

单词 烘焙
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Yorkshire pudding〕A popoverlike quick bread served with roast beef, made by baking a batter of eggs, flour, and milk in the drippings of the beef.约克郡布丁:一种与烤牛排一同食用的膨松饼状的速制面包,用鸡蛋、面粉、牛奶和牛肉肉汁等烘焙而成美国传统〔baking〕Baking is fun.烘焙东西很有意思。外研社新世纪〔baking〕One of my hobbies is baking.我的爱好之一是烘焙。外研社新世纪〔carry〕Mr Dean carried on his baking business until he retired.迪安先生做烘焙生意一直到退休。朗文当代〔chocolate〕Fermented, roasted, shelled, and ground cacao seeds, often combined with a sweetener or flavoring agent.巧克力:经发酵、烘焙、去壳、碾碎并且常加入甜味剂或调味剂的可可豆美国传统〔crisp〕Bake the potatoes for 15 minutes, till they're nice and crisp.把这些土豆烘焙15分钟, 直到变得酥脆可口。外研社新世纪〔entry〕Her pie was the winning entry in the baking competition.她做的派是烘焙大赛的获奖作品。韦氏高阶〔genius〕Baking allows you to show your creative genius.在烘焙中你可以一展创造才能。麦克米伦高阶〔judge〕He served as a judge at the baking contest.他在烘焙大赛中担任评委。韦氏高阶〔lower〕Bake the cake in a hot oven for 10 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180ºC.把蛋糕放到热烤箱里烘焙10分钟, 然后把烤箱温度调低到180度。外研社新世纪〔margarine〕Melt the stick of margarine and put it in the bottom of baking pan.将人造黄油棒熔化,抹在烘焙盘底。牛津搭配〔mixture〕Pour the cake mixture into a well-greased pan and bake.将蛋糕糊倒入涂好油的烤盘里烘焙。韦氏高阶〔parchment〕Cover with a sheet of non-stick baking parchment.用一张不粘烘焙仿羊皮纸包上。柯林斯高阶〔parchment〕Cover with a sheet of nonstick baking parchment.用一张不粘烘焙仿羊皮纸包上。外研社新世纪〔peel away〕Gently peel away the nonstick baking parchment.轻轻地揭去不粘烘焙纸。外研社新世纪〔percolate〕They ate freshly baked bread while the coffee percolated gently.他们吃着新鲜烘焙的面包, 与此同时咖啡正在慢慢滤煮着。外研社新世纪〔perfume〕As they bake, they perfume the whole house with the aroma of apples and spices.他们烘焙的时候, 整幢房子都飘着苹果和香料的香气。外研社新世纪〔pour〕Pour the mixture into a dish and bake for 45 minutes.把混合物倒进盘子并烘焙45分钟。麦克米伦高阶〔prebake〕Prebake the shells blind for 8 to 10 minutes.在放馅料前将馅饼外皮烘焙8至10分钟。外研社新世纪〔preparation〕To complete this recipe, plan on about 30 minutes of preparation and 40 minutes of baking.要按食谱完成这份食物,预计需要约30分钟的准备工作和40分钟的烘焙。韦氏高阶〔preset〕Bake the cake in a preset oven.在预置时间的烤箱里烘焙蛋糕。外研社新世纪〔pungency〕Baking reduces the pungency of garlic.烘焙可以减少大蒜的辣味。外研社新世纪〔recognition〕The bakery business has changed beyond all recognition in the last 10 years.烘焙行业在过去的 10 年里彻底变了。朗文当代〔saleratus〕Sodium or potassium bicarbonate used as a leavening agent; baking soda.发酵粉,小苏打:作为发酵剂的钠或碳酸氢钾;烘焙苏打美国传统〔slow〕Bake in a slow oven (150℃) for 45 minutes.在低温烘箱(150摄氏度)中烘焙45分钟。外研社新世纪〔thing〕She got out the cooking things to bake some cookies.她把烘焙用具拿出来做烤曲奇饼。韦氏高阶〔volunteer〕Volunteers are needed to help with the bake sale.需要志愿者来帮忙卖烘焙食品。韦氏高阶




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