

单词 水口
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔intake〕Algae has clogged the intake to the water turbine.海藻堵塞了水轮机的进水口。牛津搭配〔lip〕The tip of a pouring spout, as on a pitcher.壶口:倒水口的末端,如水罐上的美国传统〔outfall〕The place where a sewer, drain, or stream discharges.出水口:阴沟、下水道或河流排水的地方美国传统〔outlet〕Clean the sink outlet.清理水槽的排水口。外研社新世纪〔outlet〕Clean the sink outlet.清除洗涤槽出水口的污物。英汉大词典〔scupper〕An opening for draining off water, as from a floor or the roof of a building.排水口,出水口:从地板或屋顶开出的泄水孔美国传统〔scupper〕Nautical An opening in the side of a ship at deck level to allow water to run off.【航海】 甲板上的排水孔:在船一边的甲板上为让水流出的排水口美国传统〔sink〕A sinkhole.排水口美国传统〔swirl〕The water swirled around/down the drain.水在排水口处打着旋流进了排水口。韦氏高阶〔water key〕A lever covering a small hole on certain brass instruments, such as the trombone, that is pressed to drain saliva that has accumulated in the instrument.乐器排水口:盖住诸如长号等某些铜管乐器上小孔的杆状物,可以压下,以排出乐器中积下的口水美国传统〔waterspout〕A hole or pipe from which water is discharged.挑水口,挑水管:挑水的孔或管美国传统Clean the sink outlet. 清除洗涤槽出水口的污物。译典通Remove the inlet from the washing machine and check that there are no obstructions.从洗衣机上移去进水口,检查确实没有任何堵塞。剑桥国际




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