

单词 浮起
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔afloat〕The boat is not afloat yet.这条船还没浮起。文馨英汉〔afloat〕The ship was set afloat.那般船被浮起来。文馨英汉〔awash〕The rising water set everything awash.上涨的水使每样东西都漂浮起来。英汉大词典〔buoy up〕The very salty water buoyed him up as he swam.当他游泳时很咸的水使他漂浮起来。21世纪英汉〔buoyant〕Cork is very buoyant.软木塞极易浮起。朗文当代〔buoyant〕Cork is very buoyant.软木很容易浮起来。韦氏高阶〔buoyant〕Iron is buoyant in mercury.铁在水银中能浮起。英汉大词典〔coagulate〕As the egg whites cook, they coagulate and rise to the surface.蛋白一煮就会凝结,并且浮起来。柯林斯高阶〔drift net〕A large fishing net buoyed up by floats that is carried along with the current or tide.流网:依靠浮子浮起,随海流或潮汐漂流的一种大型鱼网美国传统〔emergent〕Rising above a surrounding medium, especially a fluid.升起的,浮起的:从周围的介质中升起,尤指液体美国传统〔float off〕By lightening her we may float her off the reef at the next high tide.通过减轻船的重量, 我们可能会在下次涨潮时让它从珊瑚礁上浮起来。外研社新世纪〔float〕A buoyant object, such as a cork, used to hold a net or fishing line afloat.浮子:能浮动的物体,如用来使网或钓线浮起来的浮标美国传统〔float〕An empty bottle will float.空瓶子能浮起来。剑桥高阶〔float〕Empty things float.空的物体会在水中浮起。柯林斯高阶〔float〕Is there enough water in the tub to float your boat? 浴缸里有足够的水来浮起你的小船吗?英汉大词典〔float〕They threw it in the water to see if it would float.他们把它扔到水里, 看它会不会浮起来。外研社新世纪〔float〕They tried to float a sunken ship.他们想使沉船浮起。英汉大词典〔float〕Will this material sink or float? 这种材料会沉下去还是浮起来?韦氏高阶〔float〕Wood floats.木头能浮起来。牛津高阶〔menace〕A large alligator floated close by the ship, its jaws open in menace.一条巨大的鳄鱼紧靠着船边浮起,大张着嘴要吃人。英汉大词典〔mount〕A blush mounted to her face.她脸上浮起一片红晕。英汉大词典〔refloat〕They tried every possible means to refloat the grounded ship.他们千方百计使这艘搁浅的船再漂浮起来。21世纪英汉〔rise〕Bubbles rose.水泡浮起。英汉大词典〔rise〕To appear at the surface of the water or the earth; emerge.浮起:出现在地球或水域的表面上;出现美国传统〔sink〕A fresh egg will sink and an old egg will float.新鲜鸡蛋会沉下去, 而不新鲜的鸡蛋会浮起来。外研社新世纪〔surge〕Fish and seaweed rose, caught motionless in the surging water.鱼和海藻浮起来,在汹涌的水流中动弹不得。柯林斯高阶〔vermil(l)ion〕A blush vermil(l)ioned her face.她脸上浮起一层红晕。英汉大词典〔waterborne〕Floating on or supported by water; afloat.漂浮的:由水浮起或支持的;漂浮的美国传统He managed to keep / stay afloat by holding on to the side of the boat.他设法抓住小船的一侧,使自己漂浮起来。剑桥国际The divers tried to float the sunken ship. 潜水员想使沉船浮起。译典通




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