

单词 烈性
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DRINK〕He got used to drinking hard liquor at an early age. 他很小就习惯喝烈性酒了。朗文写作活用〔END〕Each missile carries 150 kilos of high explosive in its nose. 每一枚导弹的弹头上都装载着150公斤烈性炸药。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕Heroin and cocaine are classed as hard drugs. 海洛因和可卡因被列为烈性毒品。朗文写作活用〔Madeira〕A fortified dessert wine, especially from the island of Madeira.马德拉白葡萄:一种烈性的甜葡萄酒,尤指产自马德拉岛的美国传统〔Malaga〕A sweet fortified wine originally from Málaga, Spain.马拉加白葡萄酒:一种原产于西班牙马拉加的甜味烈性葡萄酒美国传统〔POUR〕Slice the strawberries and drizzle them with the liqueur. 将草莓切片,然后洒上烈性甜酒。朗文写作活用〔Panama Red〕Marijuana of Panamanian origin that is slightly red and very potent.巴拿马红色大麻:原产于巴拿马的微红的烈性大麻美国传统〔amatol〕A highly explosive mixture of ammonium nitrate and trinitrotoluene.阿马托炸药:一种由硝酸铵和三硝基甲苯组成的烈性混合炸药美国传统〔anaesthetize〕Alcohol is a potent drug that anaesthetizes the brain.酒精是一种能麻醉大脑的烈性药物。柯林斯高阶〔anisette〕A liqueur flavored with anise.茴香酒:用茴芹配味的烈性酒美国传统〔aqua vitae〕Strong distilled alcohol, especially a strong liquor such as whiskey or brandy.白兰地,威士忌:烈性的蒸馏酒,尤指如威士忌或白兰地的烈性酒美国传统〔aquavit〕A strong, clear Scandinavian liquor distilled from potato or grain mash and flavored with caraway seed.“生命之水”:一种烈性的透明斯堪的纳维亚酒,由马铃薯或谷物麦芽浆蒸馏制作,有葛缕子的香味美国传统〔ardent spirits〕Strong alcoholic liquors, such as whiskey or gin.烈性酒:烈性酒精液体,如威士忌或杜松子酒美国传统〔arrack〕A strong alcoholic drink of the Middle East and the Far East, usually distilled from fermented palm sap, rice, or molasses.烧酒,亚力酒:中东和远东地区的一种烈性酒精饮料,通常从发酵的棕榈汁,大米或糖蜜中提取美国传统〔aversion〕That boy (Hard liquor) is my pet aversion.我最不喜欢那个男孩 (烈性酒)。英汉大词典〔blockbuster〕A high-explosive bomb used for demolition purposes.爆破力强的炸弹:用于破坏目的的烈性爆弹美国传统〔bombshell〕An explosive bomb.炸弹:一种烈性炸弹美国传统〔botulin〕Any of several potent neurotoxins produced by botulinum and resistant to proteolytic digestion.肉毒杆菌毒素:一种由肉毒杆菌产生的能抗蛋白水解消化作用的烈性神经毒素美国传统〔cantina〕A bar that serves liquor.酒吧:提供烈性酒的酒吧美国传统〔chaser〕Informal A drink, as of beer or water, taken after hard liquor.【非正式用语】 烈酒后饮品:饮烈性酒之后所饮的饮料,如啤酒或水美国传统〔concupiscible〕Driven by or filled with strong sexual desire; concupiscent.强烈性欲的:被强烈性欲所驱使或占据的;好色的美国传统〔do〕He says he's never done hard drugs in his life.他说他从来没有吸过烈性毒品。朗文当代〔exception〕Almost without exception, users of hard drugs initially smoked cannabis.几乎无一例外, 那些吸食烈性毒品的人最初都抽过大麻。外研社新世纪〔explosive〕The bomb was packed with several pounds of high explosive.这枚炸弹装有几磅烈性炸药。牛津高阶〔firewater〕Strong liquor, especially whiskey.烈酒:尤指威士忌等烈性酒美国传统〔high explosive〕An explosive, such as TNT, that combusts nearly instantaneously, thereby producing a violent, shattering effect.烈性炸药:瞬间燃烧,能随之产生高爆破效能的猛烈炸药,如梯恩梯美国传统〔highball〕A cocktail served in a tall glass and consisting of liquor, such as whiskey, mixed with water or a carbonated beverage.高杯酒:一种置于高玻璃杯中的鸡尾酒,在烈性酒(如威士忌)中加入水或碳酸饮料美国传统〔hike〕The federal government hiked the tax on hard liquor.联邦政府提高了烈性酒的税率。柯林斯高阶〔influence〕He makes a nice drink for women by influencing orange juice.他在橘子汁里加了少量烈性酒即制成了适于女性的爽口饮料。21世纪英汉〔inject〕His son was injected with strong drugs.他儿子被注射了烈性麻醉药。柯林斯高阶〔juicer〕Slang One who drinks liquor or alcoholic beverages habitually or excessively.【俚语】 酒鬼:习惯性地或过度地饮用烈性酒或含酒精饮料的人美国传统〔juice〕Slang Alcoholic drink; liquor.【俚语】 酒:含酒精饮料;烈性酒美国传统〔lacing〕A touch of liquor added to a beverage or food.向饮料或食物中添加少量烈性酒美国传统〔licensed〕The restaurant is licensed, offering draught beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks.这家餐馆有酒类经营执照, 提供扎啤、葡萄酒、烈性酒和软饮料。外研社新世纪〔licensed〕The restaurant is licensed, offering draught beers, wines, spirits and soft drinks.这家餐馆有酒类经营执照,提供扎啤、葡萄酒、烈性酒和汽水。柯林斯高阶〔licorice〕The root of this plant, used as a flavoring in candy, liqueurs, tobacco, and medicines.甘草根:这种植物的根,在糖果、烈性酒、烟草或药品中用作芳香剂美国传统〔liquor〕It is an offence to sell intoxicating liquor to anyone under the age of 18.卖烈性酒给任何未满 18 岁的人都是犯法的。牛津搭配〔liquor〕She drinks wine and beer but no liquor.她喝葡萄酒和啤酒,但不沾烈性酒。牛津高阶〔liquor〕The room was filled with cases of liquor.房间里堆满了整箱整箱的烈性酒。柯林斯高阶〔mist〕A drink consisting of a liquor served over cracked ice.米斯特:加冰块的烈性酒饮料美国传统〔mum〕A strong beer originally brewed in Brunswick, Germany.摩姆啤酒:德国布伦瑞克酿造的一种烈性啤酒美国传统〔porter〕A dark beer resembling light stout, made from malt browned or charred by drying at a high temperature.黑啤酒:一种类似于淡色烈性啤酒的黑啤酒,用经高温烘干而成棕色或焦炭色的麦芽发酵而成美国传统〔prohibitionist〕One in favor of outlawing the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages.禁酒主义者:支持将生产和销售烈性酒视为非法的人美国传统〔prohibition〕The forbidding by law of the manufacture, transportation, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages.禁酒:由法律禁止生产、运输、出售和占有烈性酒美国传统〔rain〕Fighter aircraft rained down high explosives.战斗机投下大量烈性炸药。柯林斯高阶〔schnapps〕Any of various strong, dry liquors, such as a strong Dutch gin.烈性干酒:任一种烈性干酒,如烈性荷兰杜松子酒美国传统〔scrumpy〕Scrumpy is a type of strong cider.Scrumpy 是一种烈性苹果酒。剑桥高阶〔select〕He was one of the small select group assembled by Penney, at the High Explosive Research centre.他是彭尼在烈性炸药研究中心召集的精英小组的一员。柯林斯高阶〔settle for〕Since you have no spirit, I have to settle for beer.既然你没有烈性酒,我就喝点啤酒吧。21世纪英汉〔short〕She only drinks shorts, never wine or beer.她只喝纯烈性酒,从不喝葡萄酒或啤酒。剑桥高阶〔sloe gin〕A liqueur having a gin base, flavored with fresh sloes.野李谷酒:一种以杜松子酒为主剂的烈性酒,用新鲜的野李调味美国传统〔smash〕A drink made of mint, sugar, soda water, and alcoholic liquor, usually brandy.斯马喜饮料:一种由薄荷、糖、苏打水和(例如白兰地的)烈性酒混合制成的饮料美国传统〔spike〕Someone spiked the punch at the party.有人在晚会用的潘趣酒中加了烈性酒。韦氏高阶〔spike〕They wondered whether their drinks had been spiked.他们有些疑惑自己的饮料里是否被偷偷搀了烈性酒。柯林斯高阶〔spirit〕Drink beer rather than spirits.喝啤酒, 不要喝烈性酒。外研社新世纪〔spirit〕I don't drink whisky or brandy or any other spirits.我不喝威士忌和白兰地,也不喝其他烈性酒。牛津高阶〔spirit〕Vodka is a type of spirit.伏特加是一种烈性酒。剑桥高阶〔spitfire〕A quick-tempered or highly excitable person.烈性的人:急性子的人或极易兴奋的人美国传统〔stiff〕A stiff whisky - that's what I need.一杯烈性威士忌——这是我真正需要的。剑桥高阶〔stiff〕He poured himself a stiff whisky at the bar.在酒吧里, 他为自己倒上了一杯烈性威士忌。外研社新世纪〔stoutly〕Guinness and other Irish stouts.吉尼斯黑啤酒及其他爱尔兰烈性黑啤酒柯林斯高阶〔stout〕A strong, very dark beer or ale.烈性黑啤酒:一种烈性的,极黑的啤酒美国传统〔strong〕I haven't touched strong drink (=alcoholic drinks ) for years.我很多年没碰烈性酒了。朗文当代〔thunderclap〕Something, such as a startling or shocking piece of news, that is similar to a crash of thunder in suddenness or violence.晴天霹雳似的消息或事件:如惊人的消息等在突然性和猛烈性方面与一声响雷相似的东西美国传统〔vice〕The horse had no vices of shying and tossing.这匹马没有烈性子,从来不惊,也不颠人。英汉大词典〔volatile〕The situation was made more volatile by the fact that people had been drinking a lot of alcohol.人们一直在大喝烈性酒,这让情况变得更加不稳定。剑桥高阶A pint of stout, please. 请给我来一杯烈性黑啤酒。译典通Allied planes bombed the road repeatedly with high explosive bombs.盟军飞机用烈性炸药炸弹对路进行持续轰炸。剑桥国际For those who prefer hard drink (esp. Am hard liquor), we have whisky, vodka and gin.对于喜爱喝烈性酒的,我们有威士忌、伏特加和杜松子酒。剑桥国际Gelignite is a high explosive.葛里炸药是一种烈性炸药。剑桥国际I had such a bad day that as soon as I got home I poured myself a stiff drink.我今天如此倒霉,我一回家便给自己倒了杯烈性酒。剑桥国际I need a stiff gin/whisky/brandy.我要杯烈性杜松子酒/威士忌/白兰地。剑桥国际Liqueurs are made by adding fruits, herbs or spices to spirits such as whisky and brandy.把水果、药草或香料加入烈性酒如威士忌、白兰地中可制成烈性甜酒。剑桥国际Liquor includes drinks like whisky and gin, but not beer or wine, and it is produced by distillation rather than fermentation.烈性酒包括诸如威士忌和杜松子酒之类的饮料,但不包括啤酒和葡萄酒,而且它是通过蒸馏而不是通过发酵制成的。剑桥国际Pastis is now promoted as something to dilute -- with water, tonic, or even orange juice.茴香酒现在被推销成一种可稀释的烈性酒----用水、补药、或者甚至桔子汁。剑桥国际Scrumpy is a type of strong cider.苹果做的含酒精饮料是烈性的苹果酒的一种。剑桥国际Semtex is very difficult to detect and is used by terrorist organizations.捷克产的烈性炸药很难察觉,常被恐怖主义组织使用。剑桥国际She's into hard drugs.她吸食烈性毒品。剑桥国际Some strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky are made by distilling.一些烈性酒如威士忌是蒸馏制成的。剑桥国际Spirits are more expensive than beer, but they get you drunk faster.烈性酒比啤酒贵得多,但烈性酒更容易使人醉。剑桥国际The police said 100lb of Semtex were used to make the bomb.警方说100磅捷克产的烈性炸药被用来制造这枚炸弹。剑桥国际The strong medicine made my head whirl. 这种烈性药使我头晕眼花。译典通The warheads contain around 1 000 lb of high explosive.这些弹头装有大概1 000磅的烈性炸药。剑桥国际There's a liquor store around the block where you could get some vodka.你可在街区旁的烈性酒店买一些伏特加。剑桥国际There's nothing like a wee dram of whisky to get you off to sleep.一点点烈性酒是最好的催眠剂。剑桥国际Vodka is a type of spirit.伏特加是一种烈性酒。剑桥国际




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