

单词 牧人
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Caedmon〕The earliest English poet. According to Bede, he was an elderly herdsman who received the power of song in a vision.卡德蒙:英国最早的诗人。按《贝德》记载,他是一位老年牧人,在一次幻觉中被授予了创作诗歌的能力美国传统〔Khoikhoin〕A member of a pastoral people of Namibia and South Africa.科伊科伊人:纳米比亚和南非一牧人民族的一员美国传统〔Lilith〕An evil female spirit in ancient Semitic legend, alleged to haunt deserted places and attack children.夜妖:古代闪米牧人传说的女妖,指常在荒无人烟之地出没,袭击小孩美国传统〔beef〕The cattleman drove the beeves into the corral.牧人把牛群赶进畜栏。英汉大词典〔chalet〕The hut of a herder in the Swiss Alps.瑞士阿尔卑斯山区的牧人小屋美国传统〔gaucho〕A cowboy of the South American pampas.高楚牧人:南美彭巴斯草原上的牧民美国传统〔herder〕One who tends or drives a herd.牧人,牧工:放牧或驱赶牧群的人美国传统〔pastoral〕Of or relating to shepherds or herders.牧羊人的;牧人的:牧羊人或牧人的,与牧羊人或牧人有关的美国传统〔rancheria〕A Mexican herdsman's hut.墨西哥牧人棚屋美国传统〔rancheria〕A village of these huts.棚屋村:墨西哥牧人棚屋组成的村庄美国传统〔ring〕The herdsman rings his cattle every morning.这个牧人每天上午在牲口群的周围绕着走。21世纪英汉〔rodeo〕A public competition or exhibition in which skills such as riding broncos or roping calves are displayed.牧马技术表演,放牧人竞技会:一种展示骑马或套牛等技巧的公开竞持或表演美国传统〔shepherd satellite〕A moon that orbits near the edge of a planetary ring, constraining the ring's extent through gravitational pull.守护卫星,牧人星:在行星环边缘运行的卫星,藉重力作用来限制光环的大小美国传统〔tend〕A shepherd tends sheep.牧人照管羊。牛津同义词〔tend〕There a shepherd was tending his flock.有个牧人在那儿照料他的羊群。文馨英汉At the approach of the evening the herdsman came to feed his cattle. 黄昏来临时,牧人来喂他的牲口。译典通




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