

单词 演员表演
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DO/NOT DO〕The circus acrobats perform amazing feats on the trapeze. 这些马戏团杂技演员表演了令人惊叹的高空秋千。朗文写作活用〔brainless〕The plot of the new movie is brainless and the acting is terrible.这部新上映的电影情节设计拙劣,演员表演糟透了。韦氏高阶〔directional〕It is an impressive directional debut, especially in respective of the performances she elicits from her cast.她导演的第一部作品令人印象深刻, 尤其是在激发演员表演这方面。外研社新世纪〔far-fetched〕The storyline was too far-fetched and none of the actors was particularly good.故事情节太离谱,演员表演也没有出彩的。柯林斯高阶〔ham-handed〕The actress gave a ham-handed performance.那个女演员表演得笨手笨脚。韦氏高阶〔minstrel show〕A comic variety show in which a troupe of actors made up in blackface present jokes, songs, dances, and comic skits.滑稽说唱团演出:由一群涂成黑脸的演员表演笑话、歌舞和滑稽小品的喜剧演出美国传统〔stage〕An area in which actors perform.表演区:演员表演的地方美国传统〔terrific〕The actress who played the lawyer was terrific.扮演律师的女演员表演十分出色。朗文当代〔tolerably〕The play is tolerably amusing, but it is let down by the actors' weak performances.这出戏还算有趣,但美中不足的是演员表演得不太好。剑桥高阶〔turn〕The dancer executed a perfect turn.这舞蹈演员表演了一个炉火纯青的旋体动作。英汉大词典We were struck by the raw energy/power of the dancers’performances.我们为舞蹈演员表演中那粗犷真诚的能量/力量所吸引。剑桥国际




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