

单词 淋巴
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔FDG〕FDG-PET is an imaging test to identify lymphomas and other cancers.氟18脱氧葡萄糖正电子计算机断层扫描是一种可用来确认淋巴癌和其他癌症的影像测试。剑桥高阶〔Haversian canal〕Any of the tiny, interconnecting, longitudinal channels in bone tissue through which blood vessels, nerve fibers, and lymphatics pass.哈弗斯骨管:骨组织中血管、神经纤维及淋巴管可以通过的任何细小的、相互连结的纵向通道美国传统〔Hodgkin's disease〕A malignant, progressive, sometimes fatal disease of unknown etiology, marked by enlargement of the lymph nodes, spleen, and liver.霍奇金氏病,淋巴肉芽肿病:一种病发原因不明的恶性、易严重恶化且有时致命的疾病,特征为淋巴结、肝或脾肿大美国传统〔Malpighian corpuscle〕A nodule of lymphatic tissue surrounding the smaller arteries in the spleen.淋巴小体:脾脏中细小动脉周围的淋巴组织结成的小瘤美国传统〔adenitis〕Inflammation of a lymph node or gland.淋巴腺炎:淋巴结或淋巴腺的炎症美国传统〔adenoidal〕Of or relating to the adenoids.腺的,淋巴组织的:腺或淋巴组织的,与腺或淋巴组织有关的美国传统〔adenoid〕Of, relating to, or resembling lymphatic glands or lymphoid tissue.淋巴组织的:淋巴腺或淋巴组织的,与淋巴腺或淋巴组织有关的,类似于淋巴腺或淋巴组织的美国传统〔angiology〕The study of blood and lymph vessels.血管淋巴管学,脉管学:对血管和淋巴管的研究美国传统〔angioma〕A tumor composed chiefly of lymph and blood vessels.管腺瘤;淋巴管瘤:主要由淋巴管和血管构成的肿瘤美国传统〔angioma〕Lymph angiomas are benign tumours of the lymphatic vessels.淋巴管瘤是在淋巴管中形成的良性肿瘤。剑桥高阶〔angiopathy〕Any of several diseases of the blood or lymph vessels.管腺病;淋巴管病:一种血管或淋巴管疾病美国传统〔blastogenesis〕The transformation of small lymphocytes into larger undifferentiated cells that are capable of undergoing mitosis.胚细胞样转变:小淋巴细胞向使其能经历有丝分裂的无差别的较大细胞的转变美国传统〔branch〕Anatomy An offshoot or a division of the main portion of a structure, especially that of a nerve, blood vessel, or lymphatic vessel; a ramus.【解剖学】 分支:某一结构主要部分的分支或分岔,尤指神经,血管,或淋巴管的;分支美国传统〔chylomicron〕One of the microscopic particles of emulsified fat found in the blood and lymph and formed during the digestion of fats.乳糜微粒:在血液和淋巴液中发现的乳化脂肪的细小颗粒,在脂肪的消化过程中生成美国传统〔circulatory system〕The system of structures, consisting of the heart, blood vessels, and lymphatics, by which blood and lymph are circulated throughout the body.循环系统:由心脏、血管和淋巴管组成的结构系统,血液和淋巴经其在体内循环美国传统〔corpuscle〕An unattached body cell, such as a blood or lymph cell.活细胞:孤立的身体细胞,例如血球细胞、淋巴细胞美国传统〔defence mechanism〕Lymphocytes are part of the body's defence mechanism and reject anything foreign.淋巴细胞是身体防御机制的一部分, 排斥任何外来物质。外研社新世纪〔define〕This type of lymphoma is defined by the presence of specific malignant cells.这种淋巴瘤确诊的依据是某些恶性肿瘤细胞的存在。牛津搭配〔determinant〕Immunology The portion of an immunogenic molecule with which an antibody or lymphocyte reacts.【免疫学】 免疫因子:与抗体或淋巴细胞反应的免疫基因分子美国传统〔drain away〕The lymph drains away excess fluids.淋巴排走多余的液体。外研社新世纪〔endolymph〕The fluid in the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear.内淋巴:耳内部膜质内耳中的水样液美国传统〔endothelium〕A thin layer of flat epithelial cells that lines serous cavities, lymph vessels, and blood vessels.内皮:被覆于浆液腔、淋巴管及血管的扁平上皮细胞的薄层美国传统〔enlargement〕Symptoms include enlargement of the lymph nodes.症状包括淋巴结肿大。韦氏高阶〔extravasate〕Pathology To force the flow of (blood or lymph) from a vessel out into surrounding tissue.【病理学】 使从脉管中渗出:使(血液或淋巴)从脉管中流入周围的组织美国传统〔extravascular〕Located or occurring outside a blood or lymph vessel.血管或淋巴管外的:位于或存在于血管或淋巴管外的美国传统〔farcy〕A chronic form of glanders that affects chiefly the skin and superficial lymph vessels.皮肤型鼻疽:主要影响皮肤和淋巴血管表面的一种慢性鼻疽病美国传统〔gamma-interferon〕A lymphokine produced by macrophages and T cells that is involved in regulation of the immune system and activation of phagocytes.γ干扰素:巨噬细胞和T淋巴细胞产生的淋巴因子,能调节免疫系统和活化吞噬细胞美国传统〔gland〕Any of various organs, such as lymph nodes, that resemble true glands but perform a nonsecretory function.无分泌功能的腺:一种器官,比如淋巴结,象真的腺但却不起分泌作用美国传统〔helper T cell〕A T cell that activates B cells to release antibodies and killer T cells to destroy cells having a specific antigenic makeup.赫尔珀淋巴细胞:一种T(淋巴)细胞,使B(淋巴)细胞活化并释放抗体及杀伤细胞以便摧毁那些带有某种特定抗原构造的细胞美国传统〔hematopoietic system〕The bodily system of organs and tissues, primarily the bone marrow, spleen, tonsils, and lymph nodes, involved in the production of blood.造血系统:身体的器官和组织系统,主要是产生血液的骨髓、脾、扁桃体和淋巴结美国传统〔hemolymph〕The circulatory fluid of certain invertebrates, analogous to blood in arthropods and to lymph in other invertebrates.血淋巴:某些无脊椎动物的循环体液,在节肢动物中起血液作用,在另外一些无脊椎动物中起淋巴的作用美国传统〔human T-cell lymphotropic virus III〕HTLV-III.三型T细胞嗜淋巴病毒美国传统〔humoral immunity〕The component of the immune response involving the transformation of B-lymphocytes into plasma cells that produce and secrete antibodies to a specific antigen.体液免疫:免疫反应的一部分,它将B淋巴细胞转化成原生质细胞,这种细胞能制造并分泌针对某种抗原的抗体美国传统〔humor〕A body fluid, such as blood, lymph, or bile.体液:一种体液,如血液、淋巴液或胆汁美国传统〔inguinal〕Inflammation of the inguinal nodes can be often linked to cancers in the genital tract or anal canal.腹股沟淋巴结发炎通常可以与生殖器道和肛管癌症联系起来。剑桥高阶〔intima〕The innermost membrane of an organ or a part, especially the inner lining of a lymphatic vessel, an artery, or a vein.内膜:器官或部位最里面的膜,特指淋巴管、动脉或静脉的内里美国传统〔lymphadenitis〕Inflammation of one or more lymph nodes.淋巴结炎:一个或多个淋巴结发生的炎症美国传统〔lymphadenopathy〕A chronic, abnormal enlargement of the lymph nodes, usually associated with disease.淋巴结病:淋巴结的慢性、异常的肿大,通常与疾病有关美国传统〔lymphatic system〕The interconnected system of spaces and vessels between body tissues and organs by which lymph circulates throughout the body.淋巴系统:身体组织与器官之间互相连接的空间和管道,淋巴液通过这些空间和管道在体内循环美国传统〔lymphatic〕A vessel that conveys lymph.输送淋巴的淋巴管美国传统〔lymphatic〕Of or relating to lymph, a lymph vessel, or a lymph node.淋巴的:淋巴、淋巴管或淋巴结的或与之有关的美国传统〔lymphoblast〕A cell that gives rise to a mature lymphocyte.淋巴母细胞:生成成熟淋巴细胞的细胞美国传统〔lymphocytosis〕A condition marked by an abnormal increase in the number of lymphocytes in the bloodstream, usually resulting from infection or inflammation.淋巴结胞增多症:一种以血液内淋巴细胞异常增多为特征的症状,一般是感染或发炎导致的美国传统〔lymphoedema〕Removing the lymph glands can sometimes lead to swelling known as lymphoedema.移除淋巴腺有时候会造成水肿,称为淋巴水肿。剑桥高阶〔lymphoid〕Of or relating to lymph or the lymphatic tissue where lymphocytes are formed.淋巴的,淋巴细胞的:淋巴、生成淋巴细胞的淋巴组织的或与之有关的美国传统〔lymphoma〕Any of various usually malignant tumors that arise in the lymph nodes or in other lymphoid tissue.淋巴瘤:任一种在淋巴结或其它淋巴组织中产生的通常为恶性的各种肿瘤美国传统〔lymphoma〕Hodgkin's/non-Hodgkin's lymphoma 何杰金氏/非何杰金氏淋巴瘤剑桥高阶〔lymphopoiesis〕The formation of lymphocytes.淋巴细胞的生成美国传统〔lymphotoxin〕A lymphokine that is toxic to certain susceptible target cells.淋巴毒素:对某些脆弱的目标细胞有毒的淋巴因子美国传统〔microcirculation〕The flow of blood or lymph through the smallest vessels of the body, as the venules, capillaries, and arterioles.微循环:身体最小血管中的血液或淋巴流,如小静脉、毛细管或小动脉中的美国传统〔monoclonal〕Monoclonal antibodies can be helpful in the treatment of recurrent, indolent non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.单克隆抗体可用来治疗复发无痛性非何杰金氏淋巴瘤。剑桥高阶〔non-Hodgkin's lymphoma〕Any of various malignant lymphomas characterized by the absence of Reed-Sternberg cells and producing symptoms similar to those of Hodgkin's disease.非霍奇金氏淋巴瘤:多种恶性淋巴瘤中的任何一种,其特点是缺乏里德—司坦伯氏细胞,并产生类似于霍奇金氏病的症状.美国传统〔perilymph〕The fluid in the space between the membranous and bony labyrinths of the inner ear.外淋巴:在内耳道粘膜与骨之间的液体美国传统〔pestilence〕A usually fatal epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague.瘟疫:通常指一种致命的传染病,尤指淋巴腺鼠疫美国传统〔plague〕A highly infectious, usually fatal, epidemic disease, especially bubonic plague.瘟疫,传染病:一种高度传染且经常是致命的瘟疫,特别指淋巴腺鼠疫美国传统〔plasma〕The clear, yellowish fluid portion of blood, lymph, or intramuscular fluid in which cells are suspended.浆:血液、淋巴液或肌肉内液中的透明的淡黄色液体部分,细胞悬浮在其中美国传统〔primary syphilis〕The first stage of syphilis, characterized by formation of a painless chancre at the point of infection and hardening and swelling of adjacent lymph nodes.初期梅毒:梅毒第一期,其特征为无痛,下疳在感染点的形成以及周围淋巴结的变硬和肿胀美国传统〔radical〕Cervical cancer may be cured with radical surgery when it is confined to the pelvis or regional lymph nodes.宫颈癌如果仅限于盆骨或周边淋巴结时,可以采用根除性手术治愈。剑桥高阶〔scrofulous〕Relating to, affected with, or resembling scrofula.淋巴腺结核的:与淋巴腺结核有关的,患淋巴腺结核的,似淋巴腺结核的美国传统〔serous fluid〕Any of various body fluids resembling serum, especially lymph.浆液:任何类似血清的体液,尤指淋巴液美国传统〔serum sickness〕A hypersensitive reaction to the administration of a foreign serum, characterized by fever, swelling, skin rash, and enlargement of the lymph nodes.血清性肝炎:因接受异源血清而引起的过敏反应,以发热、肿胀、皮疹和淋巴结增大为特征美国传统〔thymocyte〕A lymphocyte that derives from the thymus and is the precursor of a T cell.胸腺细胞:一种由胸腺繁殖而成的淋巴细胞,是T细胞的前身美国传统〔thymoma〕A usually benign tumor of the thymus, composed of epithelial and lymphoid cells.胸腺瘤:一种由上皮细胞和淋巴细胞构成的通常为良性的胸腺肿瘤美国传统〔toxoplasmosis〕An acquired disease characterized by fever, swollen lymph nodes, and lesions in the liver, heart, lungs, and brain.弓形病:一种后天产生的疾病,特点为发高烧、淋巴结肿大,以及肝、心脏、肺和脑部损伤美国传统〔transfer factor〕A polypeptide secreted by lymphocytes that is capable of transferring immunity from one cell or individual to another.转移因子:一种由淋巴细胞分泌的多肽,能把一种细胞或个体的免疫性转到另一种细胞或个体中美国传统〔tubercle〕Pathology A nodule or swelling, especially a mass of lymphocytes and epithelioid cells forming the characteristic lesion of tuberculosis.【病理学】 结核节:结节或肿瘤,尤指形成典型肿结核损害的堆淋巴球和上皮细胞美国传统〔varix〕An abnormally dilated or swollen vein, artery, or lymph vessel.静脉曲张:不正常地扩大或膨胀的静脉、动脉或淋巴血管美国传统〔vascular〕Of, characterized by, or containing vessels that carry or circulate fluids, such as blood, lymph, or sap through the body of an animal or a plant.脉管的,血管的:在动物或植物的体内运输或循环流动如血液、淋巴或体液等液体的管的,或以其为特点,或含有此种管的美国传统Lymph forms part of the body's defences against infection.淋巴液是人体防御疾病系统的组成部分。剑桥国际The great source of terror in early modern Europe was bubonic plague.在近代初期欧洲恐慌的最大根源是淋巴腺鼠疫。剑桥国际




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