

单词 生性
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CONFIDENT/NOT CONFIDENT〕The Signore was extrovert and jolly and his wife was a wonderful cook. 那位先生性格外向、快乐,他妻子是个出色的厨师。朗文写作活用〔EXCITED/EXCITING〕My last boyfriend always found nurses’ uniforms a real turn-on. 我上一个男友总是觉得护士服很容易让人产生性欲。朗文写作活用〔SEX〕The victim later claimed that her attacker forced her to have sexual intercourse with him. 受害者后来称凶犯强迫她和他发生性关系。朗文写作活用〔age of consent〕He was under the age of consent.他还未到可以与人发生性关系的法定年龄。柯林斯高阶〔asynchronism〕Lack of temporal concurrence; absence of synchronism.不同时:缺乏同时发生性;不同步美国传统〔bed〕To have sexual relations with.上床,同床共枕:与…发生性关系美国传统〔bed〕To have sexual relations with.上床,同床:与…发生性关系美国传统〔bluff〕He bluffed Carol into believing that he was genial.他装模作样骗得卡罗尔相信他生性随和。英汉大词典〔boink〕To have sexual intercourse with.性交:与…发生性关系美国传统〔bot〕The parasitic larva of a botfly.马胃蝇蛆:马蝇的寄生性幼虫美国传统〔breed〕Athletes are by nature a breed apart. They enjoy risk taking.运动员生性就与众不同, 他们喜欢冒险。外研社新世纪〔characteristic〕With the hospitality so characteristic of these people, they opened their house to over 50 guests.这些人生性好客,他们敞开家门接待了五十多位客人。剑桥高阶〔congenitally〕I admit to being congenitally lazy.我承认自己生性懒惰。柯林斯高阶〔congenital〕He was a congenital liar and usually in debt.他生性爱说谎, 老是债务缠身。外研社新世纪〔court-martial〕The drill instructor was court-martialed for having sex with a trainee.军训教官因为和一名受训学员发生性关系而受到军法审判。朗文当代〔cruel〕Tigers are cruel by nature.老虎生性残暴。英汉大词典〔deliberative〕The process has taken a long time because of Obama's deliberative nature.由于奥巴马生性审慎, 这个过程历时很久。外研社新世纪〔easy-going〕Her easy-going nature made her popular.她生性随和,受人欢迎。朗文当代〔economical〕She was economical by nature.她生性节俭。外研社新世纪〔excitable〕He was of an excitable nature.他生性易激动。英汉大词典〔exuberant〕His exuberant personality makes him fun to be around.他生性活泼,所到之处总能给人带来快乐。韦氏高阶〔frig〕To have sexual intercourse with.交配:和…发生性关系美国传统〔frig〕To have sexual intercourse.性交:发生性关系美国传统〔gangbang〕Sexual intercourse, often rape, involving one person or victim and several others who have relations with that person in rapid succession.集体轮奸:涉及一个人或受害者和其他几人接连快速与其发生性关系的性交,尤指强奸美国传统〔give〕To consent to engage (oneself) in sexual intercourse with a man.委身于:同意(自己)与一男子发生性关系美国传统〔gonophore〕A structure bearing or consisting of a reproductive organ or part, such as a reproductive polyp or bud in a hydroid colony.生殖芽体:有生殖器官或部分生殖器官的结构,如再生性珊瑚虫或螅状群的芽体美国传统〔habit〕He is of a thrifty habit.他生性节俭。英汉大词典〔have〕To engage in sexual intercourse with.性交:与…产生性关系美国传统〔hobbit〕An imaginary creature resembling a diminutive human being, having some rabbitlike characteristics, and being naturally peace-loving, domestic, and sociable.小矮人:一种类似于矮人的想象中的动物,有一些兔子的特征,生性酷爱和平、驯服及易于交往美国传统〔humour〕She has a hearty humour.她生性热情。外研社新世纪〔inclination〕Bart was a romantic by inclination.巴特生性浪漫。朗文当代〔inclination〕My natural inclination is to find a compromise.我生性易于妥协。牛津高阶〔inclination〕My natural inclination was to say no.我以往生性爱说“不”。朗文当代〔inquisitive〕Children are naturally inquisitive.孩童生性喜欢刨根问底。牛津搭配〔inquisitive〕Mandy had an inquisitive nature.曼迪生性爱钻研。外研社新世纪〔jailbait〕A person below the age of consent with whom sexual intercourse can constitute statutory rape.祸水妞儿,未成年少女:指其小于同意年龄、一经与之发生性关系即在法律上构成强奸的女人美国传统〔kick〕Katherine has an instinct for kicking against the establishment.凯瑟琳生性反叛权势。麦克米伦高阶〔lay〕So did you get laid (= find someone to have sex with)? 你和人发生性关系了吗?剑桥高阶〔lay〕Vulgar Slang To have sexual intercourse with.【粗俗用语】 【俚语】 交媾:和…发生性关系美国传统〔love〕It was the first time they had made love.那是他们第一次发生性关系。牛津高阶〔love〕The police arrested them for making love in a public park.因他们在公园里发生性关系,警察逮捕了他们。英汉大词典〔make〕Slang To have sexual intercourse.【俚语】 发生性关系美国传统〔make〕Slang To persuade to have sexual intercourse.【俚语】 性交:说服…发生性关系美国传统〔make〕To engage in sexual intercourse.发生性关系美国传统〔make〕To have sexual intercourse.发生性关系美国传统〔mind〕My naturally suspicious mind thought he might be lying.我生性爱怀疑,认为他可能在撒谎。朗文当代〔minor〕He was accused of having sex with a minor.他被指控与一名未成年人发生性关系。剑桥高阶〔national〕Paranoia is their national hobby.他们民族生性多疑。外研社新世纪〔naturally〕She's naturally gentle.她生性温柔。文馨英汉〔nature〕He is belligerent by nature.他生性好斗。英汉大词典〔nature〕He was by nature affectionate.他生性温柔亲切。柯林斯高阶〔nature〕He's not by nature an inquisitive person.他生性不是个爱打听别人私事的人 。牛津搭配〔nature〕It is his nature to be miserly.他生性吝啬。英汉大词典〔nature〕She is very sensitive by nature.她生性很敏感。牛津高阶〔necrophilia〕Erotic attraction to or sexual contact with corpses.奸尸:被尸体性别的吸引或同尸体发生性关系美国传统〔nervous〕He has a nervous disposition.他生性爱紧张。韦氏高阶〔nervous〕She was of a nervous disposition.她生性容易紧张。牛津高阶〔nervous〕The film is unsuitable for people of a nervous disposition (=who are easily frightened) .这部影片不适合生性容易紧张的人看。朗文当代〔paradox〕He was a paradox—a loner who loved to chat to strangers.他真是个矛盾人物,生性孤僻却又喜欢和陌生人闲聊。牛津高阶〔passionate〕She has a passionate nature.她生性急躁。英汉大词典〔peer pressure〕Naomi admits that it was peer pressure to be 'cool' that drove her into having sex early.娜奥米承认, 她很小就发生性行为是由于同辈压力, 觉得这样很“酷”。外研社新世纪〔personality〕He has a strange personality which repels many people.他生性怪僻,惹人讨厌。英汉大词典〔phlegmatic〕They are by nature taciturn and phlegmatic.他们生性沉默寡言,冷漠无情。英汉大词典〔pleasure〕He took his pleasure of her.他玩了她。(指发生性关系) 英汉大词典〔predisposed〕He suggested that the British were temperamentally predisposed to compromise.他暗示道,英国人生性易于妥协。麦克米伦高阶〔proposition〕To propose a private bargain to, especially to propose sexual relations with.秘密交易:向…提出一桩私下交易,尤指提出与…发生性关系美国传统〔rebuff〕He wanted sex with Julie but she rebuffed him.他想和朱莉发生性关系, 但她拒绝了他。外研社新世纪〔romantically〕He was not interested in a romantic relationship with Ingrid.他并没有兴趣和英格丽德发生性关系。柯林斯高阶〔sanguine〕She has a sanguine disposition/temperament.她生性乐天达观。韦氏高阶〔seduce〕To induce to engage in sex.诱奸:引诱与之发生性行为美国传统〔selectively〕The dog is selectively bred for its calm temperament.这种狗因为生性温顺被挑选来喂养。韦氏高阶〔sex linkage〕The condition in which a gene responsible for a specific trait is located on a sex chromosome, resulting in sexually dependent inheritance of the trait.性连锁:将形成特定遗传特征的基因定位于性染色体的状况,由此产生性依赖型的遗传特征美国传统〔sexually〕How many kids in this school are sexually active?这所学校有多少学生性行为活跃?外研社新世纪〔sleep〕To be sexually active with more than one partner.到处与人发生性关系:在性方面与一个以上伙伴发生关系美国传统〔sleep〕To have sexual relations with.与…发生性关系美国传统〔susceptible〕Hers was a susceptible nature.她生性情绪化。外研社新世纪〔temperamentally〕He is a quitter who is temperamentally unsuited to remaining a champion.他生性就是个有始无终的人, 不会一直称冠的。外研社新世纪〔temperament〕She's a dreamer and a romantic by temperament.她生性异想天开,浪漫多情。牛津高阶〔unsociable〕Not disposed to seek the company of others; reserved.不合群的:生性不喜欢与他人为伴的;沉默寡言的美国传统〔warm〕She has a warm and friendly nature.她生性热情友好。韦氏高阶〔whoredom〕The practice of accepting payment in exchange for sexual relations; prostitution.卖淫:通过发生性关系获取报酬的作法;卖淫美国传统〔whore〕To accept payment in exchange for sexual relations.卖淫:以发生性关系而获得报酬美国传统As a child she had a lovely sunny nature--everyone loved her.她孩童时生性活泼开朗----大家都喜欢她。剑桥国际He recognized his own propensity to evil. 他承认自己生性喜作恶。译典通He was of an optimistic cast of mind. 他生性乐观。译典通He was prosecuted for having sex with a girl who was under age (=younger than the age at which it is legal to have sex).他由于与一个未成年的女孩发生性关系而被起诉。剑桥国际He's got a fiery/excitable temperament.他生性暴躁/容易激动。剑桥国际His first experience of sex was when he was 17.他第一次发生性关系是在17岁。剑桥国际In some religions, sex that is not for the purpose of reproduction is considered a sin.在某些宗教中,非为繁衍后代而发生性行为被认为是一种罪孽。剑桥国际It turned out that she had been having sex with a colleague at work for years.原来多年来她一直和一位工作的同事发生性关系。剑桥国际Many couples whose sexual relationship may have lapsed for years find their passion suddenly reignited.很多可能好多年没发生性关系的夫妻发现他们的激情突然给重新点燃起来。剑桥国际My mother was of a thrifty habit. 我母亲生性节俭。译典通Renewable energy sources like sun ,wind and waves will not run out ,unlike oil and coal.不像石油和煤,再生性能源是用不完的,如,太阳,风和波浪。剑桥国际She has a shy, retired nature. 她生性怕羞、怯生。译典通She has an honest, open face/nature.她有一张诚实坦率的脸/她生性诚实坦率。剑桥国际She is a gold digger. If you want to have sex with her, you have to pay the price. 她是个以美色骗取男人钱财的女人,你想要和她发生性关系,就要付出代价。译典通She is an easy lay (= willing or easily persuaded to have sex) -- one drink and she's anybody's.她很容易和别人发生性关系----只要一杯酒,她就会以身相许。剑桥国际She is of an optimistic turn of mind. 她生性乐观。译典通The selfish old miser had a cold nature. 这个自私的老吝啬鬼生性冷酷。译典通They started sleeping together a couple of weeks after they met.在相遇两三周后他们就开始发生性关系。剑桥国际




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