

单词 洞察
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INTELLIGENT〕Sachs was a shrewd judge of character, and chose his staff well. 萨克斯善于洞察人心,把自己的工作班子选得很得力。朗文写作活用〔NOTICE/NOT NOTICE〕He was a perceptive and sophisticated man who was sensitive to other people's weaknesses. 他洞察力强,老于世故,善于体察别人的弱点。朗文写作活用〔UNDERSTAND/NOT UNDERSTAND〕Crick soon established himself as a scientist of great insight and creativity. 克里克很快就成为一名极具洞察力和创造力的科学家。朗文写作活用〔acumen〕He is famed for his political acumen and will be a vital link with the Americans.他以敏锐的政治洞察力著称, 将是与美国人联系的极其重要的纽带。外研社新世纪〔acumen〕Quickness, accuracy, and keenness of judgment or insight.敏锐,聪明:判断或洞察力的快速,准确及敏捷美国传统〔acutely〕His portrayal of Joe's childhood joys and confusions is acutely drawn.他对乔童年所经历的各种乐事和困惑的描述颇具洞察力。外研社新世纪〔astute〕The questions were far-reaching and astute.这些问题高屋建瓴、富有洞察力。外研社新世纪〔clairvoyance〕Acute intuitive insight or perceptiveness.洞察力:敏锐直觉的洞察力或透视能力美国传统〔clairvoyance〕Poets, painters and creative people know that there is often a high price to pay for their clairvoyance.诗人、画家和有创造力的人知道他们常常需要为自己的洞察力付出很高的代价。外研社新世纪〔clairvoyant〕Of or relating to clairvoyance.洞察力的:有洞察力的或与之有关的美国传统〔clarity〕Churchill's clarity of vision impressed all who knew him.丘吉尔明晰的洞察力给每一个认识他的人都留下了深刻的印象。朗文当代〔clear-eyed〕Mentally acute or perceptive.头脑敏锐,有洞察力的美国传统〔dazzle〕George dazzled her with his knowledge of the world.乔治的洞察世情令她叹服。柯林斯高阶〔delightful〕It's a delightfully witty and perceptive description.这是一种令人愉快、巧妙而又富有洞察力的描述。麦克米伦高阶〔depth perception〕The ability to perceive spatial relationships, especially distances between objects, in three dimensions.洞察力,透视力:在三维空间中感知空间关系(尤其是物体间距离)的能力美国传统〔depth〕Her paintings reveal hidden depths.她的画作透露出隐含的洞察力。牛津搭配〔discerning〕Exhibiting keen insight and good judgment; perceptive.有眼力的;有判断力的:展现敏锐的眼力或辨别力好的判断的;有洞察力的美国传统〔discerning〕She's very discerning.她很有洞察力。英汉大词典〔discernment〕Keenness of insight and judgment.识别能力;洞察力:敏锐的识别力和判断力美国传统〔discern〕To perceive with the eyes or intellect; detect.看出,察觉出:用眼看见,或用智慧察觉;洞察美国传统〔discriminating〕Able to recognize or draw fine distinctions; perceptive.有识别力的;敏锐的:能识别或画出明显的差别;洞察的美国传统〔dynamics〕The fight for the leadership gave a fascinating insight into the group's dynamics.这场争夺领导权的斗争给了人们一个洞察该团体内部变革动力的良好时机。剑桥高阶〔feeling〕I think that sums up the feelings of most discerning and intelligent Indians.我想这概括了最富洞察力和悟性的印第安人的感受。柯林斯高阶〔fey〕Having visionary power; clairvoyant.有预兆的:有眼光的;有超人的洞察力的美国传统〔finely〕To a fine point; discriminatingly.达到精微处;有洞察力地美国传统〔forceful〕He was a man of forceful character, with considerable insight and diplomatic skills.他个性强, 颇具洞察力与外交手腕。外研社新世纪〔gimlet〕He had piercing eyes that simply gimleted you.他有双一眼洞察你一切的眼睛。英汉大词典〔gracious〕She has instinctive good taste and a fine feeling for gracious living.她拥有与生俱来的高品位以及对高雅生活洞察幽微的鉴赏力。外研社新世纪〔gross〕Lacking sensitivity or discernment; unrefined.缺乏敏感或洞察力的;不高尚的,粗俗的,不雅的美国传统〔illuminate〕His autobiography provides an illuminating insight into his mind.他的自传可以让读者深入洞察他的精神世界。柯林斯高阶〔individual〕She saw the artist as a unique individual, possessing a heightened awareness of reality.她认为这位艺术家十分独特,对现实有着深刻的洞察。牛津搭配〔insightful〕She offered some really interesting, insightful observations.她发表了一些非常有趣且富有洞察力的言论。外研社新世纪〔insightful〕She offered some really interesting, insightful observations.她给出了一些非常有趣又富有洞察力的评论。柯林斯高阶〔insight〕Children can sometimes show quite remarkable insight.儿童有时能表现出超乎寻常的洞察力。麦克米伦高阶〔insight〕He was a man with considerable insight.他是个富有洞察力的人。柯林斯高阶〔insight〕The capacity to discern the true nature of a situation; penetration.洞察力,穿透力:辨明某种情况真正性质的能力;心智的敏锐美国传统〔insight〕The experienced specialist has professional skills and insight.这位经验丰富的专家具有专业的技能和洞察力。牛津搭配〔intuition〕Knowledge gained by the use of this faculty; a perceptive insight.直觉知道:运用这种能力而获得的知识;敏锐的洞察力美国传统〔knock〕His perception really knocks me over.他的洞察力真是使我钦佩万分。英汉大词典〔knowing〕Showing clever awareness and resourcefulness; shrewd.聪明的,精明的:显示出聪明的洞察力和智慧的;精明的美国传统〔naturalness〕She has a natural ability to understand the motives of others.她有一种洞察他人动机的天赋。柯林斯高阶〔occasion〕Dekker had risen to the occasion with an insight that surprised us all.德克尔以其出乎所有人意料的洞察力化解了此次危机。外研社新世纪〔particularity〕What is lacking is an insight into the particularity of our societal system.缺乏的正是对我们社会制度特殊性的洞察。外研社新世纪〔particularity〕What is lacking is an insight into the particularity of our societal system.缺乏的正是对我们社会制度特殊性的洞察。柯林斯高阶〔penetrate〕She could always be depended upon to penetrate what I was thinking.任何时候她都能一一洞察我的思想活动。英汉大词典〔penetrate〕To gain insight.洞悉:获得洞察力美国传统〔penetrating〕She is one of our most penetrating and provocative critical thinkers.她是我们最有洞察力和煽动力的批判性思想家之一。韦氏高阶〔penetration〕Middlesbrough deserved great credit for the way they attacked with penetration.米德尔斯伯堡足球队洞察一切的进攻策略值得大加赞赏。外研社新世纪〔penetration〕The capacity or action of understanding; insight.理解的行为或能力;洞察力美国传统〔perception〕Insight, intuition, or knowledge gained by perceiving.感知:直觉、洞察力或通过感知获得的知识美国传统〔perception〕It did not require a great deal of perception to realise the interview was over.并不需要多少洞察力也能意识到面试已经结束了。柯林斯高阶〔perception〕Ross shows unusual perception for a boy of his age.罗斯所表现出的洞察力对于他这个年纪的男孩来说是非凡的。朗文当代〔perception〕She has extraordinary powers of perception for one so young.她年纪轻轻就有着非凡的洞察力。剑桥高阶〔perception〕She shows remarkable perception.她展示出过人的洞察力。韦氏高阶〔perception〕The capacity for such insight.洞察力的容量美国传统〔perceptively〕The task I have in mind requires little more than perceptiveness and a good memory.我在考虑的任务需要的正是洞察力和良好的记忆力。柯林斯高阶〔perceptive〕He is a very perceptive young man.他是一个富有洞察力的年轻人。韦氏高阶〔perceptive〕He was one of the most perceptive political commentators.他是最具洞察力的政治评论家之一。外研社新世纪〔perceptive〕He's very perceptive about people.他看人很有洞察力。牛津搭配〔percipient〕Having the power of perceiving, especially perceiving keenly and readily.洞察的:有感知力的,尤指感知力强烈的美国传统〔percipient〕One that perceives.洞察者:感知者美国传统〔perspicacious〕Channel 4's overseas buyers have foreseen the audience demand with their usual perspicacity.四频道的海外收购者以其惯有的洞察力预见到了观众的需求。柯林斯高阶〔perspicacity〕Acuteness of perception, discernment, or understanding.聪明,敏锐:敏锐的洞察力、判断力或理解力美国传统〔perspicacity〕Channel 4's overseas buyers have foreseen the audience demand with their usual perspicacity.第四频道的海外买家以其惯有的洞察力预见到了观众的需求。外研社新世纪〔precognition〕Knowledge of something in advance of its occurrence, especially by extrasensory perception; clairvoyance.预见,洞察力:尤指通过超感官的知觉而在某事发生前便得到其有关信息;洞察力美国传统〔prehensile〕Having keen intellect; insightful.聪明的;有洞察力的美国传统〔prophet〕A person gifted with profound moral insight and exceptional powers of expression.预言者:有复杂的道德洞察力和非凡的表达能力的人美国传统〔psychology〕Watching the shoppers at the sales gave her a first-hand insight into crowd psychology.观察购物者在商品减价时的行为使她获得了洞察大众心理的第一手资料。牛津搭配〔read〕I have known Mary for years,I can read her mind.我与玛丽相识多年,我可以洞察出她在想什么。21世纪英汉〔read〕My mother reads me deeply.我的母亲能洞察我的心思。21世纪英汉〔read〕The conductor read Bach with astonishing insight.这位指挥以惊人的洞察力阐释巴赫的作品。英汉大词典〔robustly〕He has the keen eye and robust approach needed.他具备了所需的敏锐的洞察力和坚定的行事态度。柯林斯高阶〔sagacity〕The quality of being discerning, sound in judgment, and farsighted; wisdom.聪慧:具有洞察力敏锐、判断力强和有远见卓识这些特点;智慧美国传统〔sapient〕Having great wisdom and discernment.贤明的:极具智慧和洞察力的美国传统〔second sight〕Clairvoyance.敏锐的洞察力美国传统〔seer〕A clairvoyant.有超人的洞察力的人美国传统〔sharp〕It was very sharp of you to see that! 你能看到这一点,很有洞察力!牛津高阶〔strength〕Her greatest strength is her keen attention to details.她最大的优势在于对细节敏锐的洞察力。韦氏高阶〔telling〕Wright has a great eye for telling details.赖特有洞察秋毫的观察力。外研社新世纪〔theosophy〕Religious philosophy or speculation about the nature of the soul based on mystical insight into the nature of God.通神论:基于神秘洞察神的本性的关于精神性质的宗教哲学或理论美国传统〔understanding〕Characterized by or having comprehension, good sense, or discernment.有理解力的,有洞察力的:以具有良好的判断力、辨别力和洞察力为特点的美国传统〔walking〕She is a walking microscope to the smallest intrigue.她是一台活显微镜,能洞察最细微的阴谋诡计。英汉大词典〔wit〕The natural ability to perceive and understand; intelligence.智力:洞察和理解的自然能力;智能美国传统He claims he has the powers of telepathy and clairvoyance.他声称自己有心灵感应术和洞察未来的能力。剑桥国际He had the clarity of vision to sell his Internet company before the market crashed.他凭借自己敏锐的洞察力在市场暴跌之前把网络公司出售了。牛津商务He has a penetrating mind. 他富有洞察力。译典通He has spoken perceptively on many subjects.他有洞察力地讲到许多话题。剑桥国际He is a man of penetration. 他是一个富有洞察力的人。译典通He is the most sagacious member of the committee. 他是委员会里最富洞察力的成员。译典通Her books are full of perceptive insights into the human condition.她书里满是对人类现状有洞察力的见解。剑桥国际Her latest novel shows her usual acute observation of the English middle classes.她的最新小说显示出她对英国中产阶级一向敏锐的洞察力。剑桥国际His acute perception was often clouded by mysticism. 他敏锐的洞察力常受到模糊思想的影响。译典通I always appreciate your percipient comments on my work.我很欣赏你对我作品富有洞察力的评论。剑桥国际I could not penetrate the mystery. 我不能洞察这个秘密。译典通It's his eye for (= ability to notice) detail (= small features of things) that distinguishes him as a painter.是对细微处的洞察力使他成为出众的画家。剑桥国际She has considerable business / financial acumen.她有相当敏锐的商业/财政洞察力。剑桥国际The documentary offers an insight into the everyday lives of millions of ordinary Russian citizens.纪录片使人们洞察数百万普通俄罗斯公民的日常生活。剑桥国际The natural mind is full of insights, intuitions (=intuition), sympathies and affections that affect our response to situations.天赋的头脑充满了影响我们对环境作出反应的洞察力、直觉、同情和慈爱。剑桥国际The novelist has a subtle insight into human nature. 那位小说家对人性具有敏锐的洞察力。译典通We used the Delphi technique to gain insights into future development of IT.我们采用德尔菲法洞察信息技术的未来发展状况。牛津商务




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