

单词 演员们
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔Tinseltown〕young actors seduced by Tinseltown 神往浮华之城的年轻演员们韦氏高阶〔let loose〕a director who's willing to let her actors loose to interpret their roles however they see fit 愿意让她的演员们按自己认为适合的方式诠释角色的导演韦氏高阶〔limber〕the black silk stockings worn by the limber ballerinas灵巧的芭蕾舞女演员们穿着的黑丝长筒袜外研社新世纪〔mask〕actors wearing masks. 戴面具的演员们柯林斯高阶〔peg〕a peg upon which the actors can build up a scene 演员们可尽情发挥演技的一段剧情英汉大词典〔pull〕the irresistible pull of Hollywood for/on young actors and actresses 好莱坞对年轻演员们无法抗拒的魅力。韦氏高阶〔quip〕the quips and puns of comedians 喜剧演员们的俏皮话和双关语英汉大词典〔rotund〕actors in colourful rotund costumes身着鲜艳的灯笼状戏服的演员们外研社新世纪〔support〕actors who had supported him in the play剧中给他当配角的演员们外研社新世纪〔tight〕a tight performance by the cast 演员们准确无误的表演麦克米伦高阶〔up-and-coming〕up-and-coming young actresses 前程似锦的年轻女演员们剑桥高阶




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