

单词 牧草
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Alpine〕Alpine meadows 高山牧草地文馨英汉〔cock〕A cone-shaped pile of straw or hay.圆锥形小堆:圆锥形的一堆禾秆或牧草美国传统〔cock〕To arrange (straw or hay) into piles shaped like cones.将…堆成圆锥形小山:将(禾秆或牧草)整理成像圆锥形状的堆美国传统〔cut〕The path cuts the meadow diagonally.小路对角穿过牧草地。英汉大词典〔eat out〕That state is a natural grazing country and cannot be eaten out.那个州是一个天然的放牧区,那里的牧草是吃不完的。21世纪英汉〔extend to〕The fence extends to the meadow.篱笆一直延伸到牧草地。21世纪英汉〔extend〕The fence extends to the meadow.栅栏一直延伸到牧草地。英汉大词典〔field〕We drove past huge fields of barley and hay.我们开车经过大片的大麦和牧草地。麦克米伦高阶〔grass cloth〕A loosely woven fabric made with grass or vegetable fibers.草质布料:以牧草或是植物纤维宽松编织制作的纺织品美国传统〔graze〕To feed on growing grasses and herbage.啃食牧草,放牧:以正在生长的牧草为食美国传统〔hay〕To mow and cure grass and herbage for hay.割草及牧草并翻晒成干草美国传统〔herbage〕Herbaceous plant growth, especially grass or similar vegetation used for pasturage.草本植物群:草本植物群,尤指牧草或类似的用于放牧的植被美国传统〔herbage〕The fleshy, often edible parts of plants.牧草:植物的通常可食用的肉质部分美国传统〔herbal〕A book about plants and herbs, especially those that are useful to human beings.草药书:有关植物和牧草的书,尤指有关对人类有用的植物的书美国传统〔lay ... down〕The farmers plan to lay the corn fields down to grass.农场主们打算将玉米田改种牧草。21世纪英汉〔move〕Nomad peoples constantly move to new areas in search of pasture.为寻找牧草,游牧民族经常向新的地区转移。英汉大词典〔mow〕We mowed the field so as to provide the cattle with fodder.我们割地里的牧草以给牛提供饲料。英汉大词典〔pasturage〕The grass or other vegetation eaten by grazing animals.牧草:草食动物能吃的草或其它植物美国传统〔pasture〕Grass or other vegetation eaten as food by grazing animals.牧草:草食动物作为食物吃的草或其它植物美国传统〔pasture〕Lowland sheep enjoy better weather and rich pasture.低地绵羊喜欢更好的天气和大量的牧草。外研社新世纪〔pasture〕On the slopes, the pasture was beginning to look green and lush.山坡上, 牧草开始变得又绿又茂盛。外研社新世纪〔pasture〕The horses are pastured on several acres of land.这些马被放在几英亩大的牧草地上吃草。韦氏高阶〔pasture〕To provide (animals) with pasturage. Used of land.提供牧草:为(牲畜)提供牧草。用于指土地美国传统〔raise〕He raises 2,000 acres of wheat and hay.他种植了2,000英亩的小麦和牧草。柯林斯高阶〔soilage〕Green crops cut for feeding penned livestock.牧草类饲料:切碎用来喂养的牲口的绿色庄稼美国传统〔strike〕After walking along the road a few miles they struck out across the meadow.沿路行走若干英里后,他们转入牧草地而穿过去。文馨英汉〔under〕That field is under grass [wheat] at present.那块田地现在种有牧草[小麦]。文馨英汉The light green valley pastures contrast dramatically with the dark evergreen trees on the hilltops.浅绿色的山谷牧草地和山顶上常绿树的深绿色形成强烈对比。剑桥国际These lands afford good pasture. 这些土地上牧草茂盛。译典通This region is clothed with luxuriant herbage in summer. 在夏天,这地区覆盖著绿茸茸的牧草。译典通




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