

单词 烘干
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔COMPLETELY〕The house is fully furnished, including washer and dryer. 那幢房子里家具齐备,包括洗衣机和烘干机。朗文写作活用〔KD〕Kiln-dried.在窑房内烘干的美国传统〔SPREAD〕I spread the towels over the radiator to dry. 我把毛巾摊在暖气片上烘干。朗文写作活用〔WET〕Your clothes are soaked. Leave them in front of the fire to dry. 你的衣服都湿透了,把它们放在火炉前烘干。朗文写作活用〔airing〕When the shirts were clean, I ironed them myself, aired them and placed them in drawers in his room.衬衫洗干净之后,我自己将它们熨好、烘干并放在他房间的抽屉里。柯林斯高阶〔air〕My mother always airs the sheets before she makes the beds.我妈妈在铺床之前总是先把床单烘干。剑桥高阶〔bake〕To become hardened or dry by or as if by having been subjected to the heat of an oven.烘干:在或似在炉子里受热而变硬或变干美国传统〔bind〕Clay binds when it is baked.黏土烘干后变硬。英汉大词典〔cascara sagrada〕The dried bark of the cascara buckthorn, used as a laxative.药鼠李皮剂:药鼠李树烘干的树皮,用作一种缓泻剂美国传统〔chicory〕The dried, roasted, ground roots of this plant, used as an adulterant of or substitute for coffee.菊苣根:这种植物被烘干、烤熟并碾碎的根,用来作咖啡的掺杂剂或代用品美国传统〔chipped beef〕Dried beef smoked and sliced very thin.牛肉脯:一种烘干并熏制过的切得很薄的牛肉美国传统〔condenser〕The condenser tumble dryer requires no ducting to expel moist air, so can be installed anywhere.冷凝式滚筒烘干机不需要排出湿气的管道, 因此可以安装在任何地方。外研社新世纪〔conveyor belt〕The damp bricks went along a conveyor belt into another shed to dry.潮湿的砖头通过传送带运到另一间棚屋来烘干。外研社新世纪〔cycle〕We have to wait for the dishwasher's wash and dry cycles to end.我们得等到洗碗机完成清洗和烘干过程。韦氏高阶〔dryer〕He threw his wet clothes in the dryer.他把湿衣服丢进了烘干机。韦氏高阶〔dryer〕If you buy a drier, look for one with a sensor which switches off when clothes are dry.你若要买烘干机,找一台带感应器的,可以在衣服干的时候自动断电。柯林斯高阶〔dryer〕If you buy a dryer, look for one with a sensor which switches off when clothes are dry.如果要买干衣机, 就找带感应装置的, 衣服烘干后自动断电。外研社新世纪〔dryer〕Put those damp clothes in the (tumble) dryer.把那些湿衣服放到(滚筒式)烘干机里去。剑桥高阶〔dry〕Come and dry off in front of this fire. 到火前来烘烘干。英汉大词典〔dry〕Come into the warm and get dry, both of you.你们俩都到暖和的地方来烘干衣服吧。牛津搭配〔dry〕We dried our boots off by the fire.我们把靴子放在火旁烘干。牛津高阶〔fire〕To dry by heating.烘干:通过加热使变干美国传统〔green tea〕Tea made from leaves that are not fermented before being dried.绿茶:由烘干前未经发酵的茶叶制成的茶美国传统〔kiln〕Any of various ovens for hardening, burning, or drying substances such as grain, meal, or clay, especially a brick-lined oven used to bake or fire ceramics.窑:用于加硬,燃烧或烘干物料如谷物、粗粉或粘土的各式的小窑,特指用来焙干或烧陶器的砖砌的窑美国传统〔kiln〕To process in one of these ovens.在窑中烧或烘干:在这些窑中的操作美国传统〔kiln〕When they'd been kilned, of course, they were all right.当然, 这些东西在窑里烘干后, 就算完成了。外研社新世纪〔parch〕To dry or roast (corn, for example) by exposing to heat.烘烤:用加热的方法烘干(例如玉米)美国传统〔pasta〕Paste or dough made of wheat flour, eggs, and water, often formed into shapes and dried and used in a variety of recipes after being boiled.意大利面制品:由小麦面、鸡蛋和水做成的面糊或面团,通常加工成一些形状并烘干,做熟后可用于种种烹饪美国传统〔porter〕A dark beer resembling light stout, made from malt browned or charred by drying at a high temperature.黑啤酒:一种类似于淡色烈性啤酒的黑啤酒,用经高温烘干而成棕色或焦炭色的麦芽发酵而成美国传统〔posole〕Kernels of corn that have been soaked in lime water, hulled, and dried.波索玉米粒:经过石灰水浸泡、去壳并烘干的玉米粒美国传统〔put away〕He washed, dried, and put away the dishes after dinner.饭后,他把碗碟洗干净、烘干,然后放好。韦氏高阶〔put up〕He washed, dried, and put up the dishes after dinner.晚饭后,他把碗碟洗好、烘干并收了起来。韦氏高阶〔rank〕The kitchen was rank with the smell of drying uniforms.厨房内充斥着烘干制服的难闻气味。柯林斯高阶〔rank〕The kitchen was rank with the smell of drying uniforms.厨房里到处都是烘干制服的难闻气味。外研社新世纪〔shake out〕She shook out the clothes as she took them from the dryer.她把衣服从烘干机里取出后将它们抖开。韦氏高阶〔sun〕To expose to the sun's rays, as for warming, drying, or tanning.晒,曝:使暴露在阳光中,如为了取暖、烘干或晒黑美国传统〔tumble dry〕He tumble dried his clothes on high heat.他用高温档烘干了衣服。韦氏高阶〔washer〕We bought a new washer and dryer.我们买了一台新的烘干洗衣机。韦氏高阶〔weaken〕Never dry underwear over direct heat; it will weaken the fabric.不要直接加热烘干内衣,那样会损坏布料。柯林斯高阶Coffee beans have to be roasted to acquire a rich flavour.咖啡豆必须被烘干,以获得浓郁的香味。剑桥国际Many public toilets no longer provide towels, but have machines which dry your hands.许多公共厕所不再提供毛巾,但是有烘干手的机器。剑桥国际My mother always airs the sheets before she makes my bed.妈妈在给我铺床前总是先把床单烘干。剑桥国际The washer and dryer are not included in the price of the house. 房价里不包括洗衣机和烘干机。译典通They sat in front of the fire to dry their wet clothes. 他们坐在炉火前以烘干他们的湿衣服。译典通You can tumble the clothes dry in a dryer. 你可以用烘干机将衣服烘干。译典通You should set the oven for baking. 应该将烘箱调到烘干项。译典通




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