

单词 特性
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHARACTER〕Liquids are different in character from both solids and gases. 液体的特性与固体和气体的都不同。朗文写作活用〔CHARACTER〕The conducting properties of solids vary widely. 固体的传导特性相差很大。朗文写作活用〔Hellenize〕To make Greek in character, culture, or civilization.使希腊化:使在特性、文化或文明方面希腊化美国传统〔Japonism〕Something characteristically Japanese.具有日本特性的事物美国传统〔Yankeeism〕A Yankee custom, characteristic, usage, or pronunciation.美国作风:美国式风俗、特性、用法或发音美国传统〔accidental〕A property, a factor, or an attribute that is not essential.非主要特性,次要方面:非主要的,非本质性的特征、特点或特性美国传统〔accident〕Logic A circumstance or an attribute that is not essential to the nature of something.【逻辑学】 偶有属性:并非事物本质属性的情况或特性美国传统〔acquired〕Acquired characteristics are not inherited.后天的特质[特性]不会遗传。文馨英汉〔advection〕A local change in the properties, such as temperature, of an air mass caused by the horizontal movement of the air mass.平流:由于气团水平移动而导致气团特性的区域性变化,如温度美国传统〔alloy〕The properties of an alloy are different from the sum of the properties of the substances it contains.一种合金的特性不同于它所含物质的特性总和。外研社新世纪〔all〕Germany, like all great nations, will not change its personality.德国,和所有伟大的国家一样,将不会改变自己的特性。柯林斯高阶〔amphibious〕Of a mixed or twofold nature.混合特性的,双重特性的美国传统〔amplification〕The process of increasing the magnitude of a variable quantity, especially the magnitude of voltage, power, or current, without altering any other quality.放大,放大率:可变量增大的过程,尤指电压、电力或电流的增大,不改变其它特性美国传统〔animal〕A human being considered with respect to his or her physical, as opposed to spiritual, nature.兽性,动物性:一个人身体方面的特性,与精神和性情相对的方面美国传统〔ballistics〕The study of the flight characteristics of projectiles.弹道特性:关于射弹飞行特点的研究美国传统〔balm〕A soothing, healing, or comforting agent or quality.止痛膏,安慰剂:有镇静、治疗或安慰作用的药剂或特性美国传统〔being〕One's basic or essential nature; personality.本质:一个人基本的或本质的特性;个性美国传统〔built-in〕The new system has built-in safety features to protect those most at risk.这一新系统本身就有一些安全特性, 以保护那些最易受威胁的程序。外研社新世纪〔caprine〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of a goat.山羊的,如山羊的:山羊的、与山羊有关的,或山羊的性质或特性的美国传统〔chemical〕They studied the compound's chemical structure/composition/properties.他们研究了这种化合物的化学结构/成分/特性。韦氏高阶〔closure〕The property of being mathematically closed.闭合,闭包:闭合精确程度的特性美国传统〔coadapted〕Of or relating to characteristics that have become established through mutually beneficial interaction between organisms in a community.相互适应的:群落中组织间相互有益的作用建立起来的特性的,或与其有关的美国传统〔colloid〕Of, relating to, containing, or having the nature of a colloid.胶质的、有关胶质的、包含胶质的或有胶质的特性的美国传统〔commonplace〕Having no remarkable features, characteristics, or traits; ordinary.平凡的;普通的:没有明显的特征、特性或品质的;通常的美国传统〔corpuscle〕A discrete particle, such as a photon or an electron.微粒:有某种特性的微粒,如光子或电子美国传统〔cryophilic〕Having an affinity for or thriving at low temperatures.嗜冷的:具有喜爱低温的特性或在低温中能快速生长的美国传统〔daughter〕Possessing the characteristics of a daughter; having the relationship of a daughter.女儿似的:具有女儿的特性的;有女儿的关系的美国传统〔diagnostic〕Serving to identify a particular disease; characteristic.特征的:鉴别出某种特别的病症;特性的美国传统〔drollery〕A comical or whimsical quality.滑稽离奇的特性美国传统〔endothermic〕Chemistry Characterized by or causing the absorption of heat; endoergic.【化学】 吸热的:具有吸热特性的或由吸热产生的;吸热的美国传统〔equality〕The state or quality of being equal.相等:相同的状态或特性美国传统〔essence〕The inherent, unchanging nature of a thing or class of things.特性,本体:一个或一类事物固有的、不能改变的性质美国传统〔feudatory〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the feudal relationship between vassal and lord.封臣的:封臣和领主间的封建关系的、有关这种关系的或具有这种关系的特性的美国传统〔flow〕To move or run smoothly with unbroken continuity, as in the manner characteristic of a fluid.流,流动:如同有了液体特性似的连续不断地移动或流淌美国传统〔form〕Botany A subdivision of a variety usually differing in one trivial characteristic, such as flower color.【植物学】 分类:通常有细微特性区别的种属的再分,如花色的再分美国传统〔frequency〕The property or condition of occurring at frequent intervals.频繁性:有规律间歇出现的特性或情况美国传统〔funk〕A type of popular music combining elements of jazz, blues, and soul and characterized by syncopated rhythm and a heavy, repetitive bass line.乡土音乐:一种综合了爵士乐、布鲁斯歌曲和爵士灵歌特性的流行音乐,以多切分音的节奏和低沉、经常重复的低音线为特征美国传统〔hymenopteran〕Of or belonging to the Hymenoptera.膜翅类:属于或有膜翅类特性的美国传统〔hyperactive〕Having behavior characterized by constant overactivity.行为举止有频繁,过度活动的特性美国传统〔identity〕The struggle of people in that area to maintain their own identities is continuing.那地区人民维护自身独特性的斗争仍在继续。英汉大词典〔incompetence〕The quality or state of being incompetent.不胜任:不称职、不胜任、无资格的特性或状态美国传统〔infer〕From this study we can reasonably infer that this characteristic is inherited.根据这项研究,我们可以合理地推断出这一特性是遗传的。牛津搭配〔innate〕When hot, metalwork has the innate capacity to be malleable and plastic.受热后, 金属制品的固有特性是延展性和可塑性。外研社新世纪〔juice〕A substance or quality that imparts identity and vitality; essence.精髓:赋予特性或增添活力的物质或性质美国传统〔juvenility〕The quality or condition of being juvenile; youthfulness.年少:年轻的特性或状态;青年特性美国传统〔kind〕Fundamental, underlying character as a determinant of the class to which a thing belongs; nature or essence.本质,天性:基础的和根本的特性,如一种事物归属种类的决定因素;天性或本质美国传统〔know〕The properties of this substance are poorly known.这种物质的特性人们知之甚少。牛津搭配〔localism〕A local custom or peculiarity.地方风俗:地方的风俗或独特性美国传统〔magnitude〕A property that can be quantitatively described, such as the volume of a sphere or the length of a vector.可量化的值:可以用数字形式描述出来的特性,例如球体的面积或者向量的长度美国传统〔maleficence〕Harmful or evil nature or quality.邪恶性:有害的、邪恶的本质或特性美国传统〔matriclinous〕Having predominantly maternal hereditary traits.主要有母性遗传特性的美国传统〔melody〕Another peculiarity is that the tenor line is the melody.另一个特性是, 男高音线是主调。外研社新世纪〔mind〕It is impossible to understand the complex nature of the human mind .要想了解人类思维复杂的特性是不可能的。朗文当代〔miraculous〕Of the nature of a miracle; preternatural.奇迹般的:具有奇迹特性的;超自然的美国传统〔modality〕A tendency to conform to a general pattern or belong to a particular group or category.属性,特性:符合一种大体模式或属于特定的组或类的倾向美国传统〔modulus〕Physics A quantity that expresses the degree to which a substance possesses a property, such as elasticity.【物理学】 模数,模量:一种参数,表示一种物质具有一个特性之程度,如弹性美国传统〔must〕The quality or condition of being stale or musty.发霉:陈腐或者发霉的特性或状态美国传统〔myosin〕The commonest protein in muscle cells, responsible for the elastic and contractile properties of muscle. It combines with actin to form actomyosin.肌球蛋白:在肌肉细胞中最普通的蛋白质,对肌肉的弹性和收缩性的特性很重要,它与肌动朊结合形成肌动球朊美国传统〔nativism〕The reestablishment or perpetuation of native cultural traits, especially in opposition to acculturation.排外主义:重建本地文化特性并使其永垂不朽,尤其反对文化侵略美国传统〔nature〕It's the nature of plastic to melt under high temperatures.在高温下会熔化是塑料的特性。麦克米伦高阶〔orientalize〕To become oriental in character.东方化:在特性上变成东方式的美国传统〔peculiarity〕We all have our peculiarities.我们各有自己的特性。牛津同义词〔pedigree〕A chart of an individual's ancestors used in human genetics to analyze Mendelian inheritance of certain traits, especially of familial diseases.记录家族遗传特性及疾病的图表:用于人类遗传学分析孟德尔遗传学说的某些遗传特征尤其是家族病的个人家系表美国传统〔periodicity〕The tendency of chemical elements with similar positions in the periodic table to have similar properties.周期律:化学元素在周期表中有相似位置时具有相似特性的趋势美国传统〔pitch〕Acoustics The distinctive quality of a sound, dependent primarily on the frequency of the sound waves produced by its source.【声学】 音质:声音的特性,主要依据从音源发出的声波的频率美国传统〔planetary〕Of, relating to, or resembling the physical or orbital characteristics of a planet or the planets.行星的:属于、关于或类似于一个行星或多颗行星的物理或轨道特性的美国传统〔predicatory〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of preaching or a preacher.说教的:说教或说教者的、与之相关或有之特性的美国传统〔propagate〕The farmer was hoping to propagate the best qualities of both types of sheep.农民希望使这两种绵羊的最佳特性遗传下去。英汉大词典〔property〕A unique property of garlic is its strong odor.大蒜独有的特性就是其强烈的气味。韦氏高阶〔property〕Compare the physical properties of the two substances.比较一下这两种物质的物理特性。牛津高阶〔property〕The two plants have similar physical properties.这两种植物的物理特性相似。韦氏高阶〔propriety〕The quality of being proper; appropriateness.妥当:合适的特性;恰当美国传统〔proprium〕In Aristotelian thought, a predicable property common to all members of a kind but not constituting part of the definition of that kind.适论:在亚里士多德的思想中,某类所有成员可断定具有的共通特性,但该特性又无法成为该类的释义构成美国传统〔qualify〕To describe by enumerating the characteristics or qualities of; characterize.描述,形容:通过列举…的特点或特性来描述;刻画…的性格美国传统〔quality〕Hardness is a quality of steel.坚硬是钢的特性。韦氏高阶〔quality〕Mahogany has the quality of being durable.桃花心木具有耐久的特性美国传统〔quantum physics〕The branch of physics that uses quantum theory to describe and predict the properties of a physical system.量子物理学:物理学分支,用量子理论描述和预测物理系统的特性美国传统〔represent〕To describe or put forward (a person or thing) as an embodiment of a specified quality.叙述:描述或推荐(某人或某物)作为某一特性的具体表现美国传统〔respectability〕The quality, state, or characteristic of being respectable.受尊重的品格、地位或特性美国传统〔rigidity〕The quality or state of being rigid.刚性,坚硬:有刚性、坚硬的特性或状态美国传统〔sculpturesque〕Suggestive of or having the qualities of sculpture.有雕刻风味的:具有雕刻风味的或有雕刻风味特性的美国传统〔scurrility〕The quality of being vulgar, coarse, or abusive.下流,低水准:粗鄙、下流或毁谤的特性美国传统〔secrecy〕The quality or condition of being secret or hidden; concealment.秘密:秘密的或被隐藏的特性或状态;掩藏美国传统〔seditious〕Of, relating to, or having the nature of sedition.煽动叛乱的:煽动叛乱的、与之有关的、或有此特性的美国传统〔seismology〕The geophysical science of earthquakes and the mechanical properties of the earth.地震学:一门研究地震和地球力学特性的地球物理科学美国传统〔selenography〕The study of the physical features of the moon.月面学:对月球的物理特性的研究美国传统〔self-fertile〕Having the property of fertilizing itself; capable of self-fertilization.自体受精的:有自己受精特性的;能自花受精的美国传统〔terrestrial〕Having a worldly, mundane character or quality.世俗的:具有人间或尘世特征或特性的美国传统〔thixotropy〕The property exhibited by certain gels of becoming fluid when stirred or shaken and returning to the semisolid state upon standing.搅溶性:某种凝胶当搅动或晃动时呈液体状而静止时则呈半固体状的特性美国传统〔toxoid〕A substance that has been treated to destroy its toxic properties but retains the capacity to stimulate production of antitoxins, used in immunization.类毒素:经过处理后已消除其毒素特性的一种物质,但仍保留有激发产生抗毒素的能力,用于免疫中美国传统〔trait〕Creativity is a human trait.创造力是人类的一种特性。柯林斯高阶〔transmit〕Parents transmit some of their characteristics to their children.父母把某些特性遗传给子女。21世纪英汉〔trim〕Personal quality; character.人的性格,特性美国传统〔typical〕This reluctance to move towards a democratic state is typical of totalitarian regimes.不愿朝民主制国家迈进是极权主义政权的特性。柯林斯高阶〔wannabe〕A product designed to imitate the qualities or characteristics of something.仿制品:模仿某物的特性或特点的产品美国传统He is studying the medicinal properties of wild plants. 他正在研究野生植物的药物特性。译典通One of the properties of copper is that it conducts heat and electricity very well.铜的一个特性就是导热导电能力强。剑桥国际Reproduction is one of the essential properties of a living organism.繁殖是有生命的生物的最重要的特性之一。剑桥国际The car has a number of special safety features.这辆车有很多不同寻常的安全特性。剑桥国际The product has many other time-saving features.这个产品还有许多另外的省时特性。剑桥国际




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