

单词 烟囱
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔belch〕a chimney belching smoke冒烟的烟囱21世纪英汉〔belch〕a line of chimneys belching out smoke 喷出大量浓烟的一排烟囱朗文当代〔billow〕smoke stacks belching billows of almost solid black smoke. 喷出滚滚黑烟的烟囱柯林斯高阶〔billow〕thick plumes of smoke billowing from factory chimneys. 工厂烟囱冒出的滚滚浓烟柯林斯高阶〔black〕chimneys black with smoke 满布烟尘的烟囱牛津高阶〔chimney〕a factory chimney 工厂的烟囱朗文当代〔chimney〕factory chimneys belching smoke over the town 工厂烟囱冒出的烟雾笼罩着小镇牛津搭配〔chimney〕the factory chimneys of an industrial landscape 工厂烟囱林立的工业区景观牛津高阶〔cooling tower〕landscapes dominated by cooling towers and factory chimneys满眼望去都是冷却塔和工厂烟囱的景观外研社新世纪〔downwash〕a downwash of smoke in a chimney 烟囱中烟的下流英汉大词典〔drift from〕smoke drifting from the chimney从烟囱里飘出的烟21世纪英汉〔emit from〕to emit black smoke from the chimney从烟囱冒黑烟21世纪英汉〔emit〕chimneys emitting thick, black smoke 冒出黑色浓烟的烟囱韦氏高阶〔exhale〕chimneys exhaling dense smoke. 烟囱中冒出浓烟美国传统〔face〕a brick-faced chimney 砖饰面的烟囱韦氏高阶〔face〕a chimney faced with red brick 砖饰面的烟囱韦氏高阶〔funnel(l)ed〕a two-funnel(l)ed steamer 双烟囱轮船英汉大词典〔funnel〕a funnel on a steam-ship.汽船上的烟囱。牛津同义词〔funnel〕a merchantman with three masts and two funnels. 一艘有3根桅杆和两个烟囱的商船柯林斯高阶〔funnel〕a merchantman with three masts and two funnels一艘有三根桅杆和两个烟囱的商船外研社新世纪〔funnel〕impurities funnel(l)ed into the air by factory chimneys 由工厂烟囱吐出汇聚于空气中的不洁杂质英汉大词典〔high〕tall factory chimneys 工厂的高烟囱牛津高阶〔open-ended〕an open-ended stovepipe 两头开口的火炉烟囱管英汉大词典〔outlook〕the dreary outlook of chimney tops and smoke 一片烟囱顶和烟雾的单调景色英汉大词典〔precarious〕a precarious chimney 摇摇欲坠的烟囱麦克米伦高阶〔short〕a short smokestack (轮船等的)低烟囱英汉大词典〔silhouette〕tall chimney stacks silhouetted against the orange flames 橘黄色的火焰映衬出的一座座高大烟囱的轮廓朗文当代〔silhouette〕the silhouette of chimneys and towers 烟囱和塔楼的轮廓牛津高阶〔silhouette〕the silhouettes of rooftops and chimneys against a February sky 2月天穹背景前的屋顶和烟囱的轮廓线英汉大词典〔smokeless〕smokeless factory stacks. 工厂不冒烟的烟囱美国传统〔smoke〕a smoking chimney 冒烟的烟囱朗文当代〔smoke〕chimneys smoking in the cold air. 在冷空气中冒烟的烟囱美国传统〔smoke〕smoking factory chimneys 冒着烟的工厂烟囱牛津高阶〔spout〕spout smoke (烟囱)冒烟英汉大词典〔sweep〕sweep a chimney. 清扫烟囱美国传统〔tall〕tall chimneys 高高的烟囱牛津高阶〔tall〕tall chimneys/towers/buildings 高耸的烟囱/塔/大楼麦克米伦高阶〔top〕a high roof with a chimney on top 顶部有烟囱的高屋顶朗文当代〔trail〕smoke trailing from chimneys 从烟囱里飘出的烟英汉大词典〔whiff〕puffs of smoke whiffing from the chimney. 一阵阵的烟从烟囱里喷出来美国传统




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