

单词 氧化铁
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Indian red〕An iron oxide used as a paint and cosmetic pigment.印度红,西印度赭石:一种作为绘画和化妆颜料的氧化铁美国传统〔colcothar〕A brownish-red ferric oxide obtained as a residue after heating ferrous sulfate, used in glass polishing and as a pigment.褐红色铁氧化物:由硫酸亚铁加热后所得的褐红色的氧化铁,作玻璃抛光和颜料之用美国传统〔iron oxide〕Any of various oxides of iron, such as ferric oxide or ferrous oxide.氧化铁:任何一种铁的氧化物,如三氧化二铁或氧化亚铁美国传统〔magnetic tape〕A plastic tape coated with iron oxide for use in magnetic recording.磁带:一种表面覆有氧化铁的用于磁录音的塑料带子美国传统〔ocher〕Any of several earthy mineral oxides of iron occurring in yellow, brown, or red and used as pigments.赭土,赭石:几种氧化铁矿物中的一种,呈黄色、棕色或红色,用作颜料美国传统〔oxide〕Atoms of iron in the nail combine with atoms of oxygen from the air to form molecules of iron oxide, or rust.钉子里的铁原子与空气中的氧原子结合后形成氧化铁分子, 产生了锈。外研社新世纪〔oxide〕Atoms of iron in the nail combine with atoms of oxygen from the air to form molecules of iron oxide, or rust.钉子里的铁原子与空气中的氧原子结合后形成氧化铁分子,也就是锈。柯林斯高阶〔redware〕Earthenware made from clay containing a large amount of ferrous oxide, giving it a red color.红土陶:一种陶器,由含有大量的氧化铁的陶土制成,让它呈现红色美国传统〔rubasse〕A variety of quartz colored ruby red by its iron-oxide content.红水晶:因含氧化铁而呈红宝石色的一种石英美国传统〔umber〕A natural brown earth containing ferric oxide and manganese oxides, used as pigment.棕土:含有红色氧化铁和氧化锰的天然棕色泥土,用作颜料美国传统




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