

单词 渊源
释义 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Montauk〕A member of any of various Algonquian peoples of eastern and central Long Island connected with the Montauk.长岛蒙托克人:和蒙托克族有渊源关系的长岛东部和中部的各种阿尔冈昆民族的成员美国传统〔Nyanja〕A Bantu language closely related to Chewa and spoken in Malawi.尼扬扎语:在马拉维人们使用的一种班图语,与奇瓦语渊源很深美国传统〔association〕Blyth's association with the sea began in 1966.布莱思与大海的渊源始于1966年。外研社新世纪〔association〕They have a long association with the school and have donated millions of dollars to it.他们和这所学校很有渊源,已为该校捐赠了数百万美元。韦氏高阶〔colour〕He acknowledged that Mr Taylor's colour and ethnic origins were utterly irrelevant in the circumstances.他承认泰勒先生的肤色及种族渊源在此情况下毫不重要。外研社新世纪〔connection〕Our family feels a deep connection to the land.我们家和这块土地有很深的渊源。韦氏高阶〔ethnicity〕He said his ethnicity had not been important to him.他说他的种族渊源对他向来都不重要。柯林斯高阶〔go〕Their family goes back to the time of the Pilgrim Fathers.他们家族的渊源可追溯到清教徒前辈移民时代。牛津高阶〔higher criticism〕Critical study of biblical texts to ascertain their literary origins and history and the meaning and intention of the authors.《圣经》研究:对《圣经》文体进行评论性研究以解答各种疑问,其文学渊源、历史、作者意图和他的意义美国传统〔matriarchy〕A social system in which the mother is head of the family and descent is traced through the mother's side of the family.母系氏族制,母权制:母亲为一家之主和子女后代从母亲一边追溯渊源的社会体系美国传统〔matrilineage〕Line of descent as traced through the maternal side of a family.母系家族(或家谱):从母亲一边追溯渊源的后代家系美国传统〔pedigree〕Democracy is an idea with a pedigree stretching back to ancient Greece.民主思想的渊源可以追溯到古希腊。韦氏高阶〔pedigree〕The product has a pedigree going back to the last century.这项产品的渊源可追溯到上个世纪。牛津高阶〔root〕His family has roots in the New York theater scene.他的家庭与纽约戏剧界颇有渊源。韦氏高阶Many Christian festivals have pagan antecedents which stretch back into the distant past.很多基督教节日有其异教的渊源,它们可以上溯至远古时代。剑桥国际




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