

单词 演唱歌曲
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔lament〕A singer on the country music station was singing a lament for the late, great Buddy Holly.乡村音乐电台中, 一位歌手正演唱歌曲哀悼已故的伟大音乐人巴迪•霍利。外研社新世纪〔lament〕A singer on the country music station was singing a lament for the late, great Buddy Holly.乡村音乐电台中,一位歌手正演唱歌曲哀悼已故的伟大音乐人巴迪·霍利。柯林斯高阶〔pick up〕She uses a style of singing she picked up from listening to jazz music.她用从爵士乐中学来的方式演唱歌曲。韦氏高阶〔vocalise〕An exercise, a composition, or an arrangement in which a performer sings sol-fa syllables or other meaningless vocal sounds rather than a text.练声曲:一种练习、曲子或排练,歌手在进行过程中演唱视唱法音节或其它一些无意义的元音,而非演唱歌曲美国传统




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