

单词 滑稽地
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FUNNY〕He bowed comically and asked my sister to dance. 他样子滑稽地欠欠身并请我妹妹跳舞。朗文写作活用〔caricature〕Scientists are often caricatured as absent-minded professors.科学家常常被滑稽地描写成粗心大意的教授。朗文当代〔comically〕She raised her eyebrows comically.她滑稽地扬起眉毛。外研社新世纪〔comically〕She raised her eyebrows comically.她滑稽地挑了挑眉毛。柯林斯高阶〔crinkle〕He shrugged whimsically, his eyes crinkling behind his glasses.他滑稽地耸了耸肩,眼镜片后面的双眼眯了起来。柯林斯高阶〔humorously〕He looked at me humorously as he wrestled with the door.他一边和那扇门较着劲,一边表情滑稽地看着我。柯林斯高阶〔humorously〕He looked at me humorously as he wrestled with the door.他一边用力地抵着门, 一边表情滑稽地看着我。外研社新世纪〔imitation〕He does an imitation of Barack Obama.他滑稽地模仿巴拉克 · 奥巴马。牛津高阶〔impression〕He did an impression of Tom Hanks.他滑稽地模仿了汤姆 · 汉克斯。牛津高阶〔impression〕He does impressions of Sean Connery and James Mason.他滑稽地模仿了肖恩•康纳利和詹姆斯•梅森。外研社新世纪〔mimic〕He mimicked her southern accent.他滑稽地模仿她的南方口音。牛津高阶〔parody〕His style has often been parodied.他的风格经常被人滑稽地模仿。朗文当代〔parody〕One of the papers is running a competition in which you have to parody a well-known author.有一家报纸正在举行一场竞赛,在比赛中你得滑稽地模仿一位著名作家的风格写些东西。剑桥高阶〔travestied〕He travestied the politician's manner.他滑稽地模仿那个政客的举止。21世纪英汉〔travesty〕To make a travesty of; parody or ridicule.滑稽地模仿:对…进行戏弄或嘲讽美国传统He did a caricature of the old man by talking in a deep voice. 他用深沉的声调讲话,滑稽地模仿那位老人。译典通




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