

单词 泉水
释义 ENGLISH PHRASES 英文词组〔DRINK〕a bottle of sparkling mineral water 一瓶冒气泡的矿泉水朗文写作活用〔above〕a cool spring above the timberline. 林木线以上清凉泉水美国传统〔boil〕water boiling from a spring 涌出的泉水英汉大词典〔carbonated〕carbonated spring water 含二氧化碳的泉水朗文当代〔curative〕the spring's alleged curative properties 这处泉水号称有能治病的功效朗文当代〔dangle〕dangle one's feet in a fountain 把脚悬垂在泉水中英汉大词典〔drink〕drink deep(ly) of the spring water 大口大口地喝泉水英汉大词典〔drink〕took a long drink from the fountain. 喝了一大口泉水美国传统〔effervescence〕an effervescent mineral water. 含汽矿泉水柯林斯高阶〔fizzy〕fizzy orange/mineral water 起泡橘子水/矿泉水剑桥高阶〔glacial〕glacial waters.See Synonyms at cold 极冷的矿泉水 参见 cold美国传统〔healing〕the healing power of the mineral waters 矿泉水的治疗力英汉大词典〔highlands〕highland springs 高原泉水剑桥高阶〔mineral water〕a glass of mineral water 一杯矿泉水朗文当代〔mineral water〕a glass of mineral water 一杯矿泉水韦氏高阶〔mineral water〕still mineral water无汽矿泉水外研社新世纪〔mineral water〕still/carbonated mineral water 无汽/碳酸矿泉水剑桥高阶〔mineral〕minerals Chiefly British Mineral water. minerals 【多用于英国】 矿泉水美国传统〔modify〕modify whiskey with mineral water 用矿泉水冲淡威士忌酒英汉大词典〔natural〕natural mineral water 天然矿泉水剑桥高阶〔pipeline〕bamboo pipelines from a spring 引泉水的竹管英汉大词典〔plash〕plash of the fountains from the mouths of stone dolphins 泉水从石雕海豚口中的喷溅英汉大词典〔purity〕the purity of spring water 泉水的纯净麦克米伦高阶〔quaff〕quaffed from the spring. 大口大口地喝泉水美国传统〔sparkling〕sparkling mineral water 有汽矿泉水牛津高阶〔spa〕spa water 矿泉水剑桥高阶〔spa〕spa waters 矿泉水牛津高阶〔spring〕a natural spring water supply 天然泉水的供给麦克米伦高阶〔spring〕a spring of water.泉水。牛津同义词〔spring〕deliciously cool spring water 甘冽的泉水牛津搭配〔spring〕spring water 泉水朗文当代〔spring〕spring water 泉水牛津高阶〔still〕still mineral water 无汽矿泉水牛津高阶〔still〕still mineral water 无汽矿泉水麦克米伦高阶〔still〕still or sparkling mineral water 无气或有气矿泉水朗文当代〔thermal〕thermal springs/waters 温泉;温泉水域韦氏高阶〔thermal〕thermal waters 温泉水英汉大词典〔twist〕mineral water with a twist of lemon 加了一片柠檬的矿泉水牛津高阶〔water〕a glass of sparkling mineral water 一杯起泡矿泉水朗文当代〔water〕bottled/mineral/spring water 瓶装/矿物质/矿泉水韦氏高阶




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