

单词 牧师会
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔canoness〕A member of a religious community of women living under a common rule but not bound by vows.女牧师会会员:按照一种教规生活但并不受宣誓约束的一个由女子组成的宗教团体的成员美国传统〔capitulary〕An ecclesiastical or civil ordinance.牧师会法规:一条教士的或市民的法规美国传统〔capitular〕Of or relating to a chapter, especially an ecclesiastical chapter.牧师会的:一个会员大会的或与之相关的,尤指一个教士或神父会的美国传统〔chapter house〕A building in which the chapter of a church or religious residence assembles.牧师会礼堂:教堂全体教士或宗教社区成员集会的礼堂美国传统〔continue〕He continued rapidly up the path, not pausing until he neared the Chapter House.他匆匆地继续沿着这条路走,一直快到牧师会礼堂时才停下来。柯林斯高阶〔decent〕After the recent scandal, the priest is expected to do the decent thing and resign from his position.近来的丑闻过后,估计那个牧师会做该做的事,引咎辞职。剑桥高阶〔morning〕The minister might stand there until morning should redden in the east.这位牧师会站在那儿,直到东方破晓,天色泛红。英汉大词典〔provost〕The highest official in certain cathedrals or collegiate churches.教士长:某些大教堂或牧师会中的最高神职人员美国传统〔slype〕A covered passage, especially one between the transept and chapter house of a cathedral.(教堂)走廊:一个有顶的通道,尤指天主教大教堂耳堂和牧师会礼堂之间的通道美国传统




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