal (to me).我从来没滑过雪----我对此没什么兴趣。剑桥国际




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